Friday 1 September 2017

Weekends That Were - September 2017


From Ammoudia to Nestoria

We left our lovely host with gifts of herbs and cake at 7.45 and headed west. It was a 300 km drive to our destination and Mr H had chosen secondary roads as a more direct scenic route.
We got ‘lost’ a couple of times and went round in circles in Kilkis until we found the right road outta town, but otherwise it was a relatively uneventful trip.
We stopped off at a set of lakes near Edessa, the first being Lake Agras where we had much improved views of Ferruginous Duck and added Tufted Duck and Black-necked Grebe to the trip list.
Lake Vegoritis was, basically, bare apart form a Long-legged Buzzard perched up for scope views.
Lake Zazari was, itself, a disappointment, but we had lunch there and a few Red-rumped Swallows showed well. 
Red-rumped Swallow
On the way in, too, we totalled 10 Long-legged Buzzards perched up for crippling views. We also had a Lesser Kestrel on the way out.

Long-legged Buzzard
Heading over the hills just after lunch the autumnal trees caught my eye.

We arrived at Nestoria and found our next two night’s accommodation at Maria’s place, along the main road but our balcony overlooks the river behind the house. Strangely there are no facilities for even making coffee either in our room or in the building. When we asked about eating, Maria suggested a village back along the road about 20 kms so we headed back to Mesopatamia, a small rural village, and found a taverna where we had souvlaki (meat skewers) with a tomato/olive/onion/cucumber olive oil-drenched salad.

We drove home past signs warning of bears and wolves but were disappointed.

                   Day list – 51species; Trip list - 152 species; Trip lifers – 36 (First day with none)


The mountains - Serres & the Bulgarian border track

A bit of a delay getting off this morning due to the need to wash some clothes, wait for the machine to finish and hang them out.
We headed for Serres, then found our way to the mountain road to Mt Vrontou to get to the Lailias ski run. On the way we stopped at a couple of likely spots but nothing of much consequence. We did have a Red Squirrel along the road and two small female deer sp jump out of the way of the rumbling sewing machine.
We stopped first at Kataphyria ski hotel and walked through the trees to view the exposed rock face in the hope of Blue Rock Thrush – not a hope, but we did have a bird wave of Tits, including a Crested Tit I didn’t manage to get on to (not a lifer anyway) and a Eurasian Treecreeper - the first for the trip.
On then to Lailias but it was pretty dead – just a single Great Spotted Woodpecker. We drove the circuit and stopped at an open area further along the road (before the pond). Here we had more tits, but little else, until we took a walk away from the car and a Black Woodpecker called and perched up high in a fir about 20 meters from where we’d parked – isn’t it always the way? Everything is always at the car when you get back…. It was about 300 meters away, but stayed put until we were within 100 meters before disappearing. At last, a ‘decent’ view following our last encounter. We had been targeting Nutcracker, but despite some false alarms, didn’t see hide nor hair.
It was cold up the mountain, @ 1800 meters, dropping to 6 degrees with a cold northern wind taking away any remaining warmth. We were glad of our jackets for the first time on the trip. Back down at Serres it was 20 degrees again.
We decided to head up to Mt Belles at the north end of the lake and try the rough track out of Ano Poroia which ended at an military outpost on the Bulgarian border.
It took us a while to get there as the road up was really shit – broken and potholed, narrow and twisting. A few larger 4WDs and a truck loaded with logs came down the hill and made us very wary rounding the blind corners, but we arrived safely at the top, where the road was barred, and parked up for a wander around. It was about 1600 feet, no wind, but pretty cool. We had a look into Bulgaria – looked pretty much the same as the Greek side - then Mr H found a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and we had decent views of it in some spindly trees.
A track 300 meters from the top was recommended as a possible Rock Partridge site so we walked quietly along it. Hearing the ‘tap tap’ of a woodpecker we tried to find it in the trees above the track, but couldn’t get onto it. We struggled up a very steep slope, pushing through ferns and brambles, small trees falling in our path and yet the tapping continued. Eventually we found the culprit and much to our delight it was a White-backed Woodpecker, our 7th woodpecker species of the trip and my 5th woodpecker lifer! (T1). It was freaking hard work, but worth it. We also had good views of members of a flock of Hawfinches, but no sign of any partridges or bugger all else.
Back down the track to the main road and the journey home, stopping to pick up some food on the way.
Determined to identify the bloody owl we’ve missed each night, we set up chairs in the middle of the front garden before dusk and settled in, torch, bins and camera at the ready. Sure enough just as it went dark, a manic chuckling sounded behind us and we swung round to get owl no 2 for the trip – a Little Owl sat up on the wire looking at us as we looked at him, before flying off to his night’s hunting.

