Saturday 13 October 2018

Weekends That Were - October 2018



A damp, cool morning to start with, it warmed up quickly to a moist heat as the previous day’s rain evaporated.
It was quite birdy, but nothing of much consequence.

‘The’ Black Kite, that seems to be almost a resident, appeared on cue over the ponds. The most ‘exciting’ bird of the morning was my second-site-record-only Comb-crested Jacana, other than that it was a bit of a non-event.

Confessions of an Uber driver (cont)

Chapter 40 (29.10.18 Monday)

My first evah Monday morning expedition - I didn’t expect a quick response, but had a ride almost immediately I left the driveway just after 6. A young girl from Holland Park to Yeronga.
Headed back in towards Annerley and picked up another girl going into Creek st in the city.
The next ride was interesting – a carpenter who had broken his back snowboarding in Canada and had had a torrid time of it since - took him to a training course in Murarrie to qualify as a trainer/assessor and put his skills to use while avoiding being 'on tools', which was difficult for him now. We had an interesting chat around mutual accidents, recovery and training in general.
As I dropped him off in the Metroplex complex my next ride popped – 19 minutes away in Manly! An unusually long drive to a pick-up point. Before I left Metroplex the rider texted me to advise – ‘we have 4 suitcases and 3 carry-ons will that be OK?’
I stopped to text a reply advising it would be fine – this almost definitely had to be an airport run.
Sure enough, parents and daughter from Seattle, Washington to the international departure. They were concerned we wouldn’t make it in time, but we arrived without any dramas with plenty of time in hand.
Heading away from the airport I picked up another guy for a short ride to a storage facility in the Hendra area, then a young schoolgirl, taking her to school, and finally a young guy from Lutwyche to South Brisbane to pick up his car.
I needed a toilet at that stage so went Offline and hit the facilities at Kangaroo Point. By then it was 9 and things had settled down, I was within easy reach of home and had earned enough to make the morning worthwhile.

7 Rides    387 Total

251 x 5* ; 4 x 4*, 2 x 3* My rating = 4.97


Tinchi Tamba

A Buff-breasted Sandpiper AND a Long-toed Stint were reported from Tinchi Tamba in the Boondall wetlands mid -afternoon Saturday. Most of the ‘well-known’ birders were advised and got out to see them before dark.
Mr D and I joined the smallish group of other birders at 7.00 (Sunday morning) after trekking through the mangroves and mud. There were large numbers of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers and White-headed Stilts on the shallow clay pans with a very few Red-necked Stints scattered here and there.
We stuck it out for two and a half hours scanning through the flocks, seeing the arrival of approx 40 Red Knot and a few Bar-tailed and Black-tailed Godwits among other common waders but no sign of The Sandpiper. Some claimed to have seen the Stint, but didn’t call it when they did, so neither of us got on to it or were aware of where it was.

All in all it was a waste of time – as most of our twitches seem to be. Maybe it will turn up somewhere else, maybe it’s gone for good, only time will tell. It was good to catch up with Rod Gardner, but other than that? A wasted exercise.

Confessions of an Uber driver (cont)

Chapter 39 (27.10.18 Saturday)

With nothing else to do I decided I might as well sit in the air-conditioned comfort of my car and read instead of lying on my couch and doing the same, so I set out just before 15.00.
My first ride came before I had left the driveway – a young guy from Tarragindi to the Shafston Hotel in East Brisbane for a few drinks and bets.
I drove from there up to the Kangaroo Pt cliffs without any action and settled down to read for a while. 
15 minutes later I had just decided to head towards Bulimba when a ride popped at the German Club on Vulture st. 
I picked up two men around my age group. They had had a bit to drink but were no risk, however, they were the two most bigoted, racist people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting and I couldn’t wait to get them out of the car in Moorooka.
With little happening out that way I headed back towards home via Tarragindi and parked up again – its proved worthwhile in the past and did so again. Within 5 minutes I picked up a young, very slender, pretty girl and took her to a friend’s house in Highgate Hill.
Almost immediately another ride – this time an Asian girl going home to Kangaroo Pt from her work in a local bakery – the fresh bread she had with her smelt wonderful in the car!
A few minutes later and another pickup at the German Club – this time, thank goodness, a (sober) young lady going home to Paddington. Interesting chat about Oktoberfest which is still being celebrated in said German Club.
A short ride followed with two young people who were almost non-communicative and a bit up themselves. However, it takes all sorts…..
An 8 minute drive followed to pick up a guy in Ashgrove out to The Gap with his bottle of wine. A private liaison I suspect….
Then an 11 minute drive popped. 
Eleven minutes? 
Unusual for the ride to be that far away. However, I was unlikely to get much out here so followed it up. The app took me out the Mt Nebo Rd past the National Park headquarters and up a side road to eventually find two guys at a relatively isolated house in the bush.
They stank of weed and were very quiet all the way on the 35 minute drive to Mansfield. Nice to have a good run, without any pressure, knowing exactly where I was going, how I would get there and the route very familiar. Both the car and I enjoyed it, but I only made $34 despite the distance.
I picked up a couple just around the corner from the tavern and took them into Brunswick st. They hardly said a word to each other or me during the drive, but again a pleasant run as I knew the way I had to go and the traffic was relatively light.
I needed a toilet break and went Offline to head out to my favourite Macker’s on Lutwyche Rd.
When I came Online again there was a massive surge happening in the Stafford area so I went Offline and charged out Lutwyche Rd as quickly as I could. Once there, Online again, I picked up a ride near Stafford City – two girls going to a party in Toowong. Another decent ride, price-wise, including a surge bonus, we avoided tunnels by mutual consent and listened to the radio on the way – something I rarely do, disliking intensely the mindless chatter of the self-important ‘personalities’.
Immediately I dropped them off another ride popped nearby – a middle aged couple going to the Queensland Theatre in South Brisbane via the Go Between Bridge.
I parked up again, but, before I could open my book, another ride, this one from nearby Beesley st to Elizabeth st in the city for an almost silent Chinese chick – I think it was a language thing rather than any other reason.
I had just turned off Elizabeth, up Creek st and was sitting at the next set of lights when a ride popped – and the customer was right beside me on the corner. 
It turned out to be 4 customers – 2 male, 2 female, all Chinese – who piled in and we set off for Salisbury. We did not exchange one word on the drive even though, for some inexplicable reason, one of the girls sobbed most of the way and even when I asked ‘are you OK?’ I got no reply from anyone.
They disappeared into the night and I figured I’d give it away – 
1. I had made enough to satisfy myself and Uber, 
2. It was 20.00 and I’d worked 5 hours – more or less, and 
3. I needed fuel. 
So I up anchored and went to Dutton Park to fuel up before heading home.
The day turned out to be my best hourly rate so far @ $39.85.

