Thursday 28 February 2019

Weekends That Were - March 2019


Port of Brisbane

Mr D suggested the Port of Brisbane and so we arrived on site at 7. The gate wasn’t open, but by reaching through it was possible to open it – hopefully this is the way it will be now, rather than stuffing around trying to get a key, wait for security or look through the fence like perving schoolboys.
There had been a report from someone that the very long-staying Buff-breasted Sand had been seen again yesterday – but we couldn’t find it. There were the usual birds, but not many waders – a handful of Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, a single Red-necked Stintand 3 Pacific Golden Ploverand that was about it for ‘real’ waders. A single Whistling Kiteand a Brahminy Kiteon the way in comprised the raptor group and, to make Mr D’s day we had two Australian Pipits…..
The Celtic Corner at Manly wasn’t too far away and we went there for a long breakfast and discussion re Spain, Finland, Norway..............



Picked up Mr D at 6 and we started from the car park at ten past.
A sultry, warm morning, damp underfoot following recent heavy rain. The main lake was covered almost entirely with lily pads – and relatively birdy with the usual stuff as a result, including 4 Wandering Whistle Ducksand 4 Magpie Geese. The mosquitos were active on the M1 trail and we didn’t hang around long, but long enough to see two Australian King Parrots, only my third site record and, possibly, Mr D’s first.
Back at the lake – after an uneventful walk up The Avenue, apart from an early returned (?) Rufous Whistler– Mr D spotted a Striated Heronon the opp side of the lake. Only my fourth site record, despite their numbers on Bulimba Creek, 50 meters away, they don’t often show on the lake itself.
Latham’s Snipestood quietly in the background and a Forest Kingfisherhung out below the ‘Cormorant Tree’. This was my first FK in ages and the last one I saw on site was in November 2015.
Up to the raptor lookout, but no raptors to look at, then check the Airfield (didn’t walk the track) and back along the cement walk to the car, picking up a Striped Honeyeaterand the usual two Tawny Frogmouthsin their usual tree on the way.
It was a slow, laid back stroll rather than a serious bird, but we picked up some nice stuff along the way. Retired, as usual, to Belesis for breakfast.


27.2.19 – 10.3.19

Day 1 – 27.2.19 (Wednesday)

The Uber arrived within a few minutes at 7.30. 
8.10 Checked in through the automated system and bag dropped my 9 kg check-in bag.
Through security and passport control and in the smoker’s area in the departure lounge with a skinny flat white, extra hot, by 8.40.
The flight left on time and from my window seat I shared a three seat row with only a chick in the aisle seat. As usual the asshole in front of me leaned his seat back. I hate when people do that even though they aren’t going to sleep. It’s just ignorance in my opinion. Having a vacant seat beside me gave me a bit of flexibility so I didn’t bother ask him to put it up when we had the food.
The food.
I usually chose a seat towards the back of the plane.
I read somewhere once that you have a 2% better chance of surviving a plane crash if you’re behind the wings.
I don’t really know why I bother cause 2% in a plane crash, in anyone’s language, isn’t a huge advantage.
Maybe once, in a crash, a couple of people from the back of the plane got out alive?
I don’t know, but that’s what I do anyway, when I have the choice.
Row 24, Seat A, is my favourite. 
But Row 22 or even 26 will do.
Not even sure why I don’t pick Row 23 or 25.
I don’t know what the percentages are for each row.
It’s just what I do.
Back to the food.
Why do they always run out of the chicken?
You’d think, by now, they’d provide more chicken dishes. 
The choice today was a beef thing, a vegetarian thing and a chicken thing. By the time they got to us, in Row 24, they’d run out of chicken. 
It’s not the first time this has happened to me. You think I’d learn? When they do still have the chicken thing I am actually surprised!
I mean, they always have the vegetarian thing left. Always. Come on – there aren’t that many vegetarians in the world. You’re in the minority really. I have no problem with it, but maybe they should substitute some chicken things for some of the vegetarian things? They never run out of vegetarian things. They couldn’t afford to. The vegetarians would be really pissed off. But – if they run out of chicken things, we’ll always just accept the beef thing – or even, at a push, the vegetarian thing. But try giving a vegetarian a beef thing? No way, Hosea.
So they’ll never run out of vegetarian things.
But they always run out of chicken things.
The chicken thing seems to be the fallback guy. 
There are people who would only eat the beef thing.
It’s a masculine thing.
The masculine type would never order a chicken thing or a vegetarian thing. Nah, its got to be the beef thing. I’m big and strong and need to stay that way so I eat beef.
The chicken thing is the easy way out for most of us. It’s not too meaty, its generally more tender and its still protein. Even though the vegetarian thing is protein too, it never seems to be the same. So the majority of people who travel would opt for the chicken thing naturally.
It’s obvious they do – cause they always run out of the chicken thing,
They should have more of the chicken thing.
I still pick Seat 24A, chicken thing or not, cause 2% is better than a three choice airline meal  - and, after all, it all tastes more or less the same anyway, right?
Anyway, that’s my rant for the moment.

The purpose of this particular adventure is two fold.
It began as a thought, a light suddenly bursting into brilliance, a daring, ridiculous, happy, romantic, crazy, almost unbelievable idea last September. 
A concept that made my heart beat wildly, smile and giggle, privately. Would I? Should I? Could I?
A surprise visit on someone very special’s 50thbirthday.
Over the intervening months, casual questions had elicited the necessary detail. Who was going? Where would she be staying on her birthday? What was she going to do on the day? 
The second reason for my trip - birding in various locations around the island - had always been part of the plan, as my ‘surprise time’ would probably be limited, for various reasons, to around 15 minutes. I had booked accommodation at the main birding areas I could identify apart from The Important Day location, which was listed only as a secondary birding destination. However, I figured the birds would be interesting enough and I’ll find something to entertain me for the day or two the surprise would take to research, initiate and complete.
I guess some of you would substitute ‘stalk’ for ‘surprise’. No, no, no its only stalking if you can’t see me. This is a surprise for someone who, apart from my immediate family, is the most important person in my life. 
Just cause she’s not expecting it, doesn’t mean its bad!
It’s a surprise! Move on!

