Friday 10 August 2018

Weekends That Were - August 2018

Confessions of an Uber driver

Chapter 4 (31.8.18)

Friday evening and I’m out again.
It took about 10 minutes before I got my first lift then they kept coming. 
Highlights were: 
The young Sri Lankan student that took me right out to Calamvale somewhere – I ended up not knowing where I was but just followed my nose back in towards the nearest surge and ended up on Beaudesert Rd. That ride earned me $42. 
The next one was a couple going to The Zoo in the valley where I ended up in a very narrow side lane to drop them off. Took a bit of manoeuvring to get back out onto Brunswick st.
A young girl in South Brisbane needing to get to the post office in Toowong by 6pm, we used the Go Between Bridge (never been on it before and now twice in three days).  We just made it, I think. I never knew where the post office in Toowong was – now been there twice in three days as well!
A doctor picked up at the golf club near the RBH and dropped off at central station – I pulled up in the loading zone in traffic, but suspect I actually stopped illegally – hope I don’t get a ticket…..
The woman and young man who stank of pot – to the extent that I was starting to feel stoned and was worried the next passenger would think I had been smoking.
Three crazy, slightly drunk, passengers from Gosford going from the valley to the casino – I missed the turn onto North Quay and ended up on Coronation Drive. The phone holder kept falling out of the air vent and I finished their ride early so as not to charge them for my mistake. They were having great fun anyway and we had a few laughs although it was a bit of a shambles and I had to use Apple Maps to find my way back to the casino – but they were cool. I need to invest in a proper phone holder I think, the Uber one is just not reliable.
Three, or rather two, slightly tipsy girls - the third one was two months pregnant – going home early from the valley. Dropped one off in Kangaroo Pt, the other two in Morningside.
And finally a young couple picked up immediately afterwards going to the International airport terminal via the Gateway bridge. They were flying to Sri Lanka and we talked about Blue Whales and the Maldives – great conversation!
9pm and I was bursting for a toilet so went ‘Offline’ and drove to Mackers in Albion, grabbed a coffee, satisfied my immediate needs and headed home, back ‘Online’ again. It had gone quiet and nothing came up so arrived home at 9.30. 
Another fun night doing the Uber thang and more compliments and 5 star ratings.

I honestly have to say I'm loving this! Yeah, I'm a bit nervous - especially in the city, but I'm really enjoying it! Yes, most people ask where I'm from, why I'm doing it and similar type questions, so it's repetitive. However, I try to vary my answers just a little so it doesn't get boring for me and usually the conversation develops into more interesting, off the wall topics. The main thing I have to watch is where I'm going when I'm involved in talking or listening.........

Chapter 3 (29.8.18)

I thought I’d check out the potential ‘early morning’ option so set off at 6. (Wednesday)
I didn’t really know where would be good so just cruised around the local area waiting for something to happen. 
It took about 10 minutes before I picked up a doctor in Camp Hill and took him to the RBH. Then it was out along Gympie Rd – again following my nose really and ended up with a guy from the Stafford area into Wickham st. Traffic was heavy but conversation was interesting. I took a slightly different direction to the app – with the customer’s agreement - and managed to drop him right outside the door, despite the app taking me around to the back of the building….
Then a short ride from just outside the Valley into the city – my first city drop off – Ann st. Managed to find a Loading Dock so it worked out OK. Next pick-up was a Chinese student in West End who almost fell into the car, banging his shin on the car step on the way. He was in a rush to get to UQ so we agreed to take the Go Between Bridge - $3 toll to him. Managed to survive the drive before he almost fell out of the car again. I think he kept missing the step?
Next rider was off Main st Toowong. I got to the pick-up point, no sign of G. I drove around a narrow side street then back out onto Main st, then had to do a couple of dog legs to get back to where I had been. Apparently she’d been in a lift and couldn’t call me. I think I need to trust the app more and just wait.
Another female rider shortly afterwards in the Rosalie area took me back to West End via the William Jolly Bridge, followed by a lawyer and his client to the family law courts in the city.
I took a bit of a break then as there didn’t seem to be anything happening. Then decided to head home and fuel up on the way. 
Just as I turned towards Dutton Park and the service station, another ride – back into the Creek st area of the city. This chick knew all about stopping in the city, and Ubers, and was really helpful -guiding me to where I could legally pull in. 
Three and a half hours and I again decided to give it away for the day. I drove to the Puma service station in Dutton Park still ‘Online’ but nothing came up so I closed down and headed home.
Got more 5 Star ratings and a couple more compliments. All Good!