13 Rides     380 Total

246 x 5* ; (now) x 4*- once again no explanation, & the same 2 x 3* My Rating = still 4.97.

Chapter 38 (26.10.18 Friday)

I headed out at 18.00 – nothing much else to do and feeling a little……..well, I don’t know, a bit lost maybe?
Anyway, I picked up my first ride straight away – a guy just up the road into the casino to meet his wife. Good chat about cars, Pajeros in particular.
Heading out along Roma st I picked up my second ride – an Asian guy with his face made up to resemble a cat (?) or something – he was going to a party in the Meriton apartments. Dropped him off and immediately another ride popped for a Russian sounding couple all dressed up to attend a ‘boxing function’ at Cloudland in the valley. Just another short ride. 
I drifted down towards Newstead and picked up a couple near the Waterloo Hotel – back to Queen st mall. 
The next ride was a pick-up in Adelaide st where I took a chance and stopped in a bus zone for a young woman going to a friend’s opening of a new furniture salesroom in West End, she was very sweet.
I sat for a while in Montague Rd and picked up a ride as I started to roll a cigarette – this was a very short ride for a chick from the ferry terminal home to an apartment in South Brisbane.
My next ride was a crazy couple of 40+ year-old women from an apartment block in West End to Dock st, where we picked up a guy and I took them all to Wickham st in the valley. They were already well on the way to a big night out and she couldn’t change the destination in the app from Dock st to Wickham st so I just drove and closed off the ride once I got there.
Heading out of the valley down Newstead way again, a ride popped at the bowls club and I picked up a young woman and took her all the way to Pinjarra Hills – out past Kenmore. A good ride ($30), profit-wise, but again it left me well out in the sticks with minimal hope of another pickup.
I headed back in towards the city and, to my surprise, just off Fig Tree Pocket rd, got a ride.
Pulling up outside the house I realised there was some sort of party going on and sat waiting for the rider to emerge. I had almost reached the point of cancellation, cutting my losses, when two guys and a girl appeared. Both the guys had bottles of beer in their hands and I told them to get rid of them. They did as she jumped in the front seat and said ‘You’re definitely an Uber driver, aren’t you? You’re not going to drive away with me?’ I assured her everything was OK and watched the two guys get aboard, assessing their condition. As it happened they were fine and we headed in to Wickham st again. It was a lucky pickup really, getting me back into the centre of things.
I drove out of the valley – going Offline to avoid picking up any drunks as it was now after 21.00 – and parked up in Newstead.  Another ride popped from the bowls club and I picked up a sober guy and took him to Mitchelton. Heading sort of home, with a vague hope of possibly another ride before the city, I picked up two girls near the Army barracks in Enoggera. They were pretty pissy and excited, but no issue. I dropped them in Wickham st and rejected calls until I could go Offline and head home.

It was a profitable 4 hours without any dramas, but I had had enough and it was getting to that stage when you run the risk of rides you don’t want……….. 

11 Rides    367 Total

237 x 5 * ; 3 x 4 * & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.97



I thought after the rain of the previous night things might spark up in Trotter.
Nope – much the same as always.
Very quiet throughout with the only bright point being a Collared Sparrowhawk perched up momentarily in a thick shrub. 
Sometimes I wonder why I bother.

Chapter 37 (25.10.18 Thursday)

It took over half an hour before I picked up my first ride – after I’d driven almost to Kangaroo Pt. A young woman going to work in Bowen Hills.
A second ‘cheap’ ride from Red Hill just into Roma st for another young woman. Then I drove out as far as Bardon before picking up my third ride of the day – yet another woman going to work in Ann st in the city. We had a great conversation regarding flying international with young kids.
Heading back out towards Red Hill I picked up the ride of the day – if not the month - along Musgrave Rd, a guy to Redcliffe!
With his agreement we went through the airport link and out the Southern Cross motorway, across the bridge and down Anzac Ave. He hardly said a word the whole trip and wasn’t interested in listening to any music so it was a pretty quiet trip.
Unfortunately, at a fork on Anzac Ave I got in the wrong lane and had to fork right, instead of left. The app re-routed itself – but tried to take me down a road in a new estate that didn’t exist…….
With the rider’s help I found my way back to Anzac Ave – where I terminated the ride early and 5 minutes later dropped him off at the Aeroclub. A $56 ride for me – the longest (42 kms) and furthest from Brisbane I have been so far. 
The only problem was – I was now well outside the main traffic area and didn’t really want to spend time driving people around Redcliffe. So, for the first time, I used the ‘Destination’ option on the app. I put in CBD and the system started looking for rides going in that general direction. I didn’t really hold out much hope, but within a few minutes picked up a girl and took her to Ikea in North Lakes where she ‘really enjoyed’ working.
Shortly after that another short ride for a guy home with his shopping to Doyle’s Rocks Rd and I was on my own way home via the Pine River bridge.
I didn’t pick up any more rides – actually went Offline half way along Gympie Rd – but I’d had a relatively successful morning and had had enough.

6 Trips            356 Total

231 x 5* ; 3 x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.97



Following the heavy rain storm of yesterday I thought I’d have a look at Minnippi. Very often after heavy rain activity increases.
It was quite birdy, but not much out of the norm so far as quality was concerned. The Wandering Whistle Ducks and Whiskered Tern were still on site – the former half hidden away at the back of the pond and the latter perched up on the boardwalk rail necessitating a photo.

Whiskered Tern
The M1 track was very quiet, apart from a solitary Oriental Dollarbird display flighting overhead. The bird of the morning was probably the single Red-browed Finch in the long grass between the Avenue and the lake. Most often seen in winter, this was my first spring record.
I sat at the raptor lookout and a Whistling Kite flew past fairly high and with determination despite a Masked Lapwing having a half-hearted go at it. It just kept going into the distance with no sign of stopping.
I walked the Airfield Track which was a waste of time really and sat again at the lookout for a smoke before heading home. There were at least two Masked Lapwing chicks running around the carpark field being guarded by their aggressive parents – I didn’t venture too close.


Last week my tax accountant asked me how I was enjoying retirement. 
I’ve been asked this before but never really thought about it. Her casual query, though, has caused me to reflect over the last few days on the past (almost) three years.

The first fact that comes to mind – especially when hearing from people still employed – is something I definitely am happy about. 
I don’t have to put up with the internal politics and dire lack of genuine leadership prevalent in Australian management.
We’ve all had to deal with it – well, all of us who are simply ‘employees’ and have to answer to a higher authority. The lack of any semblance of genuine leadership, the nepotism, the back-stabbing, the absence of interest in staff, their avoidance of responsibility, the poor decision making, the absence of organisational skills, their first to find blame and their last to recognise effort, their selfishness in the extreme…..I could go on, but we all know what it’s like.
THAT I do not miss and am very happy not to have to suffer it daily anymore. 
I do miss, somewhat the discipline of employment – i.e. not having to get up and go somewhere every day, but there are, of course, compensations for that.