We landed safely on time. I thought I had to get a visa for my stay, but, apparently, for a stay of less than 1 month, you don’t. All good. It took ages to get through the passport control. I don’t know if its always like that – I suspect it is – but anyway through I got, collected my bag and headed for the exit. 
Immediately outside the exit door, a money changers place. So I changed $400 – and got a wad of notes in exchange. The rate is currently ~10,000 rupiah per $1.00 Aus so……It feels like a lot of money, but it isn’t really.
Headed out towards the outside – as you do, duhhh.
I was accosted pretty quickly by a dude trying to sell me a ride in a taxi – he wanted 250,000 R (obviously as you now know, that’s $25). I had read the going rate was 150,000 – 200,000 so waved him off and continued on.
Outside and another guy approached me. He, too, wanted 250,000. I said no, too much, and he agreed to 200,000. I thought, this could go on all day, so I said yes. And, I believe, lucked out? I got a really nice guy in a very smooth black van type who appealed to me and showed interest in being my driver for the whole holiday. This was what I was hoping for – i.e. someone whom I liked, and felt I could trust, could speak reasonable English (I’m hopeless at languages, not arrogant) and was available.
The driving was crazy, Asian style, I guess. Dozens of mopeds and motorbikes, no one paying any attention to lane control. Some indication, lots of horn blowing and driving right up people’s asses. All good!
Mangde (mang day) found my first accommodation, Radha Home Stay. I paid him the agreed 200,000 R ($20) and he agreed to pick me up on Saturday morning at 10am for the 3-4 hour drive to Bali Barat.
Mangde has three children, 14, 11 and 2 and has had lots of Australian customers as regulars – a common thing here, I’ve heard.
I’m pretty happy that I have found someone to drive me - as I had hoped.
I checked in. I had a double room with en-suite, I guess you’d call it. Air conditioned, thank goodness, cause it was very, very humid, with a small shared garden at the end of the building. There was no swimming pool or restaurant as such. A small bar fronted the place and that’s about it. The room clean and tidy looking. But I’m not looking for much anyway, just a place to lay my head and feel secure.
I sorted some stuff out and then went for a walk, using MapsMe on my iPad as a guide. The street outside was very narrow, not too busy, but full of restaurants, cafes, touristy type shops and so on. More expensive, luxury resorts were set off the main road down private side roads. I wanted to find my way to the beach and eventually did so. It took about 10 minutes, but I probably could get there in less. I wandered along the beachfront seeing my first Bali birds – Spotted DovesEurasian Tree Sparrows and what I’m pretty sure were Cave Swiflets. The only swift in the book that is not pictured, but advises that it is the commonest swift in Bali so…..
I wasn’t expecting much in the way of birds in Sanur so wasn’t disappointed.
I was hanging for a coffee and stopped at a beachfront place and got a flat white, extra hot. It cost me 38,000 R. Yikes!!  But then again that’s only $3.80…….phew! 
I found my way back ‘home’ picking up a fedora style hat on the way for 150,000 R - $15. I just felt like getting one, don’t know why, but I did.
After a rest in the air con, I decided it was time to have something to eat. I picked a restaurant at random – about 50 meters from where I was staying – and ordered a Bintang to start with ($3). I had spring rolls and a nasi goreng thing which was more than I could eat, followed by another Bintang and finished with another good flat white. I didn’t think I’d find good coffee here, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem.
My meal was 259,000 R or $26 which I considered an excellent deal.

Trip List – 3  Lifer – 1

Day 2 – 28.2.19 (Thursday)

An early morning call was very welcome. Seemed weird knowing I was just 500 meters away, but anyway…..Hung around ‘home’ until breakfast at 7.30. I was very pleased - and a little surprised – at the selection. I had the banana pancakes which were lovely, but could have had eggs on toast anyway I wanted them or nasi goreng Bali style – maybe tomorrow. Coffee was a bit gritty, but the small fruit plate with dragon fruit, pineapple & watermelon was a nice start.
I decided to head out for a bit of birding. I hadn’t actually expected to do any here in Sanur, but with little else to do, headed for a patch of ‘forest’ 2.5 kms along the road. Not many people around and the shops were just opening, but the taxis continually tooted their horns to attract my attention as I walked. It’s a bit annoying, but easy to just ignore them. The majority of shopkeepers and transport guys sitting on the side of the road offered me greetings and a smile – which was really nice. They all seem very friendly.

I never did find the ‘forest’ but close to where I think it was I did find a patch of ground that was basically barricaded off, rough grass and ground cover, scattered trees. I pushed through a large hole in the fence and spent the next couple of hours just hanging out in the relatively small area. Yellow-vented Bulbulseverywhere – I even found a pair building a nest, not something you see every day. Cave Swifletsoverhead and very close fly-bys under the trees – if I’d had a butterfly net I reckon I could have caught one. In the trees I managed to pick up Olive-backed TailorbirdCommon IoraPied Fantail, a Sacred Kingfisher and I heard a Coppersmith Barbet, though failed to see it. I also heard a Plaintive Cuckoo – sounded very like Brush, but it, too, eluded me visually. Spotted Doves all over too and I heard Peaceful (or Zebra, as its known here) Dove – at least I assume it was a wild one.
Yellow-vented Bulbul
There were several butterflies knocking around, but I managed to only get photos of one – appears to be a very worn Plain Tiger Danaus chrysippus, one I don’t think I’ve seen before – but its very like Lesser Wanderer. 
Plain Tiger Danaus chrysippus
I also took photos of a very large spider – which I think is a Giant Wood Spider 

Giant Wood Spider
and saw a reddish squirrel which is probably a Plantain Squirrel Callosciurus notatus although I didn’t see any stripes on its sides – it was a pretty brief view along the roadside.
It was very, very, humid, I was sweating like a pig by the time I gave it away at 11 and headed ‘home’. I stopped at the first cafĂ© I came to and had a coke (no ice, just in case) and a flat white. I got a little lost, not a lot, just a little, on the way back and actually walked right past ‘home’. Jesus, sometimes I’m hopeless with directions.
By the time I did get back I was ready for a cold shower and a little lie down in the air con. 
After I felt recovered I went for a coffee, then a little shopping. I wanted a couple of sarongs for myself and got two for $30. Maybe I could get them cheaper elsewhere, but it was just easier and they seem like good quality.
I hung out at ‘home’ for the rest of the afternoon, had a couple of Bintangs next door and read a lot. It was just too hot to go anywhere without purpose.
Ate at the same place in the evening and crashed relatively early.