Day list – 39 species; Trip list 146 species; Trip lifers – 36 (1).


Lake Kerkini

We spent the day around the lake, accessing it at different points, seeing much the same birds at each, with some exceptions, and finishing with a Kerkini Pelagic, as we called it!
We started with breakfast with our host at 6.45, left at about 7.30 and stopped first at the dam wall in Lithotopos. We had a Black Stork, Pygmy Cormorants and several Common Snipe out in the open, we also saw our first Common Moorhens of the trip and Mr H had a Green Sandpiper that pissed off before I got onto it.
On to a side track on the eastern side of the lake (which we concentrated on all day) and we had another Black Stork, a brilliant Green Sandpiper on a rocky island, a Common Sandpiper, great views of Penduline Tit, Grey Wagtails and a Common Kingfisher.
Penduline Tit
A little further along near a village called Limnohori we reached the track along the top of the embankment and for the next two or three hours drove slowly along stopping at vantage points over the lake – highlights were flocks of Pied Avocets, 11 Caspian terns, thousands of Eurasian Teal, hundreds of Northern Shoveler, Common Pintail and Northern Mallard. In the background approx 4,000 Greater Flamingos and 500 White Pelicans (T!). They were pretty distant still, but identifiable by the amount of black on their underwings compared to the much paler Dalmation Pelicans also visible.
We drove on along the wall and reached the drier areas where the lake had receded. We came across a shallow, weed choked pond and among the Common Moorhens two Little Crakes (T2) wandered about out in the open providing excellent scope views.
While we were watching them we found two Coypus Myocastor coypus large beaver-like rodents feeding placidly on the water logged vegetation. Another first for both of us.
Getting off the track finally, near the head of the lake we drove around to cross the River Strymonas, the main feeder river for the lake, and walked a track near it for Great Spotted Woodpecker and a fly over flock of 6 Hawfinch.
From there we hammered round to Kerkini village again for coffee and bought some buffalo meat for dinner. The area is famous for buffalo meat, yoghurt, cheese etc and we had come across several herds of the massive beasts on our travels.
Then it was back to Mandraki – another point to observe the lake from, hoping for a closer look at the Flamingos and pelicans but they weren’t any closer. We did add Spotted Redshank, Wood Sandpiper and Kentish Plover to our day list and while we ate lunch, Squacco Heron and Hen Harrier (the latter to our trip list). I tossed some rocks the heron’s way to make it fly as it seemed to be stuck in the mud for ages….
Squacco Heron
As we left the lake a Green Woodpecker flew ahead of us and perched up in a tree so we finally managed some decent views of this difficult-to-see-properly bird.
We decided to take a boat trip on the lake and some enquiries at the information centre back in Kerkini again saw us down at the small ‘harbour’ negotiating a one hour boat trip for 40 euro. We dubbed it the Kerkini Pelagic and sailed out onto a flat calm lake with Yasilly (probably not the correct spelling, but that’s what it sounded like). 

All aboard the Kerkini pelagic!!
We puttered across the shallow lake towards the colonies, eventually catching up with and getting within 50 meters of, a flock of perhaps 500 White Pelicans on the water  - spectacular! The Flamingos, we reckoned, numbered about 4,000 and although we didn’t get super close, we had impressive views of this huge flock. Greater Cormorants were just as spectacular – probably at least 1,500, most of which left the land and gathered together in a flock on the water for our perusal on our return trip. All in all it was an amazing spectacle and we felt we got our money’s worth.

Great White Pelican 
Greater Flamingos 
Pygmy Cormorant

It was now 17.00 and we’d had enough for the day so headed home to Ammoudia – that’s where we’re staying!
We had dinner – vegies and buffalo meat, strong flavour – then went for a short walk owling. We didn’t have any luck – we were pretty tired after all – but we have heard an owl call both nights here at dusk so maybe tomorrow night we’ll try then.

Day list – 67 species; Trip list 137 species; Trip lifers – 35 (2).


From Tichero to Lake Kerkini via Porto Lagos

We left Tichero, my neck scarf and Mr H’s head torch at 7.30 and headed west. 