I have enjoyed the freedom to travel, the freedom to do what I wanted on a day by day basis as and when it suited me, the minimal demands put on me by others.

I have delighted in the time I have been available to spend with my grandsons – to see them grow and develop and interact with them on a very regular basis and be, I believe, an important part of their lives – short though two of them have been so far (1x1 year and 1x6 months). Lincoln (5) especially is a hugely important part of my life that I wouldn’t trade for love or money. 
Having said that, I also appreciate the fact that I am there as support and in a special role. I am not their parent and so my life continues, as it should, slightly separated from their family units. I recognise how critical it is for each to be a family unit and grow together without my interference – but I still take lollies in my pocket every time I visit…..

I am lucky, I guess, in that I have sufficient funds so that I do not need to worry too much about the future and where I’ll be in the years ahead. I am still frugal and don’t spend money unnecessarily, but I do satisfy my needs without hesitation and am certainly in a strong financial position. I say ‘lucky’ – but after all, I had to put up with the people I described in the second paragraph above for 35 years to get to where I am now. I deserve adequate compensation and I think they got value for their money out of me!

Since the accident the year before last, I have come to appreciate life more deeply. I now understand that it can end unexpectedly and suddenly without notice and have come to realise one should hold on to and treasure the elements of life that are important and do make you happy, because it can all end in an instant. I think as one gets older this appreciation happens even if you don’t nearly kill yourself, but I hadn’t really come to that point before December 2016.

Having said all that……there have been times when I have been lonely. 
I don’t have a huge circle of friends. 
I don’t have a partner. There have been many days – or parts thereof - when I might have wished otherwise.
However, in all honesty, this is the life I chose, this is what I signed up for. This is, maybe, what fate had in store for me anyway? 
I have never been very sociable – preferring to concentrate my loyalty in a few people, rather than spreading it around more thinly. I have always been a bit of a loner and, I guess, now, that is playing out in full. 
I don’t, however, always feel I have control over that situation. 
Sometimes it feels like I was destined for this, at others I wonder just where I went wrong? 

One important aspect of my type of retirement is having too much time on my hands. 
Regardless of what some people might believe, I do think a lot. Yes, I am impulsive and don’t hesitate to make decisions, but I do spend a lot of time just thinking - about the past, the future, outcomes, possibilities – and that is probably one of the major impacts of my current situation. 
The time to dwell. Not always healthy? Maybe – but it’s the way it is for me.
Pilates, Krav Maga and, especially, taking up Uber driving have helped to ‘fill the time’ at this point in my retirement. Whether I will continue all three next year I don’t know yet, time will tell, I guess.

I have travelled - and plan to do more, having just booked my flight to Dublin for Christmas.
I have birded a lot – obviously my primary interest. That has waned a little in the past few months, but has revitalised lately.
I have read a LOT of books – almost exhausted the Holland Park library resources I think!
I have watched a fair bit of TV, Netflix etc. 

Some days, though, I really have very little to do and that can be frustrating.

I’m not a joiner – I’m not interested in clubs, groups or sporting activities. 
I’m not a volunteer type – it’s just not me, or else I just haven’t found anything I want to do for free yet.
 I’m not a huge fitness freak – although lately I have been working on that with a view to the future – and a secret, but impossible desire, to turn back time……

I’m not lazy – but I’m not industrious and sometimes struggle to be motivated. One thing I have observed is a tendency to ‘put off till tomorrow what I don’t feel like doing today’. It does get done – but maybe not as soon as it could.

It has been, at times a very rewarding three years. At others, an extremely challenging time – as evidenced in previous postings. 
I do not recommend getting hammered under a truck at 61, but – and it’s a big but – I am proud and very happy with my recovery. It has shown me strengths I didn’t know I possessed and, without any intended self congratulation, I am very pleased with myself in that specific regard. 
Other elements of my life have not been as satisfactory as I would have wished – and I have lacked strength, maybe, where those are concerned. It has shown me my weaknesses and my failings and I have, and am, tried and trying, to understand and improve on those.

I don’t think I would have had the time to consider myself in the same light had I been still employed.

My mother has always said, your health is your wealth. She’s absolutely right and I have come to appreciate that much, much more in the last few years. This, again, is not necessarily reliant on one being retired, it’s probably a natural progression as one gets older. But in my case it has come to the fore over the last two years and, even more so now. Thankfully I am fairly healthy and, at this stage, have no relevant infirmities or bodily decay to worry too much about! Yes, I have twinges and find I do not recover as quickly as I used to – but that’s an age thing too and nothing to do with being retired.

So – am I enjoying retirement?

Yeeees - with some reservations. I certainly don’t regret leaving the work force.

It’s been an interesting exercise to take the time to reflect.

Now I need more time to think about it further……………

Confessions of an Uber driver (cont)

Chapter 36 (21.10.18 Sunday)

With nothing much to do I spent the day in the car.
After a lazy lie-in and cooked breakfast I headed out at 9.00
I sat in Swain st for a few minutes before getting my first ride from Coorparoo to South Brisbane for a guy going to a wedding breakfast. My second ride popped soon after – a short one into North Quay. This was followed by a good ride from Roma st out to Indooroopilly for two guys from America setting out on a diving trip to Byron Bay.
I got another ride almost immediately, surprisingly enough out there, to take a young guy half way up Mt Cootha to a friend’s house.
I had little idea where I was and just followed my nose back down to Indooroopilly again, picking up a short ride to a bike shop for a cyclist.
Once again a ride popped straight away and I took a bartender to work to Racecourse Rd.
Despite being in a ‘busy area’ according to the app, it took a while before I got another ride – from New Farm to Petrie Tce for a Brisbane Roar fan heading to a match at Suncorp stadium.
Then I picked up a young woman from Birmingham heading home to Melbourne via the airport – we had a good chat on the toll-free run. 
I got a rematch at the airport, but slightly stuffed up the turn around and, when I got to the barrier for the pick-up area, my beeper failed to register and I had to call for assistance and quote everything over the intercom before I could get in. It was a young UK couple who had been waiting. He was OK, but I think she was pissed off - I expect a less than perfect rating from them.
They got out in Spring Hill after a slightly frosty sort of trip and I went Offline to visit Mackers on Lutwyche Rd for coffee and a toilet break. 
After that I had several short runs while a storm hit the city and everyone ran for cover. Flooding water, lightning and thunder contributed to relatively empty streets making driving easier.  I got one ride of only about 300 meters in Newstead for a guy who had had a liquid lunch and didn’t want to walk down the road in the rain. Sounds ridiculous, and for him it really was, but for me it was probably the most profitable ride of the day. 300 meters = $7? Can’t complain about that!
My last ride of the day was 4 Chinese girls from New Farm park to Ascot. When I dropped them off I realised it was 16.20 and I decided to head for home. I had had a profitable day with an excellent hourly rate, thanks to back-to-back rides and helped by my sitting and waiting rather than driving around.