Trip List – 7          Lifer – 2

Day 3 – 1.3.19 (Friday)B for Birthday, or D for Disaster, Day

I didn’t sleep much overnight and was up and dressed by 5am. It took a while but I managed to establish contact and, eventually, my 15 minutes and it was all good. A bit shaky at first, admittedly, but OK in the end.
First objective achieved, now to do some birding!
Once again, around Sanur I wasn’t expecting to do much, so hung out most of the day around ‘home’. It was very hot and humid – hopefully it’ll be a bit cooler elsewhere, but I’ll get out early morning anyway and avoid the middle of the day, wherever I am.
What a day it turned out to be…….
I had brought what I considered at the time to be enough money – Australian dollars – with the intention of changing it to Rupiah as needed.
I hadn’t spent a lot in the last few days, but had started to worry I may not have enough, so had decided to withdraw some more – just to be sure, despite the penalty of fees from local banks.
I went to an ATM at the bank next door and tried to withdraw money – nothing, ‘unable to process this transaction’. I tried a few times – no success. I asked the security guard and he told me to walk down to another ATM registered as BNI ‘down the road’.
So off I set.
A few meters in and a TXT arrived on my phone. From the CBA, my bank in Brisbane, asking me if I had attempted to use my card? I replied ‘yes’and was advised ‘the temporary block on your account will be removed in 15 minutes’.
OK – good security!
It took me most of that time to walk to the BNI ATM.
I made sure at least 15 minutes had passed, then tried again. And again. And again.
Nothing – ‘unable to process this transaction’
OK – so now I’m getting a little worried.
I walked ‘home’ in the 35+ degree, 90% humidity and rang CBA in Australia.
I got through fairly quickly, explained my problem and was transferred to ‘the team that deal with that’.
I spoke to ‘M’ and he assured me there was no problem with my card – give it 5 minutes and it’ll be fine.
I gave it about an hour then tried again – at 3 different ATMs nearby, all claiming to accept my type of debit card.
Nothing. No go. ‘Unable to process……ect’
Now I’m getting really concerned. I MIGHT still have enough cash, but I wasn’t confident and it depended on a few costs I wasn’t 100% sure of - driver costs for example. I had approx amounts in mind, but exactly how much? Not sure.
OK – back home again and another phone call to CBA.
This time it took ages to get through – I was on hold. I dreaded to think how much this was going to cost me in phone bills alone….however, no choice, just suck it up and do it.
I finally got through to ‘O’ and after I once again described my problem – she told me that there had been recent changes in CBA – very recent, the last couple of weeks, apparently – and I could no longer use my debit card at ATMs overseas? Jesus, Mary & Joseph…….
I’m sure you can imagine my state of mind, right then.
By this time I had worked myself into such a frenzy regarding DEFINITELY needing more money, wasn’t going to have enough, might not be able to eat tonight no more Bintangs or coffees, would not be able to afford the park pass at Bali Barat, even if I could afford to get there…
Yep – typical over-reaction really. 
I remained fairly calm on the phone – no point in abusing O who was extremely apologetic and doing her best to help.
We finally agreed she would link my current account with my credit card and I would be able to withdraw cash that way. She went off to check how long that would take to set up – and came back…I felt sorry for her, because she had to tell me it would be NEXT TUESDAY before that took effect. (Today being Friday)
Holy Crap!!
I almost went into meltdown, but managed to suck it in and maintain a relative calm.
OK – I asked and she agreed – I could withdraw cash as an advance on my credit card – she would make notes on my account that any CBA fees would be refunded if I had to follow that process.
OK – I had done everything I could, I felt. O was still apologizing when we ended the call.
I counted my money and decided I could afford to eat tonight – but restricted myself to the cheapest meal and Bintang I could find. Then retired for the evening to continue watching ‘Sons of Anarchy’ on my laptop.
As it happened my favourite person in Bali – she who was the main reason for this trip – contacted me unexpectedly and I spent the next few hours in heaven, Bintangs and the beach, the woman I love beside me, even if for only for a little while, as tomorrow I head elsewhere and we won’t see each other again on this trip.

                                                       Trip List – 7          Lifer – 2

Day 4 – 2.3.19 (Saturday)

I walked down to the local ATMs after breakfast and managed to withdraw cash via my credit card/Savings account. Hallelujah!! I celebrated with a decent coffee. Presumably the connection between my credit and savings account had gone through quicker than anticipated – I don’t care at this stage – now I’m comfortably solvent again – the rest can wait till I get home…..
I finished packing and went to pay the bill. Luckily I had got cash out because the credit card machine wouldn’t work and I had to pay with Rupiah. A little frustrating, but worse was to come…

My room at Radha 
The main drag outside looking left... bear in mind this is 7am and its very quiet.
The main drag outside looking right! 
The boys and the entrance/bar to Radha 
My room is on the right (with the ashtray outside the door!)
The breakfast area (up on the right) and the little shared garden area at Radha
I was sitting outside with my bags at 9.50, waiting for Mangde to arrive, as agreed, at 10.
By 10.45 it was obvious he wasn’t coming.
We tried to ring him 10 or 12 times - his phone was continually engaged.
I’d obviously made a bad error of judgment thinking he was reliable and trustworthy. In all honesty that’s not like me – I pride myself on being a relatively good judge of people, however, maybe I’m not. This was a definite fail. Give the guy his due – maybe he found something better? Maybe we had a communication breakdown? Maybe he’s just a dick – whatever, I was a bit pissed off and very worried.
Now what do I do?
Ms B had showed up again to offer moral support and the staff at Radha offered me their driver – an uncle, I think, of one, but actually the owner himself – Mr Radha. So at 11.00 we set off on the potentially 5 hours there (and 5 hours back for Mr R) at the agreed price of 860,000 R – or $86. Sounds like a lot of money? Would YOU do a 10 hour round trip for 86 bucks? I know I wouldn’t!

Sanur to Bajul Eco Lodge - we took the blue route
It was, in the end a slow, lorry laden, motorbike-frenzied four and a half hours. where we rarely reached 60 kms an hour. We made some conversation, but Mr R’s english was a little limited and his accent strong so….most of the trip was in silence. Houses, shacks, shops, people, motorbikes, cars, small trucks and lorries surrounded us most of the time with the odd area of rice paddies. I did see at least 1 Javan Pond Heron, in flight, along with a number of Intermediate Egrets, a Long-tailed Shrike perched up and a Grey-rumped Treeswift overhead. 
As we approached Gilimanuk we started seeing Long-tailed Macaques Macaca fascicularis beside and on the road. 
We finally reached the turn off to the resort and stopped at a pole barrier. The security guards checked my booking, looked under the car with a mirror on a stick and then one of them rode his moped the 3 kms in along the unsealed track, through thick bush, to the resort itself – its actually IN Bali Barat National Park! Wow! 
I was met by all three staff – a lovely young girl and two guys, one of whom spoke good English, thank God!
(I said goodbye to Mr R, paid him $100 and wished him a safe journey home) and then…..
Apparently I am the ONLY guest in the whole place!
Welcome to the jungle’, he says, ‘you are our king” Far freaking OUT!!
I had paid $123 for 3 nights including breakfast in a dormitory situation. As I was the only guest they had upgraded me to a jungle cabin, set on stilts, all timber with a lovely veranda, stone bathroom, double bed, sitting room with flat screen TV and air conditioning. A water dispenser served both hot (for coffee, supplied) and ice cold water that was safe to drink.  It was just at the edge of the compound surrounded by trees with a through-the-trees view of Banyuwedang Bay.
I was just blown away. It was amazing! 
The staff had organised a park pass already for me and could organise a guide. In the grounds there was a Bali Starling release area and, he told me proudly, there are 168 species of birds to be seen. They had also, within 15 minutes, organised a car for my next move on tuesday from here to Ullawatu - @ 1.1 million Rupiah or $110. As its isolated here and it is another 4-5 hour drive the driver options are limited and it is a long way. I'm cool with the price anyway, although its pretty expensive by Bali standards I think? Anyway, more on that when the time comes.