Hotel Loga, inside and out - you can even see my neck scarf still on the hook on the wall inside the apartment...shit!
A damp, cool morning upgraded to a bright, sunny day on the way to Porto Lagos.
Another wetland, another day. We checked several sights in and around the town seeing a lot of what we had already listed with a few highlights – 5 Sanderling, 3 Bar-tailed Godwit, more Greater Flamingos, 2 Ruff, 3 Kentish Plovers, 15 Red Knot and, best of all, a single European Bee Eater (T1).
We moved on, avoiding Marginated Tortoises crossing the road on several occasions and narrowly missing a snake on another – but not the potholes, Mr H didn’t miss them!
Some spectacular scenery as the lowlands rose to the Rodolpi Mtns – although only the western end. Driving into this scene with Eminem in the background was……..different!
The western end of the Rodopi Mountains
We reached Lake Kerkini around 16.30 with Mt Belles in the background and started round the lake scanning for stuff.
Lake Kerkini with Mt Beles in the background - the Bulgarian border is just over it.
A massive flock of, by our estimate, at least 2000 Common Pochard loafed out in the centre of the lake. Scanning slowly through them we started to pick out individual Ferruginous Ducks, (T2) not many, we guessed about 20 seen, but there were probably a lot more, the flock was, even in my x50 zoom, pretty distant.
We checked all the Pelicans we found on our side of the lake, about 30, but they were all Dalmation Pelicans. In the very far distance, on the other side we could see massive flocks of Greater Flamingos and what appear to be White Pelicans through the heat haze, but we decided to leave them till tomorrow.
Heading further up the lake towards the village of Kerkini itself, I called a halt for a ‘wader’ in a shallow inlet. The wader was, in fact a Squacco Heron (T3) and we eventually saw 4. Yes, my sight does need work – in fact I’m having a bit of trouble with my right eye so am currently working one-eyed again and squinting in the sun. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it for now.
We stopped for a coffee, rang our next Air BnB host and then headed off for the 40 minute drive to a pretty cool house in a small village whose name I haven’t got in front of me, but will update tomorrow. Our host, Tallia, is an architect and it shows in the house.

We, basically, unloaded, cooked dinner and did the log, during which an owl called outside but we couldn’t find it at short notice, so it too will have to wait till tomorrow.

Day list – 69 species; Trip list - 130 species; Trip lifers – 30 (3).


The Dadia Mountain drive & Avas Gorge area

Wow!! Another truly memorable birding day – at least so far as we are concerned.
It was spitting rain – which suited us quite well, as we intended driving the road from Dadia village up across the mountains and down to Lutros again, on the coast road.
We set off at 7.30 and headed to Dadia. Driving through the village the local men were taking their morning coffee sitting outside the local coffee shops. As we rumbled through they all looked at us, obviously a small village with narrow streets anything is an object of attention. Unfortunately Mr H got a little confused and we ended up on the wrong road, so we had to drive back through the village, past all the same men, who again, all watched us rumble by…….then we did a U turn and drove back through the main square past all the coffee shops again. It reminded me of one of those Inspector Clouseau/Pink Panther movie scenes.
Anyway, back to birding…
We just picked random places to stop along the way when either Mr H heard something or we saw some activity or we picked a place previously described in the book. Some of these spots were excellent. Good views of Great Spotted Woodpecker at one, a flock of 30 Hawfinches at another. One of the best had Common Blackbirds and Song thrushes, Common Chaffinches and Spotted Flycatchers in abundance, then about 10 Common Redstarts, along with my first lifer of the day (maybe a surprise to some?) Lesser Whitethroat (T1).