24 Rides           350 Total

223 x 5* ; x 4* (a new one from Friday night, I think) ; 2 x 3*  My rating = 4.97

Chapter 35 (19.10.18 Friday)

A very slow night with disappointing results really.
It was after 18.15 before I got on the road and I picked up two guys just up Logan Rd, almost immediately, and dropped them at the Wickham Hotel in the valley. Right away I got another ride, very close on Brunswick st – but the wrong direction. I rang A and asked her could she see the Wickham? It took a while, but eventually two middle aged women appeared, they were very happy that I had waited – I was happy they had made the effort to walk to the car.
It was a short ride, just down to New Farm, but they were in high spirits and we had a couple of laughs at the sights along the way.
Immediately after dropping them off another couple – this time into Eagle st. They said almost nothing to me, engrossed in conversation in the back, but were very polite when I dropped them off. Heading out of the CBD via George st I picked up another couple. They, too, had to walk a bit as where they were was an impossible stop point. They, too, were fine with it – but it was another very short ride, just back into Eagle st.
Then it went very quiet and I ended up at Mackers on Lutwyche rd – my favourite city toilet spot…
Sat for a while, then drove to Newmarket, Ashgrove, Red Hill, Paddington – without any result. I was seriously thinking of quitting and going home when a ride popped in Caxton st.
I tried really, really hard to find S, but despite several phone calls, circling the block twice and stopping at different spots, in the end I cancelled. I just couldn’t find her.
That was my first ever cancellation and, admittedly, I did get paid ‘wait time’ as I was on the pin twice and she wasn’t to be found, but I don’t like to cancel once I accept a ride – it was just impossible in that area and I had wasted 10 minutes driving around and along Caxton st.
Still thinking of heading home when another one popped close by – 4 young people going to the Prince of Wales Hotel at Nundah.
Not a bad ride, cash wise, but it left me a bit out on the edge ride-wise. It got a bit worse when I picked up a single guy in the shopping centre 5 minutes later and took him home to somewhere in Geebung.
Now I was really out on the edge, so to speak, and drove all the way back to the RBH without any result. I went Offline at the RBH as I drove through the valley – trying to avoid any drunken pickups. I went Online again on the Storey Bridge and got a pick up at one of the hotels.
She was drunk. 
As a skunk. 
Could hardly put two words together. 
She’d been at her sister’s wedding and was going home.
I checked she was OK and she assured me she was. It was only a short ride into the valley and we made it in one piece, although I held my breath the whole way and took the corners nice and slow….
Once again went Offline to get out of the valley and remained that way as I headed for Dutton Park to fuel up on the way home. 
After the service station, and just for the hell of it, I went Online again …….. and picked up a guy from Annerley shopping centre to go to Kangaroo Pt. he’d been working late and we had a good chat about Oktoberfest and the costumes before I dropped him off, went Offline and really did head home.

8 Rides      326 Total

211 x 5* ; 2 x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = still 4.97


Anstead & Moggill Swamp

Headed out west for a very quick run to Anstead. It was nice to let the car have its head along the winding road with minimal traffic.
A bright sunny morning following the days of rain we have had recently. It wasn’t very birdy, but the quality was OK. I didn’t see any Fairy-wrens or other small near-ground dwelling passerines – I think the dubious efforts at removing the invasive lantana has definitely negatively affected small bird numbers.
A nice male Common Cicadabird, a fly over flock of 40 Topknot Pigeons, a calling Common Bronzewing and an enthusiastically courting Apostlebird resulting in repeated mating (lucky devil) were probably the highlights.
I saw 3 separate Red-necked Wallabies which shows how quiet the track was – I only saw one old guy walking his dog on the bitumen stretch.
I went on to the Moggill Swamp as the recent rain might have put some water in there?
A Black Kite swooped low over the road on the way and a pair of Little Corellas investigated a nesthole across the road from the swamp.
The left side of the road and the area ‘further up’ were dry, but the usual swamp area on the right had a few resident Purple Swamphens, Eastern Cattle Egrets and a single Glossy Ibis– which might have been bird of the morning…..

Confessions of an Uber driver (cont)

Chapter 34 (18.10.18 Thursday)

I sat in Swain st from 6 till 6.35 without a ride. It was a very wet morning and I expected it to be busy – but nothing was going on. 
Eventually a ride popped, not far away, but out to Sunnybank Hills. It was OK, but it left me further away from any possible action, so I drove back in via McGregor and Orange Grove Rd, trying to avoid heavy traffic, heading roughly for Camp Hill where things seemed to be warming up.
I picked up a couple in the heights of Coorparoo next. They told me that they had the same type of car themselves as we headed in towards the city and the M3. As we descended a hill towards Logan rd, a car on the opposite side of the road spun out, sliding sideways down the hill towards us. I managed to get round it before we came to any grief and carried on as if it happened to me every day – a true professional! I think I might have captured it on my Go Pro.

Id did but it doesn't look as exciting as it did at the time....

Dropped them off in Ann st and and almost immediately picked up a ride near Mowbray Park. The app wanted to take me through the Clem Jones tunnel, but I thought otherwise and used the Storey bridge – actually a quicker journey as it turned out. Picked up a lovely girl there and took her back in to Spring Hill.
My next ride was close by and I took another young girl into the Teneriffe area -  a short ride. Another close by pick up saw me take another attractive girl into George st – it was a very slow run through the city and she took part in an international meeting on her phone while we crawled through the traffic. 
I decided to head out of town and so up to Spring Hill where a ride popped for Red Hill and I picked up yet another attractive woman - back in to Spring Hill! On the way the traffic was snarled as a 4WD had crossed from the other side of the road to ours and gone into a fence, luckily without hitting anything else.
Once again heading out of town I picked up a guy in Herschel st but he only needed to go to Turbot st – he could have walked it quicker, but he was quite friendly and I dropped him off before Edward st.
Once again heading out of town a ride popped for a pickup in Spring Hill. This one took myself and another female passenger out to Paddington.
Most of the rides had been short and not very profitable, it was 9.30 and I decided I had had enough of heavy traffic and rain – even though all my passengers had been lovely.
So I went Offline and headed home.
That’s the only problem with mornings during the week – the rides are invariably short and always in heavy traffic. My mileage for the morning was minimal, in reality, but the hours spent sitting at lights and waiting for movement reduced the hourly rate dramatically. One airport ride would have made a big difference, but unfortunately that doesn’t always happen.

9 Rides                318 Total

My rating = 4.97 (unable to access details right now, but assume I would have got at least 1 more 5* to bring me up to 200?)