The lovely girl – Ria – showed me through my rooms and I found this on the bed…
Now....who's a special person then? I'll expect this whenever I stay with any of you in future, of course! It's made out of twigs!
The veranda & entrance to my 'jungle' cabin at Bajul
Sitting area
Bathroom & toilet!
I settled in, had a shower and a shave, then it was time for ‘afternoon tea’ – coffee and cakes in the ‘dining’ area, an open sided, covered seating area, 20 meters from my stairs. As I enjoyed the food a number of pigeons landed in the trees overlooking the bay. They were, of course, feeding on the outside branches on the other side of the trees so it took me a while to actually see them properly – Pink-necked Green Pigeons.
After afternoon tea I wandered down the steps to the mangrove-fringed beach and walked out on a bamboo pontoon thing. Above, Cave Swiflets circled, then a medium-sized raptor appeared – Crested Goshawk – circled a few times, had a go at a swift or two, then disappeared behind the trees. As I returned to the beach a large Monitor Lizard stalked off. It was as big as the biggest Goannas from home, but not as well marked. It was an Asian Water Monitor Varanus salvator, close to 5 ft or 2.5 meters?
So far, so good! I heard Coppersmith Barbet and Green Junglefowl calling nearby and thought I heard a Pitta? There were a few other calls/noises that I had no identification for, but there’s always tomorrow! Apart from being a lovely, isolated, eco-friendly place– and me a Very Special Person (!!) – the potential here seems great. I asked for a guide to go birdwatching after breakfast the next day - I have to have a guide to enter the park proper – they were afraid I would get lost and anyway, no harm. So long as I could pay for everything with my credit card I didn’t care!

                                                      Trip List – 13          Lifers – 4

Day 5 - 3.3.19 (Sunday)

I was awake and on the veranda again at 5.30. Dawn wasn’t until 6.30 but I thought I might get some calling owls. I did – I heard a Sunda Scops Owl calling a little distance away. Used playback but heard nothing more, unfortunately – and I don’t tick birds I only hear. They have to ‘pass across my retina’ for me to ‘see’ them.
Got dressed and wandered around the tracks nearby. Lots of Yellow-vented Bulbuls. I mean…….lots. As any birder will tell you, a bird like this is a pain in the ass. Because you’re in unfamiliar territory you need to check every bird and it soon becomes ‘just another f…….g yellow-vented furball’.  We’re a patient, understanding lot, us birders!
I persevered. 
Down a side track two male Green Junglefowl strutted their stuff – well, they walked across the road. Out here? No farms, no ‘habitation’, they have to be real, wild birds. So – tick!
Coppersmith Barbets were still calling and dozens of Peaceful or Zebra Doves. I thought they were uncommon in Bali – but not here. Another pain in the ass bird!
I did see a few Pink-necked Green Pigeons, but little else in my short foray before breakfast at 7.

(Male) Green Junglefowl
Breakfast - interesting!
Chicken porridge? A sticky mass of chicken-flavoured rice in a small bowl – actually even cold it was quite nice! Cold scrambled egg (I think it was only one) on toast and three huge pieces of Dragonfruit to finish. Nice! Coffee of course, gritty, but piping hot.
I set off for another walk along the tracks but had to be back by 9 as I was being ‘guided’ to the Bali Miner/Starling rehabilitation centre. I said I could walk, but Ria seemed to think a 20 minute walk would tire me out, so I said Oooookay and waited for the guide.
We drove.
All of 7 or 8 minutes to a building housing a number of large aviary type cages filled with approx (?) 30 birds? It was nice to see the effort being made and the video cameras showing eggs and chicks in a couple of the nest boxes was cool, but I wanted them in the wild and this wasn’t going to qualify as a tick. I made the right noises and took photos and video anyway, cause its probably the only chance I’ll get, then was driven back to the ranch.

(Caged) Bali Miners
A short video of same

I set off again, alone, and walked the tracks for a couple of hours. Finally saw several Coppersmith Barbets, but all high in the canopy and out of any sort of decent photographic range. I mainly took photos of Green Junglefowl, unidentified as yet, butterflies and a dragonfly sp. I walked as far as Menjangan Resort which is reputedly very expensive and supposedly has Javan Banded Pitta ‘in the grounds’. Adopting the usual attitude I walked in as if I owned the place and no one questioned my presence. However, I could have been the only non-guest guest as there didn’t seem to be anyone else around. 
I headed back ‘home’.
All in all it was bloody hard work. Plenty of calls, already mentioned, birds very hard to see in the thick deciduous bush. I did see Great Tits, 1 Olive-backed Sunbird, Common Iora, Sacred Kingfishers and several family groups of Long-tailed Macaques. One male huffed and puffed at me, but I told him to stop being stupid and he walked away with his tail in the air. You have to be firm with these monkeys you know! 
Long-tailed Macaques

For my grandson, Mr L.

As I got close to ‘home’ two deer appeared before me. I think they are Javan Rusa Deer– nice looking animals with huge ears. They were pretty confiding, making no moves to run away.

