Sunday 8 January 2017

Weekends That Were - January 2017


Update 6

Time for another update? A little overdue! But my readership appears to have dropped dramatically this month, so, probably of little consequence.
However, I went back to the surgeon in the PA again last Tuesday, 24th, and he gave me clearance to walk 'to tolerance' which means I can put full weight bearing on both long as it doesn't hurt.
Since then I have been walking a bit - not a huge amount, but enough to reassure myself that I can walk. It's not hurting, but its harder than I thought it would be.
I am, of course, using a walking frame. One which is tall enough for me to lean my elbows on padded rests so i can take all the weight of my legs if I need or choose to. My physio encouraged me to take small steps and not to over do it. So I am being as restrained as possible. 
On Friday I walked back to my room from the first floor gym and she said I had exceeded her expectations considering it was only my second day out, so to speak. I was quite comfortable with it, but glad to get back into bed again.
I have taken her advice over the weekend and kept the walking minimal. It is great however, to be able to get up by myself and walk into the toilet and sit on a proper toilet seat for the first time in 6 weeks! I still use the shower chair for showering as I don't have the confidence to stand unsupported just yet.
Tomorrow I start a regime of physio that will occupy my mornings from 9-11.30. Sounds exhausting after the last 6 weeks of lying around doing nothing, but it will ensure my progress accelerates I'm sure.
So - onward and upward, still positive, optimistic and determined.


Update 5

Not really much to report - little improvements every day, 
I can bend my right leg almost to sitting position. 
I am feeling stronger every day, 
the pain is much reduced when I do move, 
the gravel rash in particular is much smaller in area, now only requiring a couple of dressings, 
the burn on my right leg is still messy, but the feeling is returning slowly and it is generally doing better every day. 
Looking forward to next Tuesday when the doctor re-assesses me and I can start to walk again.

On another note the Phasmid that Mr P found at Minnippi last year has been identified Mr B at the museum - thank you! - as a Tessellated Stick Insect Anchiale austrotessulata 

Tessellated Stick Insect Anchiale austrotessulata 


Update 4

Things have moved along a bit. I had a re-assessment yesterday at which the doctor said that, pending a further assessment on 24th, he would expect I can start walking in two weeks! He also questioned the continuing presence of the catheter......
So, at 6am this morning, I woke to find a nurse preparing to remove it......which all went very well and, I am happy to report, everything has returned to normal and I am wearing pants for the first time in a month!
Maybe not a world changing occurrence - doesn't quite reach the exciting heights of that recent, disastrous, election - but for me, a much happier moment!

Oh, the little things - its always the little things! As the nurse said to the doctor............


Update 3

Yeah, its been a while - but things move much more slowly when you can't walk!
Progress is slow, but steady. My gravel rash is gradually reducing in size and pain - the sooner its sorted the better. I'm working on bending my right leg, although that's slow as movement is fairly restricted in bed. My ribs are giving me minimal trouble and I can roll over much easier and for longer as my pelvis heals.
I have been able to get out on a shower chair without my dressings and have a shower which has been nice and do other things which involve a toilet which you probably don't really want to know about - but are great personal achievements for me in my current position.
I have developed an infection which they are hitting with intravenous antibiotics that, I hope, will kick it in the head, and avoid the prospect of a return to the PA. Tomorrow I go back there for another assessment anyway, but I don't want to stay there - I like where I am.
I've had lots of visitors and well wishers via text, email and/or phone which is lovely and I am still positive and optimistic. I just wish this bloody gravel rash would finish then I could focus on moving more and working my leg.
Its funny - but now when I hear someone has been killed in a  car crash or otherwise I think more about what that means. I guess I've seen the impact a near death or serious accident can have on an individual and their friends and family and its made me much more aware.
I've spoken to the police who were on site and relived the accident through their eyes. While there is no blame attached so far, they seem to consider me responsible for the accident. Which I accept. I have also spoken to Paul the truck driver and assured him I am OK and he was not to blame.

That's about it really. At least I'm in the air con out of the stinking, sweaty, Brisbane heat.

There's always gotta be a plus side!

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