Great Spotted Woodpecker
Another stop at a pig farm saw us walking down a dirt track in the now drizzling rain to follow up on a Flycatcher we saw from the car – Semi-collared Flycatcher, (T2) a brief, damp view, followed by a single Red-breasted Flycatcher and then, unexpectedly in the thin trees, a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker! (T3) Very good views at about 20 meters for long enough for my arms to get tired holding the bins up - excellent. Of course I didn’t have the camera with me due to the rain….
We ended our mountain drive at Lutros and decided to have a cup of coffee (Greek style) in the Hotel Isidora. While we sat the thunder rumbled and the rain poured down for about 10 minutes.
We now felt we had covered most of the immediate area and still had the now brightening afternoon in front of us. I suggested we try the Avas Gorge – it was about 20kms away towards Alexandropulis and appeared to have some potential according to the book.
The book in fact described a railway station just before the gorge that had had some good birds so we stopped off there on the way in. The station itself was a deserted ruin and a long line of old carriages had been left to rot on a side track – there was no one else around.
We walked very slowly through an old olive grove following a feeding party of Chaffinchs, Spotted Flys, multiple Common Blackcaps and Tits and a single Sylvia warbler we were having difficulty seeing well enough to identify. As we stood waiting patiently for it to re-appear a Eurasian Hoopoe flew down about 50 meters away and started to feed! (T3) Wow - a bird I have waited yonks to see, it was unreal. It was also half-shielded by thin brown grass and the photos I did try didn’t work out, but it didn’t matter.  It was unreal to see such a brightly coloured bird appear out of nowhere, crest raised, like a giant butterfly.
The warbler turned out to be an Eastern Olivaceous Warbler (T4) and we had a Garden Warbler there as well. It was hard work though and took us upwards of 90 minutes hard stalking.
I was interested to see if there was anything else in the thicket and decided to try playing owl calls to see if that would draw out anything. I hung my Bluetooth speaker in a tree and played Scops Owl – small reaction from the Tits, but nothing major. I switched to Little Owl – nothing at all.
I thought, what the hell, I’ll try Eagle Owl – again little or no reaction.
I stopped playing.
Then I thought I had an echo in my ear cause I could still hear the deep “UUUUHHH’ call.
I banged my head and ensured my ears were clear, waited, and…………heard it again.
I called Mr H and said ‘I think we’ve got a response!” or something similar…….
Sure enough a Eurasian Eagle Owl was calling back – admittedly some distance away, but it was calling. We identified a cliff face on the other side of the tracks as being the probable location, but despite scanning intensely couldn’t pick it out. As we watched a pair of Ravens arrived and alighted on the cliff edge, almost immediately the owl gave itself away and flew a meter or so to another spot on the cliff face, just out of our line of vision. Wow!! Eagle Owl in daylight!
We hurried across the rusting tracks, found a gap in the hedge, walked through an olive grove and came out below the cliff face. We were about 70 meters from its base and it wasn’t all that high – maybe 20 meters.
The Ravens had departed and we scanned and scanned the cliff face repeatedly until finally I spotted a big orange eye peering over some grass in a corner. I called Mr H but as I did it took flight again, flew along the cliff face and disappeared out of sight. Far OUT!! It was a very exciting experience. (T6)
The Eagle Owl cliff face and dilapidated rolling stock.
We returned to the car, absolutely delighted with our find. There had been no mention of the owl in this location – although the book did say that Avas Gorge, our next destination, had had them in the past. We went there and sat and had our lunch by the roadside but saw nothing except a Clouded Yellow butterfly – but it really didn’t matter.
Heading back towards home we stopped off at a ridge line near the Delta visitor centre, driving up a very rough road to gain some height above the surrounding land. The dude in the centre had mentioned this as a fly way for raptors to and from the Delta, we sat for a while and had 1 Long-legged Buzzard, about 20 Alpine Swifts, 40 Common House Martins, Sand Martins and a Eurasian Sparrowhawk which dive bombed a flock of Starlings, but came away empty handed.
We headed home at 17.00 well pleased with our day.
Back 'home' we walked down the road to the village centre and took photos the Greek Orthodox Church - every village has one!

Day list – 47 species; Trip list - 121 species; Trip lifers – 33 (6).