With the rain of the last few days the track was muddy and there was quite a bit of ‘standing water’ along it and in the dips in the fields. The ponds were overflowing, but at least it was quite birdy.
Nothing really remarkable, I guess, but a Black Kite near the ponds was nice – although almost a regular occurrence these days. The only other raptor was a single Black-shouldered Kite perched up in one of the dead trees.

Apart from that it was all pretty much as normal and I ended up with a list of 56 species, which wasn’t too bad. The usual covey of Brown Quail along the track, two Great Cormorants on the main pond and a Leaden Flycatcher (definitely Leaden!) on the way back were the other ‘highlights’ of an otherwise pleasant, but damp morning’s stroll.

Confessions of an Uber driver (cont)

Chapter 33 (16.10.18 Tuesday)

I set off just after 5.30. It was after 6 before I got my first ride. I was a little surprised because it was a wet morning and I had expected there to be more demand.
The first ride wasn’t too bad – a young mother going home from work from Holland Park to Tingalpa. For some reason her pick-up point actually showed a couple of streets away from where she waited, but we sorted it out and I dropped her home some time later. 
Started heading into the city along Wynnum Rd with no specific destination in mind – then picked up a guy in Norman Park and dropped him into Eagle st.
As I left the city a short ride from Herschel st just to William St, then a good lift from Burnett Lane off the Mall for a couple to the airport. I took them via Wynnum Rd and the toll bridge as getting into the tunnel from the city proved impossible. I had hoped for a re-0match ride at the airport, but it didn’t eventuate but it gave me a chance to have a smoke on my way back to Sandgate Rd.
The next ride was just off Sandgate Rd but only to Chermside for another young mother, going to work this time.
Again heading in towards the city a ride popped on the other side of Gympie Rd and it took me some time to find my way there. It was another short one, back across Gympie Rd to Wavell State School for a young mother, again, with her son.
Another ride popped – again on the other side of Gympie Rd from where I was…….this time a guy to Ann st in the city. 
I decided to head to Mackers in Milton for their toilet and went Offline while I did so, then headed up towards Red Hill – usually an active area. 
Sure enough I picked up a chick going home from her boyfriend’s place and took her across the Go Between bridge to West End. Immediately after that another guy – this time to Bowen Hills, avoiding the Go Between bridge at his request.
I drifted down towards Newstead and parked there for a few minutes, but everything seemed very quiet and it was now 10.00, so I headed home, fuelling up on the way.

9 Rides       309 Total

199 x 5* ; 2 x 4* ; 2 x 3*  My Rating = 4.97


Pt Lookout, North Stradbroke Island - again

I met Mr J at the ferry terminal – on a very wet morning to start with.
At the Point the wind was almost non-existent and the seas almost empty, apart from a few Wedge-tailed Shearwaters. It was so still the spray from the heavy breakers hung in the air creating a misty outlook through the scopes.
Through the next hour our main attention was on the number of Skuas – 14 Artic and 2 Pomarine created a record number for me.
Just around 10.00 the east southeasterly wind picked up and a rain band appeared offshore. It slowly moved north and we barely caught the tail end of it. It certainly stimulated activity and the rain bands continued through - a couple hitting us full-on as we crouched behind Mr J’s Bunning’s umbrella -until we packed up at 11.30
We totalled approx 30 Short-tailed Shearwaters, a very few distant Hutton’s/Fluttering, 2 Brown Boobys travelling together, 1 Australian Gannet and, best of all, 4, possibly 5, Wilson’s Storm Petrels. Rare to see from land, we had 3 (possibly 4) near enough to see their white rumps as they skittered through the wave crests.

After 11.15 the seas were still rain threatened, but the movements had died off altogether so we headed home on the midday bus.


Pt Lookout, North Stradbroke Island

Mr P had texted me and suggested the winds looked good – so we went.
A wet, cold morning, in fact, for Spring. Rain showers offshore moving north for most of the morning, but finally, around 10.30, started to hit the Point. The wind increased during the morning, but stayed consistently east southeast.
We had expected a good morning, but it was a little disappointing. A stream of Wedge-tailed Shearwaterscame and went with gaps of several minutes at times – in total maybe 300? In the 3 and a half hours we watched we saw probably 15 Short-tailed Shearwatersand 8 or so Hutton’s/Flutteringtypes, which was a surprise – we had expected many more Short-tailed given the time of year.
The Skuas were probably the highlight of the morning – 1 Pomarine& 3 Artic– and 2 Australian Gannets.
I saw a Wandering Tattlerflying very fast around the headland briefly at one point, but other than that it was pretty slow.

At 11.20 we decided we had had enough and headed up to the French Easel for a late breakfast, before getting the 13.00 bus back to the ferry terminal.

Confessions of an Uber driver (cont)

Chapter 32 (13.10.18 Saturday)