Javan Rusa Deer

By the time I got back it was midday and pretty steamy. There was a nice ocean breeze though which made sitting on the veranda very pleasant. Ria informed me that she had organised a bird guide from Feather Encounters for 6.00 – 12.00 tomorrow morning. Cost - just under $100. Good. Hopefully they’ll deliver on some of the stuff I should be seeing.
I hung out at ‘home’ for the afternoon until afternoon tea. Then, as it had cooled down somewhat, I went for a short walk back up the track and down towards ‘The Residence’ – an apparently secluded twin apartments overlooking the ocean – and with a pool. I was tempted to strip off and jump in, as there was no one there except another smaller Asian Water Dragon and something else that pounded away into the forest, but resisted just in case.
On the way back I managed to find a pair of Scarlet-headed Flowerpeckers, but apart from that, just the usual stuff.
At 18.00 I was collected by a driver in an open-sided mini van thing and driven around to The Octagon resort. On the way on the road we flushed a group of doves – 2 or 3 Peaceful and two I was sure were Island Collared Doves.
Wow!! What a place to have dinner – or stay. Pretty cool, probably quite expensive, but as I am the only guest at Eco Lodge, they don’t have a chef on hand so I had dinner beside the infinity pool. Very nice – the food and the view and the ambience (!). The staff were lovely and the Bintangs were cold. (The two course meal + 2 beers = $41)
I was ‘home’ again by 20.00 and communicated with The Special One for a while before crashing.

Trip List – 17  Lifers – 7

Day 6 – 4.3.19 (Monday)

Up at 5.15, dressed and ready to rock ‘n’ roll.
At 6.10 a driver from The Octagon resort picked me up in an airconditioned car and drove me out to the main road and then along to the junction just outside Giliamanuck where we met my bird guide.
A little, wizened, older man dressed in t-shirt and cargo pants who only came to my chest. No bins, no scope, no book. O-OH. Wasn’t exactly what I was expecting – but I wasn’t to be disappointed. He knew his stuff.
He hopped on his motorbike and we followed him about 500 meters down the road away from Gilamanuk sort of towards Kota in general terms. We pulled in to what looked like a war memorial and started birding straight away.
He pointed out a group of Balinese Black Monkeys Trachypitechus auratus kohlbruggeiI didn’t realize how rare they were and didn’t pay them much attention – only found later they are an unusual sight outside the forest and not many people get to see them. I didn’t take any photos. It was raining slightly – enough to dampen clothes, but not spirits.
We birded this area for about 2 hours and had great success. It’s an open public area – I reckon anyone could go in and bird it.
We had Chestnut-headed Bee Eaters, Small MinivetsLineated Barbets, Common Ioras, Olive-backed Sunbirds, Sacred Kingfishesr, Magpie Robin, Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker, Ashy Drongo, Javan Mynas, Slender-billed Crows, Sooty-headed and Yellow-vented Bulbuls, Scarlet-headed Flowerpeckers, Black-naped Oriole, White-breasted Woodswallow and heard Lesser Coucal.
Chestnut-headed Bee Eater
Chestnut-headed Bee Eater
Javan Myna
Best of all by far – at least 3 wild BALI STARLINGS/MYNAS! I had given up real hope of seeing wild ones, but here they were. We saw them several times and, as far as I could establish, none had rings on their legs.
Bali Myna
Then two birds flew from a tree and split left and right towards us. Bage called them as Bali Starlings, but one looked different in flight to me. I tracked it to a nearby tree and eventually got onto it – BLACK-WINGED STARLING!! Bage was excited – he hadn’t seen one here for 4 years!
One of the most pleasing aspects for me personally was I was identifying the birds myself – without having to have them ID’d for me. This is an important point for me. I don’t use guides – in fact the only place I have been guided before was in PNG, where you can’t enter the forest without a local – and he didn’t know much about birds. I do not like the idea of having birds pointed out to me. I’d prefer to find them myself, but sometimes, it’s difficult to know where to go. In this case it was almost like birding with a friend. 
By the time we returned to the car park area, it had stopped raining. We mounted up again and drove back down towards Gilamanuk and straight through the junction for about 300 meters before stopping under a huge concrete archway over the road depicting Balinese gods, I guess. We pulled into the right and Bage and I walked across a flat field to a small area of mangroves. We flushed a lot of Spotted Doves and 2 Island Collared Doves on the way.
At the mangroves Bage told me to look at the black sand under the trees for Savannah Nightjar. Within a few minutes we had flushed 3 or 4. Then I spotted one on the ground. One became 3, became 6…..really cryptic as nightjars are, but remarkably confiding – probably believing they were invisible. I had only seen one before – in PNG, at night, in flight, so this was really cool.

Savannah Nightjar
A short video of same....

We also had a lot of Sooty-headed Bulbuls here, on the walk back across the field a Long-tailed Shrike flew past and a couple of female White-shouldered Trillers made like pipits on the grass. Back at the vehicle again and a 10 minute drive back along towards ‘home’ before we pulled off at a side track.
There appeared to be some confusion regarding my breakfast box. I didn’t care – I just wanted to bird, bugger the food! But something was supposed to be delivered and hadn’t been.
Anyway we went down this nondescript track, parked up and again and Bage and I walked across to a mangrove area that bordered the ocean and up a creek. Within a few minutes we had a pair of Small Blue Kingfishers. Really cute, beautiful blue colour contrasting with clean white.

Small Blue Kingfisher
We also flushed a single Eastern Curlew and a nicely marked up Common Sandpiper.
Just behind the beach – Little and Intermediate Egret and a single Striated Heron. In a dead tree more Chestnut-headed Bee Eaters.
As we walked back to the car Bage shook my hand and said thankyou…?? WTF?? It was only 10.00. I thought the birding was till midday. But no, that was it, three hours worth.
OK. It’ll have to do. I slipped Bage 200,000 R ($20) as a tip – I didn’t have any more decent sized cash.
He decided then that we would go look for Rufous-backed Kingfisher as an extra. We did – but didn’t have any luck, apparently its very difficult to see in the forest although we did spend half an hour along a small shallow muddy creek.
My driver and Bage the bird guide
I said goodbye to Bage and headed back towards Bajul Eco Lodge with my driver. He kept talking about a ‘picnic lunch in the forest’?? again, I say, WTF?? I’d rather be birding, but whatever!
We ended up on a grassy area overlooking the ocean where two other dudes had set up a picnic for me! Jesus! Here I am all rain-damp, sweaty, muddy and generally birdy-scruffy and they’ve set this up…..

Wow! It was really nice. Fruit skewers, sandwiches and wraps and, most importantly, coffee!!
I ate what I could of it, while my very own pair of Small Blue Kingfishers darted around on the mangrove roots and a Coppersmith Barbet called overhead. This doesn’t happen every day when I go birding with Mr P or Mr D or Mr H – take notes, guys!

Coppersmith Barbet
Back home and relax, sort 300+ shit photos – the light had been shit, that’s my excuse – write notes, lists and this.
When I got back, Ria – the lovely young girl at Eco Lodge – met me and apologized for my missing my breakfast! I told her not to worry, of course., birding was my focus this morning and breakfast didn’t matter. She also apologized (!) because another group of guests were arriving. WTF?? Apologizing because they have more guests?? Then I found this letter on my bed….