Evros Delta

We turned off the road at Feres, a small village on the main road with a lot of traffic lights, and headed down unsealed roads to the Delta. It took us a while to figure out where we were, but eventually, we were on the right road.
A fairly long, relatively boring hour and a half’s driving along the raised embankment surrounded by very dry fields and empty bushes coming within spitting distance of the border with Turkey but seeing no evidence of the expected Greek military. In fact, we never took the sought after pass out of the glovebox. The only military installations we saw appeared to be long abandoned and semi-derelict. Not really sure why the dude at the visitor’s centre didn’t mention this fact, but anyway…
We did have one exciting experience - as we crawled along the track a European Jackal Canis aureus moreoticus trotted across in front of us! I had no opportunity to even think about the camera, but it was pretty cool and another completely unexpected sighting.
We eventually reached some shallow water and started seeing some interesting stuff. I pulled a Purple Heron out of a reedbed and got good, if not a little brief, view before it took flight. We saw heaps of Western Marsh Harriers, a single White-tailed Eagle, a couple of very brief flight views of Cetti’s Warblers and a few Greater Flamingos also in flight before we reached the end of the road. We also had a number of Eurasian Hobbys which, a bit to my surprise, were a tick for me (T1). I was sure I had seen them before, but it would appear not. There was a strong easterly wind blowing again, which made it very difficult to keep the scopes steady and any birds that took flight got blown away very quickly. We visited two well-constructed hides – both were locked – a frustration after climbing 4 flights of stairs. Maybe it’s to stop illegal immigrants sleeping over?
At the end of the road, however, there was a large concentration of waders, Pelicans, Gulls and Duck. Sorting through this from shelter behind a dilapidated building we identified Dalmatian Pelicans, Eurasian Teal, Caspian Terns, Dunlin, Yellow-legged Gulls, Common Shelduck, Spotted and Common Redshanks, Common Greenshanks, 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Northern Pintail and several Common Ringed Plover. In a nearby scrape T2 for the day for me – Kentish Plover at last!
A little further on a huge flock of about 400 Greater Flamingos in another shallow pond was a beautiful sight.
Greater  Flamingo
We were pretty tired by midday, what with the wind, the slow driving (due to the rough road and not wanting to miss anything) and the 28 degree heat, so we pulled stumps and headed home for lunch and a nana nap.
Out again at 15.30 and we again headed into the Delta, this time from a road further along and more directly into the wetland. Just after turning off a large circling raptor on the left brought us to a halt, dump the seat belts, jump out of the car and turned into a Long-legged Buzzard (T3) – a lifer for both of us.
This road turned up nothing of interest, so we headed back to the main road and down the road beside the strip club that we had gone down yesterday.
This ended up on the beach and we drove around looking for waders and gulls – the sand was very hard packed and quite safe to drive on in our very-non-4WD sewing machine.
More Kentish Plovers, Dunlin, a Western Osprey and, as Mr H found out when he checked an apparent Black-headed Gull- Slender-billed Gull. (T4) An adult and a very attractive gull it was too!
Kentish Plover
Slender-billed Gull
17.30 and we felt we’d done all we could, so we headed home again. On the way we had two more Long-legged Buzzards above a field beside the main road.
At home we booked another AirBnB for further on in our trip then walked into ‘town’ for meat skewers, spicy cabbage, feta and bread and a beer or two before crashing.

Day list – 60 species; Trip list 108 species; Trip lifers – 27 (4).


Dadia forest & Evros Delta

Today was (hopefully) going to be Vulture Day. My first experience with the beasts.
We left ‘home’ at 7.30 and made it to the visitor centre just on 8. A woman from Denmark and a guy from Germany were there together, also as visitors, though neither was a serious birder. The staff opened up promptly and we all watched a 30 minute video of the park and its inhabitants which was, actually, worth seeing. We then paid our 4 euro each and boarded the mini bus for the 10 minute drive to the hide.
The park management provide food at a feeding station for the vultures and this is what we were going to see. The birds are, to all intents and purposes, wild – although a number did carry wing tags.
The hide overlooked the feeding station, but it was a long way away, we estimate about 500 meters. Two scopes were provided for the punters, but, obviously, Mr H and I had our own.
Apart from the distance it was brilliant! 10 Black Vultures, 2 Griffon Vultures and 2 White-tailed Eagles (imm) were on site feeding on the carcases of a couple of cattle. All 3 were lifers for me. (T1, 2 & 3) 
Black & Griffon Vultures at feeding station 500 meters away
We stayed after the bus left, choosing to walk back via the forest track, and after the other two visitors had left as well. Then we, too, left the distant vultures to their meal and headed back to the information centre. It took us 60 minutes, some rough terrain, but mostly gently downhill. We had expected to see lots but there was feck-all in the forest. We did see a small flock of Long-tailed Tits, but that was about it.
A very welcome cup of Greek coffee – getting to like this stuff – then we headed off for the drive to the ‘Mast Lookout’. This involved driving back down the main road, turning off a side road and following it up a mountain for 18kms to a peak where there was a ‘military’ compound and, reputedly, the potential for close-up views of flying raptors, vultures included.
A few things happened on the way….
First up, a Short-toed Eagle crossed low across the road in front of us and when we pulled up to have a look, another eagle/buzzard type bird glided into view – a Lesser Spotted Eagle. (T4).
Short-toed Eagle
We turned off the main road and started up the narrowing side road. Mr H suggested stopping at a likely spot. There wasn’t much in the way of birds, but a European Wild Cat Felis silvestris silvestris stepped out onto the track in front of us! I grabbed some quick shots which weren’t very clear before it slunk off low to the ground – very unexpected!
European Wildcat Felis silvestris silvestris
Further on a second Lesser Spotted Eagle circled high overhead.
The road was very narrow, with many blind corners, overgrown verges, rough patches. It was a slow drive as we never knew what to expect round the next corner. However, we made it safely and found a deserted, windowless, semi-ruined watch tower outside the main compound that afforded excellent views of about two thirds of the surrounding area. We climbed the rusting spiral staircase and hung out up there for a while, but nothing showed. We decided to drive about 500 meters back down the road to another lookout, but again, nothing.
Eventually we found a small side track through the trees on the north side of the road and pushed through to see a couple of Black Vultures circling a hillside. We climbed a rocky outcrop in front of us and finding some shade sat for an hour or so watching several Black and 1 or 2 Griffon Vultures circling high overhead. None of them came anywhere near us, but it was a nice way to have lunch! I tried several methods of focus to try to get the circling birds in focus in my lens – it was bloody difficult, but I did end up with some images that I photo-shopped heavily.
Black Vulture 
Griffon Vulture
We headed back down the hill and due to the severe lack of passerines around the roads decided to go to part of the Evros Delta we could access without the permits.
On the way Mr h suggested we try the visitor centre ‘just in case they’re open’. I was sceptical, but it was on the way so we dropped in anyway…..and, of course, they were bleedin’ open! The guy on site had the pass ready and was friendly and eager, but not very optimistic about us seeing much. Anyway, we headed down the track beside the strip club as described and soon had birds to look at.
Within 10 minutes Mr H had a European Roller on a rather distant heat-haze affected wire. (T5). As we were looking at this and preparing to walk closer, a flock of hirundines came through – mostly Pallid Swifts (T6), also Common Swift, Barn Swallow, Sand Martin and one Red-rumped Swallow!
Then we went after the Roller – we didn’t get very close before it moved a similar distance away again so we gave up. It was 28 degrees, we were both knackered – especially me – and it was very dry.
We carried on down to the shore line of extensive low sand dunes and mud flats, but saw little of real interest apart from a handful of Crested Larks, it was 17.30 so we headed home.
Crested lark 