My first puker……….
Having nothing much else to do and the wet night promising potential returns I decided to head out and see what turned up.
It started out well. My first ride came as soon as I went Online in my driveway, but it was a very short ride from Greenslopes Private Hospital, all of 5 minutes, to another Greenslopes address. Before I had dropped that one off, however, another ride popped – a couple nearby going into the city.
After they had disembarked, I headed south on the M3 then turned off at Vulture st, picking up a single chick in Kangaroo Pt to go to the Showgrounds for the second weekend of Oktoberfest…………
I dropped her off perfectly and immediately got a request for a pick-up at the same spot. 
It took about 5 minutes for the two girls to get to the car because I was stuck in traffic on the other side of  Gregory Tce. However, they bailed in, one in the front, one in the back. 
They seemed OK initially but it quickly became obvious they were both pretty pissed. The one in the front asked me the same questions and told me the same story multiple times as we headed for a long ride to Browns Plains.
As we progressed I got more concerned about their condition. 
The one in the back went very quiet and eventually fell asleep slumped across the back seat. The one in the front kept talking then started looking at her phone. I didn’t think that was a great idea, but held my peace.
We turned onto the Logan (Toll) motorway and I barrelled along praying we would make it without incident.
It wasn’t to be.
The one in the front suddenly asked me to pull over. 
It was impossible – there were road works and barriers and no pull over area so I told her to get her window down and helped her from my side using the electric switch of course. She hung her head out the window, more or less, and started to throw up. I managed to get off the motorway at the first exit and finally found a place to pull off the road relatively safely. Hazard lights on, I got out to help her. She had already evacuated the car and promptly slipped in the long grass on the wet slope, fell down and smacked the back of her head on the concrete culvert at the bottom.
Jesus, Mary & Joseph, I thought she was dead. 
What a thump! 
I jumped down the slope and dragged her out of the shallow running water in the culvert and propped her up in a sitting position. I asked her was she OK, did she think she needed medical attention? 
She seemed alright and I gave her a tissue and a bottle of water and let her sit for 10 minutes until she felt like moving. It was a struggle but I got her back on her feet and into the car. Meanwhile Ms in the back seat had woken up and seemed quite sober and bright – but she didn’t get out to help me or seem worried about her friend’s condition.
I got the sick one back into the seat, buckled her in, assured her that her phone and all her belongings were intact and present, then went round and got in the driver’s seat. I went to look at the app to find out where the f…k I was – and found I had dropped my glasses……
F..K ME!
Luckily I had a headtorch in the car so I bailed out again with it on and, after frantically scrabbling around in the grass for a few minutes, managed to locate my glasses – amazing luck really! 
We set off again with both passengers’ windows down – I didn’t trust Ms in the back and Ms in the front was still groggy and nauseous. She spat and threw up a little out the window again – most likely the water I had given her - but I managed to get them to their destination 8 minutes later without any further major mishaps.
Sick Ms was very apologetic – absolutely distraught at what had happened. 
I wiped down the inside of the door – it wasn’t bad, minimal residue. There was a bit on the outside of the doors, but it really wasn’t a drama. I was most worried that some might have got down inside the window – but when I put the window up there was no sign of any smearing! 
God help us!
I told them, before I left, that Uber would be in touch if any cleaning was required. She said that was fine, she would pay whatever it took and, again, she was really sorry and so embarrassed. I told her I thought it was OK, but I’d let her know if it wasn’t.
I drove back out of the warren-like estate and found my way to a service station where I washed down the exterior of both passenger doors with the provided bucket of water and checked, under the servo’s lights that all was as well as I could expect.
Then I headed back via Mt Lindesay Highway towards Brisbane. I was in two minds as to whether to continue or go home, but turned the app on anyway through Sunnybank and down into Holland Park.
I was still debating my options when a ride off Bapaume Rd in Holland Park, popped and I picked up a single guy to go to the valley. Once we got going and hit the M3 again I asked him if he smelt anything unusual in the car – he didn’t and, I must admit, we both had a bit of a laugh when I related my recent experience.
I dropped him off behind McWhirter’s and immediately picked up another ride.
I was very wary as 4 young guys piled into the car, prepared to boot them out, but they were fine and were heading for UQ.
Once they were gone I picked up a Taiwanese student, still in UQ, who had been playing basketball with his mates and was supposed to be home with his girlfriend at 8. It was now 8.45 and he was in trouble! 
I told him it wouldn’t get any better and we agreed he would apologise most sincerely and tell her he loved her. I assured him that would probably do the trick.
Dropped him off in Toowong – and wished him luck – then started heading along Coronation Drive, once again thinking of home. However, a ride popped just before the city and I picked up a young guy from Birmingham on his way home from a friend’s house. He was OK too – I really am gun-shy right now!
Dropped him off in Milton and immediately, again at the same spot, picked up two Asian girls for St Lucia – another short ride, but by now it was after 9, witching hour was here and I decided I had earned quite well – my best hourly rate ever – despite being offline for 20 minutes or so in Brown’s Plains – so I went Offline again and headed home. 
What a night! 

I didn’t really expect a puker to be in my car at 7.30 on a Saturday night but there you are! I think the car is OK. I don’t think there’s any smell – but I guess tomorrow morning will confirm or deny the fact……

9 Rides                      300 Total

196 x 5* ; 2 x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.97

Chapter 31 (12.10.18 Friday)

Pissing rain, it seemed like a good night to be out and about – and it was.
I started out at 6 and had my first ride before leaving the driveway. There was a surge on in the Camp Hill/Carindale area, but my first pickup was just around the corner on Logan Rd -  a music teacher on his way home to Dutton Park.
Before I had dropped him off I had another ride lined up – 6 minutes away along Ipswich Rd. I was delayed for several more minutes because of a crash on Ipswich Rd and the ride was a short one, but again, before I dropped him off, I had another one.
This one took me in to Elizabeth st near the corner of Edward. We couldn’t see the place he was going to, so I drove the block, nearly turned left down one-way (the opposite way) Creek st, before getting back onto Elizabeth and dropping him off close to where he thought he needed to be.
100 meters further along and my next pickup was a guy to Windsor who was planning on going to Ireland for Christmas! 
Dropped him off then picked up 3 girls on a night out in the King st area off Gregory Tce. Once again an immediate pick up from just around the corner into Queen st.
Heading north out of the city with Mackers’ facilities in mind I picked up a couple near Leichardt st and dropped them in West End. 
Again 100 meters away, another dude and took him only to South Brisbane. He apologised for the short ride, but it didn’t matter I was going that way anyway, he was a nice guy and we had a short but very friendly chat. 
I headed up to Kangaroo Pt cliffs and sat for a few minutes, the decided I’d go to Mackers on Main st and use their facilities, but another ride popped close by for a guy to Eagle st.
I decided to head south, out of the CBD, but just before the freeway entrance in William st, a Brazilian guy who worked for the State Government was my next ride – to McGregor, Upper Mt Gravatt, just behind Garden City, where he’d left his car and got the bus to work this morning.
I’m not likely to pick up anyone out here, I’m thinking, at 8.30 at night with the rain and no one around, but…..a ride popped just after I crossed the bridge into Garden City for a guy at the bus station. 
He got in the car and I greeted him etc, and before I even knew where we were going, he asked me where I was from – ‘Ireland”, says I, “Whereabouts?” says he, “Dublin” says I, “Whereabouts?’ says he, “Stillorgan” says I – “Ahhh go away with ya, sure I’m from Tallaght!” says he.
I took him home to Carindale and we had a good chat and a laugh about Christmas in Brisbane – “none of that seafood nonsense, I want a turkey”- and it was really nice to share the time with someone like him.
I decided it was time to go home, 9pm, a good hourly rate due to continuous rides and not really much prospect of anymore unless I drove into the city/valley area, so I did.

11 Rides   291 Total

187 x 5*; 2 x 4* and 2 x 3* My rating  = 4.97 still.



I actually had a hankerin’ to go birding again - for the first real time in several months. So I made the effort for Minnippi getting on site at 6.
It wasn’t a bad morning, but it wasn’t super-fantastic either. A cold (for Queensland spring), very damp (following heavy rain overnight), windy morning, there were few passerines around and, in some respects the morning was more notable for the absence of species rather than the presence of anything really good.
However, a Whiskered Ternand two Wandering Whistle Duckson the lake wasn’t bad and an in-flight Black Swannot a usual sight as it circled the lake before landing gracefully on the main pond.
On the M1 track it was very quiet, but my first Oriental Dollarbirdof the season and a calling Fan-tailed Cuckoowere ‘on the list’.
I didn’t bother with the Airfield Track, just had a smoke in the raptor lookout and then headed back to the car. The only passerines I really noted were a very few Brown Honeyeatersand a handful of Lewin’s. No fairy wrens or the like, I guess the wind kept them ‘indoors’ so to speak.