The other group of guests were, in fact, the police. The top cop in Bali was staying at The Octagon – where I had dinner – and all the nearby resorts had a police presence.
I hung out at home till 16.00 then was picked up and driven over to The Octagon with the intention of having a swim in their pool. On the way, the guy in the car suggested snorkeling and I thought ‘why not?’. The manager met me at the door again and we chatted for a while, then they drove me to the nearby jetty, gave me snorkeling gear and away I went for half an hour. The vis was pretty poor – the tide was running out and it is a mangrove fringed bay so only to be expected. A lot of the coral was dead and silted up, but I did see quite a few nice reef fish and one decent sized Green Turtle
I watched what looked like Imperial Pigeons of some sort flying in towards the forest. They appeared to have a white wingbar – reminiscent of Common Woodpigeon – but the book I had with me did not describe the wing pattern of any of the Imperial Pigeons. I’ll have to follow up when I get home – suspect they may be Green Imperial Pigeons, definitely not Pied.
Driven back to The Octagon and this time, after passing the police cordon, met the General Manager and chatted to him for a few minutes. Here’s me talking to the general manager in my damp shorts and Speedos, scruffy loose shirt and sandals, my underpants in the bag over my shoulder! Jesus Christ. All good, though, he was very pleasant and engaging and I stressed how excellent the staff at the Eco Lodge were – it was all part of the same organization.
I had dinner. It was amazing! The beef in the Thai beef salad was so tender (I must admit I didn’t eat the lettuce, much to the waitress’s distress), the grilled squid was melt in your mouth, no chewing required and the flamed bananas afterwards? Oh god! Just magic.
After dinner I signed off on the park pass, the bird guide, the two meals and the driver for tomorrow on my credit card – in total just over $310. Brilliant, so easy.
Then it was back home and crash around 21.00.

Trip List – 33               Lifers - 14

Day 7 – 5.3.19 (Tuesday)

Up at 6.00, breakfast at 7.00, driven away by Budi at 8.00.
It was a long drive to Ulu Watu. The distance isn’t huge, but the traffic, especially for the last 35 kms past Kota, Denpassar, Legian, was horrendous – it took us over an hour and a half to get through that section.
We stopped off at a waterfall somewhere in the mountains at Budi’s suggestion and walked in to have a look. It cost 2,000 R for me to go in - $2. It was quite nice, and I did see a pair of Lemon-bellied White-eyes along the track.
We also stopped for coffee at a viewpoint over the lakes before actually driving through Bedugul, my next destination.
Bajul Eco Lodge to Ulu Watu - ~170 kms, 6 hours....
Lakes near Bedugul

Finally got to Ulu Watu, checked in at the Ulu Watu Jungle Villas, agreed to meet Budi tomorrow – he had offered to take me to Bedugul, hopefully he will turn up – and took a break in the aircon for a while. 
The ‘Jungle’ Villa was a bit of a misnomer. They were, basically, a set of identical concrete apartments set around an open area of lawn with a tiny swimming pool in the middle. Looked very nice, but anything but ‘jungle’. 
After it had (maybe) cooled down somewhat I set off to the cliffs with optimism for White-tailed Tropicbird or, at least, a Frigatebird or two. 
Even though it was 16.00 when I set out, it was a very sweaty, 40 minute walk to the cliffs beside the Ulu Watu temple. I found a side track to the right of the temple grounds from the bus carpark. It meant I didn’t have to pay an entrance fee for the temple – not that I minded that, but I just wanted to get to the cliffs away from the crowds. With Nyepi Day (Thursday) coming up I suspected the place was busier than normal. I saw my first swallows in Bali on the way – two each of Barn and Pacific Swallows.
I made it to, literally, the cliff’s edge – no protective fence here – and sat and watched an empty ocean for an hour. Not one bird, never mind anything exciting – nothing, nada, zip, zilch. Maybe it’s the wrong season? Maybe they aren’t here all year round? 
They certainly weren’t here on 5thMarch 2019. 
Cliffs at Ulu Watu 

I was a bit disappointed – more with the fact that I had bypassed Bedugul to come here now for nothing. Nyepi Day is coming up and I planned to be in Bedugul then anyway, because the whole country shuts down for 24 hours – literally the whole country. I had been hoping to be able to quietly bird around the village on Thursday, but it looks like I will be locked in all day which will limit my birding there to maybe an afternoon (Wed) and a morning (Fri) – we’ll see when I get there tomorrow. However, Ulu Watu was a bit of a wash out today. 
I walked home again, it was slightly cooler - showered, changed my shirt and walked 100 meters up the road to Mike’s Kitchen for a large pork ribs and potato wedges, Bintang & coffee ($24) which was really good!
Then it was home again, for a lovely phone call and then a relaxing evening.

Trip List – 49 (my spreadsheet wasn’t calculating properly – this is now up to date) Lifers – 15

Day 8 – 6.3.19 (Wednesday)

I didn’t sleep well – not a comfort thing, just couldn’t drop off. I did eventually, but it wasn’t a good nights sleep.
Up at 6, packed and had coffee in my room. At 7 I walked up the road to Mike’s Kitchen to try and get an early breakfast – it wasn’t open so walked back again and had another coffee. 
Budi turned up early at 7.15 and we set off straight away. I had hoped to escape the heaviest traffic – and we probably did – but around the Kuta/Denpasar area it was still pretty heavy. 

Ulu Watu to Bedugul - a partial reverse of yesterday's drive.
Took 4 hours to get back up to Bedugul and it was raining when we arrived. Checked in to the Warung Rekreasi Guest house place – I was in a cabin on stilts in the compound which promised potential for birding the next day as I have to stay in the compound for Nyeti Day.
Budi took off after dropping me at the Botanical Gardens – I paid him $80 + $20 bonus and he promised to be back on Friday to take me down to Seminyak. 