Day list – 52 species; Trip list - 96 species; Trip lifers – 23 (7).


Keramidi to Tichero

This was a day for driving. Mr H had estimated the distance in miles and then listed it as kilometres – so we ended up with 7 and a half hours driving and 600 kms…..a freaking big day with only one driver.
The drive was, in fact, relatively uneventful -  a few things here and there but nothing that brought us to a screaming halt. The motorways are really, really good. Up to 130 k/hr, few cars, slower trucks, great surface. The only drawback is paying for them via the tolls – not quite as bad today – or am I just getting used to it?
On our way through we stopped at the Evros Delta visitor centre to pick up the passes Mr H had applied for a month ago. You need the passes to go deeper into the delta as it’s militarily controlled. You apply for them ahead of time, then pick them up. It was 15.55 when we got there (today is Saturday too) and the centre was closed – supposedly at 16.00 - but they’d obviously pissed off a little early. I tried banging on the door but no one came. Translating the opening hours on the front door via the guide book we found the centre is closed on Sundays so we will have to wait till Monday to get full access to the wetlands. Not a major worry as we’re here till Wednesday anyway.
Anyway, we arrived in the very small village of Tichero, about as close to the Turkish border as you can get, at about 16.00, found our accommodation – an average, ground floor, twin bed, one room, self contained apartment in the Hotel Lago. We quickly realised there were no pots and pans and minimal plates and cutlery in the unit. Bringing this to the on-site manager’s attention he led us to a common kitchen/sitting room area where we could cook in a fully equipped kitchen. Not what we’d expected, but perfectly acceptable. 
We decided that a rest and coffee break was necessary and while sitting outside our room doing just that we scoped 6 Short-toed Eagles cruising high above us. Mr H pointed out a speeding Alpine Swift (T1 for the day for me) and we had our first Common Swift of the trip too.
We went for a check out drive to Dadia Forest visitor centre – 10ks up the road – and found it very quiet. A number of Chaffinches were the only birds present in our short walk, then we headed for the ‘small bird hide’ - a 5 minute walk from the centre. Just outside that we got my second tick for the day and Mr H a lifer – a Syrian Woodpecker.
We headed back to the hotel, cooked dinner and crashed.

Day list – 27 species; Trip list 85 species; Trip lifers – 16.


Keramidi & Lake Karla again

Up at 6.30 and out by 7 we decided against moving the car immediately and went, instead, for a walk back up the only road into town. It was a very slow meander, picking up nice birds like singing Cirl Buntings, Spotted Flycatchers, Eurasian Jays, Tree Pipits, Red-backed Shrike and plenty of Sombre Tits. (Tick 1 for the day).
Keramidi village

Spotted Flycatcher
Returning to the house we manoeuvred the car out of the driveway carefully and finally set off up the road again looking for more mature trees and tracks off the road. The first one was an almost immediate success – a Short-toed Eagle (tick no 2) hung almost motionless above the ridge providing excellent views before swinging off out of sight. Eurasian Nuthatches were everywhere – and continued to be so all morning – more Sombre Tits, a red-throated lizard and a couple of butterflies.
Through the Dadia Forest
The second effort was even more brilliant! A Middle-spotted Woodpecker (T3) on the ground provided opportunity for video and close examination – although it was a little distant. 