Chapter 2 (27.8.18)

My second foray into the world of Ubering was much less successful…..
I set out at 6pm (Monday). I hadn’t felt like dealing with the traffic at an earlier time and just wanted to see how it would pan out.
Down to Annerley and just turning onto Ipswich Rd and I got a job. Had to complete a (legal) U-turn and head back to the shopping centre area opposite the PA Hospital. I followed the app round and round the car park but couldn’t see my pick-up, E.
She rang me, said she could see me doing circles and asked me to go out and turn left, which I did, onto Cornwall st. still no E.
She rang me again just as I was about to call her and it turned out she LIVED nearby but was, in fact, in Bowen Hills (about 20 kms away). Obviously she had pressed the wrong button.
She said ‘Wow, you have a hot voice, do you want to come to a party?’I told her I was probably too old for her and when she asked what age? and I told her, she actually seemed to consider the possibility but admitted I probably was too old. It was a nice compliment anyway and when I cancelled her ride I pressed the ‘Do not charge rider’ button.
Almost immediately I got another customer – N needed to be picked up just round the corner and I took her to Dutton Park for $5.
Then I cruised down towards South Brisbane and along Vulture st and eventually to the cliffs at Kangaroo Pt where I had a smoke and waited – nothing. 
Back in the car I drove towards home via Woolloongabba, Annerley again, and out to Mt Gravatt central.
I decided that as nothing was happening I’d call it a ‘night’ – although I’d only been out 90 minutes. When I got home and went to go ‘Offline’ (you have to go 'Online' to be offered rides) – I discovered I had been ‘Offline’ for an unknown period of time……probably since Kangaroo Pt.

UUUUUHHHH DUUUUHHHH. Good one Colin, Mr-Super-Duper-Uber-Driver……….not!

Ah well, the night wasn't a complete waste, at least I’ve got a hot voice……

Confessions of an Uber driver

Chapter 1 (26.8.18)

I lost my Uber virginity today.
To a Dutch guy on holiday.
It’s taken weeks to fill in the paperwork, get the car inspected, have a medical, print off stuff at the library, fix the window tinting, have the car re-inspected, get the OK from my eye surgeon, lodge the forms with the Department of Transport, pay the fees and then pay more fees……..
But finally my time had come and out I went.
Sunday morning. 
It’s going to be an easy breaking in, I’m thinking, no traffic, not too busy, I’m sure, time to take my time and get it right. Time to understand the app. Time to welcome the customers, offer them their choice of music, chat pleasantly in a relaxed, hassle-free atmosphere while I get my head around things…..
M from Holland was going to River Tce, Kangaroo Pt. 
Easy peasy, thinks I. 
The app took a little bit of a different route and, I wondered, hmmmmmm that’s a bit weird, but whatever…..
Then it all started to happen.
I had forgotten the Bridge to Brisbane Fun Run and the impact it had on road closures. 
To top it off it was a wet, wet morning. The first really wet day since March. I don’t know how much ‘Fun’ the Fun Run was, but there were, literally, thousands of people walking around in wet t-shirts.
Road closures started before the Storey Bridge and affected all of Kangaroo Point, parts of South Brisbane and most of Woolloongabba.
I couldn’t get M to his desired destination, but he was good enough to accept a drop-off 100 meters away.
Next pick up was only a few streets away and it was a quickie. Then I accepted a ride that required me to be down in the bowels of Kangaroo Pt. 
I had to go past police blockades and crawl through endless, brainless, direction-challenged traffic and still couldn’t get to the pick-up point. 
Luckily D walked to where I could pick him up and we set off successfully for him to collect a guitar in East Brisbane. 
On the way he asked if I would take him back again? Yeas, of course! says I confidently, not really very sure how to do that….. but we worked it out and I returned him safely to his original pick–up point behind the police barricades. 
My next rider, C, was only 30 seconds away and I was there pronto. C wasn’t.
I rang her and waited for 3 minutes while they settled their hotel bill, then it was back past the same policeman and, thank God, off to Annerley and out of the traffic nightmare.
My next pick-up, however, was a lady from Greece who needed to be in South Brisbane…….back into road closures and traffic snarls, the rain belting down.
Dropped her off successfully and then tried to pick up another D in a closed road-  a phone call from a loading zone (where I can legally park for 2 minutes) and three wet, bedraggled people appeared around the corner and……..we were off to Annerley again!
I could see the surge in the city area, but was in no rush to hurry back into that. 
Somehow I ended up in South Brisbane again anyway (can’t remember how now) and in an absolute solid carpark in Grey street – mainly because someone in their wisdom had closed off all but one lane in Vulture st……
I accepted a ride – who then cancelled - $6 to me. I accepted another one and he cancelled too. 
Along with everyone else in Brisbane, it seemed, I just wasn’t going anywhere. 
I finally accepted another as I squeezed out into Vulture st heading east. 
I could see the older couple standing just up the road in Vulture st – to the west….
I eventually did a U-turn through traffic bollards to get back to them. I was the fifth Uber they'd called - and the only one to make it - how good am I? Eh? Eh?
They were panicking because they were hosting a function in Indooroopilly which started in 10 minutes.
10 minutes??? You’re kiddin’!
I did manage to work out how to get around South Brisbane via Annerley Rd and the freeway and we did get to the destination in about 20 mins without breaking any serious road rules. They were sweet and very happy.
The day progressed with a couple of good long rides – Indooroopilly to New Farm, New Farm to the airport, Clayfield to Paddington – and a couple of short ones in between.
I did miss a turn on the Indooroopilly to New Farm ride and had to double back over the, now re-opened, Storey Bridge. I took the liberty of ending the customer’s ride a few minutes short of her destination to compensate her for my mistake. I didn’t realise that when I did that, I lost her destination on my screen……..but we found it anyway.
After 5 hours, in Paddington, I decided I had done enough, was happy with the earnings I had earned and very pleased with myself. I had enjoyed the morning enormously considering the conditions and felt I had provided a friendly, efficient, positive service. Everyone had been very nice and seemed to enjoy the ride.
Only 7 of the 12 rides rated me, all 5 stars with some positive extra comments. (I gave all my rides 5 stars)
I am happy and looking forward to more!
Much like losing one's real virginity............