Entrance to Botanical Gardens, Bedugul
I walked into the gardens – paid the 20,000 Rupiah ($2) entry fee and wandered around in the rain looking for birds and sheltering when it got too heavy. I didn’t see much. A Small Minivet, pair of Black-naped Orioles and a handful of miserable looking Spotted Doves.
I gave it two and a half hours then walked back to the accommodation stopping for a hot, mug (!) of Bali coffee in a small cafĂ© on the way (50 cents – cheapest mug of coffee ever!) I also bought some cigarettes as my tobacco was running low – a pack of Indonesian sweet tasting, sweet smelling fags and a pack of Lucky Strike – together, total cost, $4.70.
Back at the Warung R I had another mug of coffee – they obviously do things differently in the mountains – and kept an eye out for birds. A group of Olive-backed Tailorbirds moved through the undergrowth like mice and near my cabin a small flock of Javan Munia fed on grass seeds.
The rain continued.
Javan Munia
I hung out for the rest of the afternoon watching for activity from the shelter of the reception/eating area. It rained on and off and dripped constantly. There wasn’t much action. A few Olive-backed Sunbird appearances and when I went down the path to take some photos of Plantain Squirrels I flushed an unexpected White-breasted Waterhen to add to the trip list, but other than that it was pretty quiet.
Plantain Squirrel Callosciurus notatus
I waited for the expected Pre-Nyepi Day celebrations – I don’t know what else to call it. It involves community groups making larger-than-life-size images (for want of a better word) of evil spirits ( I think!) called Ogoh Ogoh. They then parade them and, apparently burn them on the night before Nyepi Day. I had seen multiple examples of these images along the roadside as we drove up to Bedugul, but was concerned that, as this immediate area appeared to be predominantly Muslim and it’s a Hindu festival, I didn’t know if there would be a ceremony here.
I wasn’t to be disappointed.
Around 18.30 everyone, it seemed, had gathered at the crossroads just up the road from WR and they had 6 of these images gathered together. They are made from paper maiche or Styrofoam and carried on bamboo frames by young men and boys. They shake them around to the music and then carry them to the nearest temple.

It was very exciting and the crowd were in great humour. I appeared to be the only non-local at the celebrations as I didn’t see anyone else looking like me and had a clear view of everything, being slightly taller than the average Balinese – an unusual situation for me!
Everyone was very friendly, in a chaotic scene of good fun and laughter. I videoed as much as I could and followed the procession towards the temple for some way, until I decided it was further than I had anticipated and I left the crowd and walked back to WR.
I asked about dinner, but was told it was too late, so now haven’t eaten for 24 hours. Managed to get a cup of coffee and spent some time in communication with Ms B who told me her ear is infected and she may not be able to fly home on Sunday. I volunteered to stay with her should that be the case. She has to re-visit the doctor on Saturday.
Trip List – 51                         Lifers – 16

Day 9 – 7.3.19 Nyepi Day

The day Bali shuts down.
The whole country.
Even the airport closes down. 
I couldn’t leave the compound – even the internet had been turned off. Luckily, I could still eat as they continued to serve food for guests. There was only one other couple here so it remained very quiet. No cars or motorbikes on the road. Not a sound, apart from the occasional voice or rattle of domesticity. It’s called the Quiet Day and all activity is banned – or certainly all public activity.

I was woken at 4 after another restless night, by a rolling thunder storm. I got up at 6 to light but persistent rain and felt a bit discouraged. I finally ventured out at 7 and walked quietly around the compound, but saw very little. A few Pink-necked Green Pigeons high in a tree and small flocks of Asian Glossy Starlings overhead. 
At 8 I went to break my 36 hour fast and indulged in bacon & eggs on toast, extra toast with strawberry jam, fruit and 3 cups of Bali coffee – and I felt whole again. The rain continued with very damp breaks between the showers. I retired to my cabin.
It rained heavily all day. The wind picked up and, at one point, the power went off for half an hour or so.
I did virtually nothing. 
I watched Sons of Anarchy and read my e-reader. I had stir fried chicken and vegetables for lunch and, for dinner, pork in sweet soy sauce and a Bintang followed by a special Nyepi Day banana pancake, provided by the cook, free of charge.
Then I went back to Sons.
The only birds of any interest were a brief view of the White-breasted Waterhen scurrying across the lawn in the rain and silhouette views of Pink-necked Green Pigeons and probable, but definitely non-tickable, Dark-backed Imperial Pigeons flying high overhead. Even the ubiquitous Yellow-vented Bulbuls were subdued.
After I got back, in the dark, to my cabin, I turned on the balcony light – and left it on, not intentionally, just because I might go outside for a smoke. One of the boys came up and told me they had to turn it off – for Nyepi. Obviously I didn’t mind. It’s serious shit!

Trip List – 52                  Lifers – 16

Day 10 – 8.3.19 (Friday) My 64th Birthday - for what that's worth!

Woken at 4 by the local Muslim mosque (presumably) calling the faithful to prayer. Got up at 6 to a damp, cloudy morning but it had stopped raining.
Walked around the compound until 7.45 but saw nothing much at all. Breakfast of bacon & eggs etc again, during which a couple of Olive-backed Tailorbirds came by briefly.
Olive-backed Tailorbird
Then walked down to the lake. Nothing there at all – bird-wise anyway.
Back up the hill and into the Botanical Gardens again. This time I stayed off the roads as much as possible, concentrating on the overgrown gullies.
Now I am not a great birder. I enjoy birding, but I’m not an ace by any means. My hearing is poor – especially in the upper register - my right eye is not much good and I wear contacts. But, in my defence, I can move quietly, I’m patient and even I can pick up small birds in the canopy – eventually!
I did all I could but there was just nothing to see. No calls, no movement. Just nothing.
I played Javan Barred Owlet in an effort to possibly attract in any small birds within hearing. I did see a single flowerpecker – think it was a female Orange-breasted Flowerpecker, but only by elimination, rather than definite identification. I was expecting maybe the odd Spiderhunter? Or White-eye? Maybe even a Barbet? But just nothing moved or called. I think an Owlet called back in response, but it only called once and was some distance away – it didn’t respond further and, based on my personal requirements, it remains non-ticked.

I gave it two hours, took a few photos of butterflies and statues, had an instant cappuccino, then headed home, showered, packed and checked my emails while I waited for Budi.
He turned up 15 minutes early and we headed off immediately. It was a two hour drive down to the coast to the Grand Balisani Suites at Seminyak.
On the way I definitely saw Eastern Cattle Egrets in the rice paddies. I know it sounds ridiculous, and I thought I had seen some on other drives - they had been distant and I hadn’t been sure. Just another addition to the trip list!