We heard Green Woodpeckers but only managed fleeting views – as you do, bastard things – then, as we moved along a narrow track through the trees, a call sounded that I hadn’t heard before and a large black bird swooped away. Mr H turned to me, eyes shining, and said ‘Black Woodpecker!’ (T4) Words I had been hoping to hear. The next two hours were spent following the calls, using playback and sitting and watching, but gaining only a couple more fleeting flight views. During this prolonged stalk we saw a Wood Warbler and Short-toed Treecreeper.
Middle-spotted Woodpecker
It being now lunch time we headed own to the coast (5kms) and found our way along a shingle beach to a caf̩ bar where we had our first Greek coffee Рit was excellent. Then back along to the road and a beach side taverna. We negotiated lunch with the owner i.e. he showed us what he could prepare and we agreed the price. We were the only lunch customers and enjoyed a very pleasant two hours or so on tzatziki dip & bread, whole deep fried Red Mullet, a feta, tomato, olive, sweet pepper and cucumber salad and a big plate of calamari. A Greek beer each, followed by a plate of chestnuts and coffee and the bill of 39 euro. Probably more expensive than we had expected but a great experience and worth it. During lunch my first European Honey Buzzard (T5) flew over the hill for a short view.
We decided to head over the hills back to Lake Karla again – and took a slow drive, stopping often, during which we scoped another Middle-spotted Woodpecker and had a flock of Long-tailed Tits.
Back at lake Karla we found huge flocks of House Sparrow and looked in vain for Spanish. Tree Sparrows, European Greenfinch and Corn Buntings aplenty were added to our trip list. We also saw a single Black Stork, a flock of European Spoonbills and a couple of Common Sandpipers. By 18.30 we had had enough and headed back home.
Red-backed Shrike

Day list – 47 species; Trip list 80 species; Trip lifers – 14.