In the field beside the carpark a pair of Masked Lapwingsoversaw three young chicks with their usual fervour and that was about it for the morning. I headed home to prepare for my pilates session.

Confessions of an Uber driver (cont)

Chapter 30 (11.10.18 Thursday)

Again, I started out at Newstead after catching up with Ms B. 
Got a short ride fairly quickly into the city, then worked my way through the traffic heading north and, before I stopped, picked up another short one from the old Cloudlands area down to the RBH.
I went out to Newmarket Rd and parked up in the shopping centre carpark.
I waited for 15 minutes or so with no action and had just decided to drive further out towards Ashgrove when a ride popped just a couple of minutes away.
It was only back into Eagle st, but very slow with traffic being extremely heavy. 
Working my way back out towards the northside I was in George st when I got a pickup in Red Hill – the area was surging and so I guess I was the closest Uber even though it was a 7 minute drive. I couldn’t get into the Coronation Dve lane so had to do the block, then wasn’t sure if it was the Hale st exit, overshot and ended going up Park Rd and ………a bit of a long trip made worse by my inadequacies.
The lady was very nice and understood the traffic situation. She needed to be in Woolloongabba, near Balaclava st and, again, a long slow haul down Hale st, along Coronation Dve, the freeway and finally Vulture st. We had a good chat about driving in general as her daughter was going through the learner process at the moment.
I was considering going home, but then another ride popped before I dropped my previous one off and it was a guy wanting to be back in Eagle st……
A very slow transition across to the freeway where 3 lanes merge into one plus a bus lane, before exiting at Margaret st. Again I considered giving it away, however, another ride popped before I could get anywhere. This one was for a pick-up in New Farm – again a bit of a drive – but it was in the right direction as the Flight Centre IT dude needed to be in South Brisbane so, across the Storey Bridge and another slow traffic-heavy crawl through to Grey St. Good conversation about his work and travel and bike riding.

At that stage I did go Offline and head home, it hadn’t been a profitable morning, slow driving and short rides, but I had had enough and had some stuff I wanted to do.

6 Rides     280 Total

177 x 5* ; 2 x 4* ; 2 x 3* My Rating =  4.97

A note

I am amazed at how many hits I am getting on the blog! I would have thought most of this stuff was pretty boring - I'm keeping it more as a log of my work, rather than anything revealing, but am more than happy that you guys, out there, are interested enough to keep coming back!
I hope I can provide some more interesting updates in the future. Thank you!

Chapter 29 (9.10.18 Tuesday)

I sat in Swain st, reading for 10 minutes before my first ride popped. The app told me the rider was in the small shopping precinct on Logan Rd near the old CBA. When I got there, however, R rang me and told me he was, in fact, in a side street down near the Greenslopes mall. I turned back and picked him up a few minutes later – I have no idea why the pick-up site was not correct. Anyway, he needed to be at the airport and was happy to use the tunnels so….
Drove back in from the domestic terminal and up Sandgate rd, turned off at Hamilton Rd, parked up and read – for 20 minutes without any action, so I headed down towards Gympie rd and inserted myself into the traffic. 
Eventually my second ride popped and I picked up a guy who was a trainer in a contact centre to supply staff to Telstra outbound. Interesting chat with lots of commonalities from our shared experiences.
My next ride was an attractive 30-something from the Valley into George st, then, heading out of the city, a couple from Red Hill back into the city. 
They bailed early due to the traffic and I continued down towards the valley picking up another 3 rides backwards and forwards. 
In one of these the Uber app took me from a very narrow side street across a feeder street with two lanes of solid traffic heading left, I needed to turn right. The two lanes left a gap, but trying to see far enough to the left was really difficult. In the end I moved forward into the gap and, believing the road empty started forward into the opposite lanes. Some clown was flying up the outside lane and probably had to brake quite hard as he was speeding. He blew his horn big time and I apologised to my passenger. She was very cool and said he was driving too fast anyway, no worries. 
It's always a concern when that happens though, cause you're never sure how your passenger will react. In real terms I wasn't worried, he was just another jerk-off and with the traffic the way it was you have to be a bit flexible - most people are. He was ahead of me at the next lights and accelerated off with his noisy exhaust in a great flurry of hurry.
In the city just after 9, I was bursting for a toilet, so I decided I’d give it away and bolted home.

7 Rides    274 Total

170 x 5*; 2 x 4* & 2 x 3*  My Rating =  4.97

Chapter 28 (6.10.18 Saturday)

Midday and a surge appeared to be covering the whole southern area so, I figured, might as well be out there rather than sitting here bored, so set out not long afterwards.
My first ride took about 5 minutes, while I waited in the driveway, and I picked up a couple all decked out in German Oktoberfest gear, leather lederhosen and all. I took them to a dead end in West End. I’m still not sure if they were going to a friend’s place or made a mistake on the destination but they seemed happy enough when they got out anyway.
The Oktoberfest was actually in the RNA Showgrounds and I picked up two other groups of people, similarly attired, through the next couple of hours. The whole Gregory Tce area was swarming with gaily dressed girls and boys all heading in to enjoy the festivities. I thought it might be a cultural thing but one rider told me they were only going ‘cause we are pissheads’– fair enough, I said, enjoy!
I made a mental note not to be in that area later on. Guaranteed drunken pick-ups for sure.
It rained on and off all afternoon and into the evening, but it was a lot slower early on than I had expected. Most rides were fairly short in and around the CBD and there were gaps between pick-ups where I sat or drove slowly – mainly to get out of the city before parking up.
Eventually at about 15.30 I took a break which extended to an hour and a half until things started to spark up a bit. 
It went well for the next hour and a half during which I DID end up picking up a couple from the dreaded Oktoberfest. He was quite sober, I think, but very talkative, she had the hiccups quite badly and told me at least twice her father came from the Isle of Man. I was concerned that there may have been more than hiccups involved but I got them to Taringa without incident.
Another ride included an older lady who wanted to pick up her daughter in Bardon on the way to Paddington but didn’t know how to change the destination in her app. Neither did I so I looked up her daughter’s address on my Maps app, drove there, then on to the Paddo Tavern where I finished the ride.
Just after that I picked up a 40-something couple and took them to the Valley. He was from Co Antrim and told me that a Chilean friend of his had told him, that Pajero meant ‘Wanker’ in Spanish. It wasn’t said in a nasty way and I laughed and told him it was very appropriate – but I think his Chilean friend (who owned a Pajero himself) was pulling more than his leg……

Heading back in along Coronation Dve, after dropping off the Oktoberfest couple, I decided to head home and did so. I left the app on, but nothing happened….until I pulled into my driveway, opened my garage door and then a ride popped. I figured it was pretty safe out here in the ‘burbs and picked up two girls from near the Greenslopes Private Hospital and took them to Herston. In the following hour I got several shortish rides with good customers around the Wilston, Stafford Heights, Newmarket area before deciding at 20.30 I’d had enough, I was tired, there were no surges evident so I headed home.