Bedugul to Seminyak
Budi & his car
I checked in – paid and said goodbye to Budi – and went to my room. Standard hotel type room, despite the ‘suite’ name-tag. 
I headed out for a walk along the beach. Dirty, scruffy, noisy, unpleasant really. A couple of bar/café things along the dirty, potholed road with a large, very noisy, beach club place pumping out duff-duff music at maximum volume. The other, tourist, side of Bali. After the peace of Bali Barat and the local excitement in Bedugul, this was just plain ugly.
I can see why most people probably don’t leave their hotel. The pool area looked…….nice, I guess, but its not really my scene to lie around a pool on my own.
I went back to my room and wondered what I could do. I had more or less decided to eat in the hotel as I just didn’t fancy the mock-western joints on the beach and there didn’t seem to be any local eateries within easy walking distance. The music from the beach club was penetrating the windows and balcony door so I went down to reception and requested a change. They did this immediately and moved me to a similar room with less of a view behind the reception area. Then I went down and had dinner beside the pool, cause that’s where the dining area was - along with a very noisy 'live band' of local dudes. I ordered the pork ribs and had a Bintang to wash them down. On the menu they had banana fritters listed but when I asked for them I was told they didn’t have them – so I had some watermelon and rockmelon instead. Then the waitress came over and said they were making banana fritters for me. WTF? OK,  I waited, they were OK. Then I got up to go back to my room. 
Another, slightly older, waitress approached me and asked me if it was my birthday? I said yes, but its no big deal. She held my hands and wished me happy birthday, as did two other staff members. She said she wanted to give me a cake. I said that won’t be necessary, at my age birthdays are better forgotten! She said she would bring it to the room. I said OK?
Sure enough, 10 minutes later, herself and two other staff members knocked on the door, sang me happy birthday and gave me a small chocolate cake with a candle in it! It was very nice and made me feel just a little bit special for a few minutes.

Then Mr Jamieson and I spent some time together to finish off my 64thbirthday.

Day 11 – 9.3.19 (Saturday)

I had read that up the beach, not far from my location someone had seen waders near a freshwater outlet. I headed out at 7 and walked down to the sand. 
There was no point in going further. 
As far as the eye could see people were walking the beach, surfing, dogs…….a waste of time, no self-respecting wader would hang around in that environment. It must have been a few years ago the other guy saw them, maybe before the coast was completely developed?
I went back to the hotel and struggled repeatedly with my key card to get back into my room, having to have it replaced twice. The internet was non-existent, then it was back, then it was gone….
Jesus Christ. I think I need to sit down with Mr Jamieson again – and its only 8am….
I went to have breakfast and, surprisingly maybe, the chef made me two soft poached eggs on request, which made my day a little better.
Then I struggled with my f……..g key card access again.
Asked Ms B for some advice re shopping and, eventually, headed out with the hotel shuttle which dropped me off at the Mercure Resort in Legian. I found the Corner Coffee shop, as described, and indulged in an, as accurately advised, giant flat white before heading off into the streets to spend some money.
After a couple of hours I ended up back in the café for another giant coffee before catching a Bluebird Taxi back to the hotel.
The rest of the day was spent lazing around the pool (cause there was nothing else to do and it was quite pleasant), reading, having dinner, watching Sons and finishing off Mr Jamieson.

                                                    Trip List – 54               Lifers – 16

Day 12 – 10.3.19

Lay in late, had breakfast, lay around the pool and checked out at 12. My flight was at 16.00, so I booked a taxi for 13.00 to get to the airport by 14.00 and sat and waited.
The taxi came for me at 12.45 and we were at the airport by 13.30, checked-in, through security – where they took both my cigarette lighters away, WTF? – and into the main coffee shop by 14.10.
I ended up waiting at the departure gate and we left on time at 15.55.
I had a row to myself again. This is becoming a (nice) habit.
The meal came round.
Bear in mind, this is a regular back-from-Bali flight.
It’s Sunday afternoon. 
Its not a connecting flight. 
It’s a direct Bali to Brisbane, one way, no stops, get on, get off flight.
It’s a fair assumption that the majority of passengers are going to be Australian holidaymakers going home. Right?
Home to family and friends. The annual holiday or trip to Bali finished again for another year. Money spent, cheap shit bought, maybe a tan worked up. Back to work.
So the food choices…..a vegetarian pasta thing, as usual, and two, yes, TWO, chicken dishes! 
They must have read my previous rant! 
But wait, there‘s more!
Almost every meal in Bali – and probably Indonesia, if not all of Asia – includes rice. 
You can get meals without it, and, maybe a lot of people do? I don’t know what everyone else does. I think it’s a fair assumption, however, that most visitors eat at least some local food – probably the majority of meals. So they’ve all eaten a lot of rice lately – and, let’s be honest, its not a staple Australian type food. We all eat it at home, but not on a daily basis in most households, maybe once or even twice a week, but not every day for most meals.
On the other hand - in Bali, most Australian visitors will avoid salad. 
I feel fairly confident that most Australians, once-a-year or less, visiting Bali, will not eat salad.
Whether the salad is safe to eat or not, I can’t say, but one thing you’re always told is ‘’don’t eat the salad’. 
Urban myth or not. 
So you just don’t. The fear of puking your guts up or spending your holiday looking for a toilet is just too much for most people – me included. 
So you just don’t risk it. You don’t order it. If it comes with your meal, you leave it on the plate – cause you don’t know what water its been washed in.
Back to the airline choices.
Yep, the pasta vegetarian thing that no one really wants and the two chicken dishes.
One a chicken salad and one chicken and rice.
Now, after a week or ten days of chicken and rice dishes and the ‘don’t eat the salad’ thing going on what would YOU chose on the flight home with a super clean, healthy, trustworthy Australian airline, such as Virgin? 
I’ll give you ten seconds to decide….
The freaking salad of course!
Of course you would - just as one could assume every other non-vegetarian/vegan type would choose it as well.
I was considering it. 
The salad sounded nice. 
Kind of refreshing too, after a long hot sticky day. 
Not too heavy. 
Not too light. 
Jussssst right.
When they got to me they’d run out.
Of course they had!
Row 24 Seat A strikes out again!
I had the chicken and rice – again. It tasted similar to most of the dishes I’d eaten for the last twelve days.
Nothing wrong with that – in fact it was very good – just that a salad would have been a nice change.
They should have had more of the salad thing.

Landed on time at midnight. Through customs without any hassle this time. Got an Uber home.
Targets achieved. Expectations exceeded.
Trip over.

Trip List – 54                        Lifers – 16


I have managed to identify most of the butterflies I got photos of on the trip. One still remains unidentified. I saw heaps of others, but these were the only ones I got on 'film'.
Nothing exceptionally exciting, but, here they are anyway.....

Common Five-Ring Ypthima baldus Bedugul 
Dingy Bushbrown Mycalesis perseus Bedugul 
Himalayan Jester Symbrenthia hypselis Bedugul 
Psyche Leptosia nina Bali Barat 
Short Banded Sailer Phaedyma columella Bedugul  
Tawny Coster Acrea terpsicore Bali Barat NP
Unidentified - Bali Barat NP