Tuesday 5 September 2023

Weekends That Were - September 2023


JC Trotter

Mr D picked me up at 6.30 carrying Andy W with him, here for a few days between birding tours.

On site at 7, we walked in to the lake, along the lake to the ‘point’, then back up under the powerlines and back along the usual track. 

We did very well in reality, given the usual low numbers of birds at this location. The water level was lower than it has been in some time, so encouraging more activity – 61 species on my morning’s list + 3 butterflies.


Speckled Warbler - and their nest, found by Andy - at ground level.

Musk Duck seen well on the lake itself (The last time I had MD at this site was Nov 2003)

Sharp-tailed Sandpipers along the edge.

Speckled Warbler nest

Musk Duck (male)

Breakfast afterwards at Deedot.



I picked up Mr D at 5.50 and Mr P at 6 - on site shortly afterwards.


Buff-banded Rails at both the bridge and the cement boat ramp in pond.

At least 2 calling, and one seen, Lewin’s Rail along the river bank, upriver from the bridge.

Spotless Rail at the same location – seen well.

54 Wandering Whistle Ducks on the lake – a site record number for us.

An Osprey overhead was my fifth site record.

2 female Chestnut Teal on the main pond.

10 Australian Pipits on the model plane airfield – another site record number for us.

Pacific Baza over the car park.


Quite birdy with a total morning’s list at least 61 species.


An extended breakfast at Stones Corner afterwards included a long discussion on the value – or not – of EBird…….



Mr P picked me up just after 6, on site at 6.15. Nice warm, calm morning, heating up only towards the end at 8.15.


A Buff-banded Rail wandering across the track half way out.

King Parrots also along track.

Pink-eared Ducks at the ponds.

Pied Cormorants also at the ponds – my 11th site record.

Horsfield’s Bronze Cuckoo seen well at second culvert – my 5th site record.

Striated Herons at ponds – one dark morph had us going for a few minutes considering the possibility of Black Bittern, but it was only a dark morph SH…..


A number of the usual Monarchs and 1 recently emerged Chequered Swallowtail on the butterfly front.


Breakfast afterwards at Arte & Gusto, Graceville.