Picked Mr P up at 6.45 and were on site by 7. It had rained briefly, but heavily, in the early hours resulting in a clean, clear morning. Bird activity wasn’t too bad with some nice irregular additions – a not-too-distant Swamp Wallaby in the Avenue, a Little Shrike Thrush on the Airfield Track, a White-necked Heron that glided in, circled the lake and appeared to move on without landing, 3 Magpie Geese and 3 Rufous Fantails and Mr P got onto the Baillon’s Crake in the corner of the pond, just out of my line of sight.
Yellow-faced Honeyeaters and Silvereyes were around in flocks and 2 White-breasted Wood Swallows completed the ‘nice birds to see here’ quota.
Unfortunately, Mr P had a prior commitment so breakfast was out, instead we had a cup of coffee at his place with Kirsten, James and their crazy frenetic dog, called Happy, before I headed home.

Black or Swamp Wallaby Wallabia bicolor



I hadn’t been to Anstead since March and I felt a slow walk in the woods would be good for my soul so……
Didn’t get there till 7 and wandered around for two hours. It was pretty quiet, although there was a better than average variety. The usual stuff including one White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike, several Peaceful Doves, Red-browed Finches and Fan-tailed Cuckoos, but nothing to start the heart.



There had been reports of a Pallid Cuckoo at Minnippi earlier in the week so we decided it was worth a try. On site by 7 via Mr D’s chariot, the usual Saturday morning ‘Park Run’ was on with hundreds of joggers on the path and some dickhead clapping his hands and shouting encouragement to every passing runner, I was going to break his fingers but restrained myself. So much for a quiet morning in the park……
We surveyed the lake from below the powerlines and I spotted a small greyish shape dodging in and out of the reed bed some distance away along the edge of the lily pads – a Baillon’s Crake. Seems like it’s our ‘bird of the moment’ at the moment….
The M1 track was birdy but nothing out of the ordinary for the time of year. The rest of the walk was of a similar vein – the usual winter species. Neither of us had the enthusiasm or drive to do the airfield track so simply sat at the raptor lookout while I had a smoke, then headed down the west side of the lake and tried for the Pallid Cuckoo which had been reported in that area. Playback elicited no response so we continued on back to the car park and on to our usual Belesis’s breakfast.



Picked Mr D up at 6.30 and we headed for Oxley.
The track was fairly birdy but nothing unusual showed for the most part, although a Black Kite flew slowly overhead near the beginning of the track.
When we reached the water holes there were a number of Hardheads among the Black Ducks, Red-kneed and Black-fronted Dotterels and, most surprisingly of all, Mr D picked up a Baillon’s Crake scurrying along the edge of the reeds and lily pads. It wasn’t the best of views, being rather distant, but identification was conclusive. This is only my second record for this site and seems, dare I say it?, a little off-season.
A pair of Brown Falcons, one very dark morph, put in an appearance shortly afterwards. There had been reports (and flight photos) of a pair of ‘Black’ Falcons during the week - we saw no other evidence of Falcons on site.
After the trudge back to the car we retired to Café Europa in Sherwood for the usual disciplined Austrian-type breakfast and a lengthy discussion about life in general.