18 Rides    267 Total

164 x 5 *; 2 x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.96

Chapter 27 (5.10.19 Friday)

It looked like rain and, in fact, it did spit rain, for about 5 minutes, as I sat in the car in the driveway waiting for a ride. I had decided that, rather than keep driving around I would sit and wait wherever it was convenient. There were no apparent ‘surges’ anywhere – and it remained like that throughout the evening, generally a very quiet Friday night.
However, I got a ride within 10 minutes – a pick-up at Greenslopes Private Hospital for a young pair of Asian student types and took them into South Brisbane.
Almost immediately another ride popped but when I got to the location required on Cordelia st – there was no one there. 
I rang the customer and we eventually worked out where she was, or we thought we had – at the convention centre 'where all the steps are'. 
I manoeuvred around in the 40 km/hr, one way streets to the pick up area 'where all the steps are' but again non-one. 
I rang her again and she said they were ‘opposite the Subway’. I hoped she meant the sandwich shop and not some underground pedestrian tunnel and searched for the nearest Subway on my Maps app……..
I found them a few minutes later half way along the convention centre where there were, fair play, lots of other steps. They were happy I had made the effort to find them, 3 middle-aged, and older, women who had been at a craft convention. I took them on a good ride out to Carina.
Another ride popped and I picked up a twenty-something leggy blonde in a little black dress and took her to Tarragindi. It required some concentration to keep my eyes on the road and away from her legs.
Again I decided to sit and wait, on Weller Rd, and within 7 or 8 minutes picked up a couple just around the corner who were escaping the kids for the evening and eating in Eagle st. Had a good laugh with them sharing kid stories and with me recommending grandchildren.
I worked to get out of the city and sat on Gregory Terrace for a few minutes before heading out to my favourite Mackers on Lutwchye Rd to use their facilities. When I went back Online a ride in Herston popped. I had to do a (legal) U-turn on Lutwyche Rd and as I did, they cancelled – very frustrating.
Now heading back into the valley I kept going and, a few minutes later, picked up a couple near Water st and dropped them into Elizabeth st, then, almost immediately, a guy near the Elizabeth st/George st corner needed to get to West End.
Almost immediately after that a pretty Canadian chick and it was back into Eagle st again. Frustrating, slow driving, with most rides being short and not very financially beneficial. Another ride popped just behind me and I had to do a circuit to get back to it – as I arrived on site, they cancelled. Really annoying!
I drifted down through the valley with nothing happening and ended up turning off at Newstead and prowling the streets down towards the river. Finally picked up a ride on Bowen Tce and took a couple into …..George st, again! He was a funny dude and we had some real laughs on the way.
Heading out of town via Roma st, a ride popped for a pick up on the M3? 
I turned left onto North Quay and stopped outside the Regis hotel wondering where the F… these people were.
They were, in fact, IN the Regis Hotel so I then took four Indian adult visitors out to Upper Mt Gravatt. On the way they quizzed me on where the nearest Coles supermarket was to where they were going? where Lamington was and what was there? and how would they go whale watching? 
I felt like saying I'm not a bloody tour guide, but refrained. Luckily being Upper Mt Gravatt, I knew exactly where the Coles were, if it had been north-side I would have been at a loss and Lamington and whale watching? Well I do know a bit about both, I guess.
I dropped them off in Palmdale shopping centre – where there is no Coles, but where the restaurant they wanted was, then went to Mackers for a coffee.

It was now 20.30 and I had earned a reasonable amount, despite the mostly short rides, so I headed home – with the app Online, but with no further outcome.

9 Rides   249 Total

156 x 5*; 2 x 4* and now 2 x 3*??? again I say - WTF? I can understand the drunken kids on Sunday, but who else? No feedback from anyone, so I've no idea why or who? That is annoying! 
My Rating now 4.96. GRRRRRRRRR!!

Chapter 26 (4.10.19 Thursday)

I started at Newstead just before 7, having caught up, briefly, with Ms B, and immediately picked up an office-type chick up to Wickham Tce. 
Within a few minutes another office chick a short distance back down into the city.
Heading out of the main CBD my next ride was a guy with a hangover from Kelvin Grove ……back into the city again.
The morning was like that – short rides around, from or into the perimeter of the city.

By 9.00 my stuffy nose and tickly throat were getting the best of me – and I didn’t want to risk infecting the entire population - so I pulled the pin in Eagle st having just dropped off another business-type and headed home.

7 Rides      240 Total

153 x 5* ; 2 x 4*; 1 x 3* My Rating=4.97

(I wonder who gave me the ‘3’? I’m betting it was from the drunks on Sunday afternoon – only to be expected, I guess, in retaliation for the ‘3’ I gave him.)

Chapter 25 (3.10.18 Wednesday)

Started out about 5.45. Waited in Swain st for a few minutes before getting my first ride from just off Cavendish Rd into the city. 
Headed out of the city up towards Spring Hill, heading north on Sandgate Rd I finally got my second ride in Albion to the domestic terminal with a guy going to Cairns.
Drove back in towards the city and down Sandgate Rd. It again, took a while, Newstead, before I picked up a lovely young woman and took her in to the city.
Once again headed out of the city and to Mackers on Lutwyche Rd to take advantage of their facilities. Immediately afterwards another chick, this time to Indooropilly via the Legacy Way tunnel.
While contemplating my options my next ride popped – 7 minutes away in Graceville. This young chick hardly said two words as I took her via Fairfield to West End.
Once again to my favourite hang-out spot – Kangaroo Pt cliffs - and a ten minute wait before picking up a guy in Kangaroo Pt and taking him to the airport. He worked in High Voltage substations and we had an interesting conversation regarding safety and electricity in general.
As I left the terminal another ride popped - the ol’ rematch thing again and I drove down Airport Drive and back in, easily and accurately this time, to pick up a young couple heading to Hamilton. I missed the Nudgee Rd turnoff on Airport Drive and instead took the Sandgate rd option – I apologised and ended their ride early to avoid them paying for my mistake. They didn’t say much.
Immediately another ride – this time a young pair of kids, the girl most likely just 18 – a short ride to Portside to meet their Dad. Back into towards the city and, again contemplating my options, I picked up a businessman in Newstead and took him into the city – short, but lively chat about political correctness gone wrong.
100 meters further up the street and my final ride worked out well – another businessman type to a Catholic School in Dutton Park.
I went Offline and headed home, it being almost 11.00 and I had had enough.

11 Rides    233 Total

 148 x 5* 2 x 4* ; My rating = 4.99