Athens to Keramidi

What a flight!
A very typical cheap, fully packed plane with lots of big people and all the usual poor behaviour of cheap travellers. They served a meal which was OK and came round with coffee twice, which helped the 4 hour flight time pass quickly, but both Mr H and I had BIG dudes in front of us who leaned their seats back and then banged repeatedly into them as they tried to sleep creating a continuous threat of them landing in our laps. When we were getting out an old Greek guy behind me tried to push past in the aisle but I told him to wait his turn until everyone was out of the rows in front of him. He mumbled something lengthy in Greek but I just ignored him.
Anyway – we got out, through customs, got our bags and dragged our sorry asses out to the car rental. It was a 250 meter walk to locate our tiny car in the lot and we crammed our baggage in while I tried to get my iPad Nav Man working for us to escape Athens. I managed to get Maps me working well and we headed off – Mr H driving, me navigating, as I had forgotten to get an International Driver’s License and apparently the Greek police don’t like you driving on an Australian driver’s license without one.
It was, of course, dark as we left the airport and tried to understand the road signs, traffic (mad drivers, no indication, no lane markings, everyone going hell for leather) and follow the directions on my iPad. We got lost three times, despite the programme and paid at least two extra tolls as a result. Eventually dawn broke as we were still in the outer suburbs, but we ploughed on regardless, Mr H trying all the gears in the box at once, giggling like schoolboys and expressing horror at the expectations of the other road users.
Tolls? Jesus Christ on a moped, every 30 kms there was a toll booth with the cost varying between 1.75 euro and 3.80 euro. We haven’t totalled the cost yet, but it was never ending.
After about 4 and a half hours we found our way to our first planned stop – the Sperchios Delta – a large bay backed by extensive wetlands accessed via dirt tracks along which our brave little car crawled. A strong ‘offshore’ (I think it was a north westerly) wind was blowing and the reeds were swaying and small birds took flight at their own risk, BUT
What a day! Greater Flamingos, Wood Sandpipers, Western Marsh Harriers, Western Yellow Wagtails, a Common Kingfisher and two new birds for me – 3 White Storks – poor flight view, but good enough - and, very surprisingly, Penduline Tits. The wind was really fierce and put paid to most photography, but I did note heaps of dragonflys around the standing water.
Yellow Wagtail
After an hour or so we trundled back into the local village and visited a Mini Mart to get some groceries. The owner spoke very little English and we speak next to no Greek, but we did manage to get some staples. A quick bite of bread and cheese then it was back on the road and more tolls before finally getting off the motorway and down to Lake Karla.
Set in a valley that was originally a huge wetland, a new dam wall/embankment has created a shallow lake – and provides a perfect platform to drive along and scope the reed beds and feeding birds. The road runs around the edge of this valley, so is flanked on one side with a steep, very steep in places, rocky, thorn scrub slope.
We stopped to bird this slope a couple of times before reaching the lake. On our first stop we had Red-backed Shrikes, a bit distant, but good none the less, heaps of butterflies - photos taken, to be identified in the fullness of time - and my third tick of the day – a European Nightjar flushed by himself, that we subsequently saw well three times in flight. Our second stop produced Black Storks in flight and Rock Nuthatch!! Brilliant!! The latter two birds I thought we’d have real difficulty seeing.
Reaching the dam embankment we picked up the Black Storks, now perched up, so to speak…. and then the ticks started to roll again…
European Spoonbills, (imm) Dalmatian Pelicans, Pygmy Cormorants, Black-eared Wheatears and Lesser Kestrels, along with other goodies like Black-winged Stilts, Temmick’s Stints, Spotted Redshanks, Western Marsh Harriers and Yellow Wagtails, Gadwall, Whiskered Terns and Common Snipe. I guess some of these would be considered fairly average european birds, but for me it was a tick fest, a 9 lifer day.
Greater Flamingo (imm)
Black Storks
Dalmatian Pelican (imm)
And it was one of those days when the ticks just kept coming – you know what I mean? You no sooner have one seen and spent some time with, than your partner is calling something else…..I struggled to keep up! Mr H added 6 lifers to his list for himself and was well pleased with the day.
To top it off, walking back from a final scoping of the shore line Mr H heard, yes heard, Marginated Tortoise Testudo marginata walking through the thorny grass and we had a close encounter with this, surprisingly big, reptile. Something I had not expected or prepared for – unreal!
Marginated Tortoise
By now the long day was staring to really hit so we gave it away and drove up and out of the valley, on switchback roads, through flocks of cattle, goats and even domestic pigs – another first for us - over the top of the surrounding mini mountains and down the far side to meet our first AirBnB host at Keramidi village. It turned out to be a very tiny village perched on the slopes above the sea and our accommodation was a tiny, one bedroomed, house set among others up a very, very narrow street - I mean very, very narrow. If we hadn’t been driving such a small car we wouldn’t have got it up to the house. God knows how we’ll get it down again – but that’s a problem for tomorrow…..

Keramidi accommodation

Day List – 54 species; Trip list – 54 species; Trip lifers – 9.


Stillorgan - Athens

Went for breakfast with Mum, finished packing, relaxed and read – wet, windy day – chatted with Lorraine after she finished work, left for the airport at 20.00. Dropped the car off no problem (total kms driven = 1261) and met Mr H at the Aegean Air Desk.

The flight was scheduled to leave at 23.15 – but was half an hour late getting off the ground.



Another quiet day. Took Mum for a drive to Howth – the headland on the north side of Dublin Bay. Beautiful sunny, bright day with a blustery southerly. Not much bird-wise apart from a single Black Guillemot off the harbour wall and a handful of Northern Gannets in the channel between the mainland and Ireland’s Eye. Had lunch in the King Sitric Hotel on the seafront – very good. Then we drove home!


Blainroe, Co Wicklow.

Out for a seawatch at 7. The breeze was light and westerly and nothing much showed. A number of Northern Gannets, heaps of individually unidentifiable Auk sp and, eventually, 4 Red-throated Divers – all very distant. I did notice several Meadow Pipits that appeared to fly in off the sea and about 30 Barn Swallows heading south.
After breakfast I took a walk around Lorraine’s place and taped Rooks, Common Wood Pigeons and a Winter Wren singing. Also trip-ticked Goldcrest and Eurasian Collared Dove and high above against white clouds – a pair of tumbling Common Buzzards.
Later in the afternoon Lorraine and I walked down to the beach – to find a ‘Beach Closed’ notice apparently because of a baby seal. We went on quietly and, in a corner of the beach, in a wedge shaped split in the rock, the rear end of a fat looking, white furred baby seal was visible. I didn’t have the camera with me, but there wasn’t much to see and we didn’t approach closer than about 50 meters, leaving as quietly as we had come. Most likely a Grey Seal pup, but given the situation, identification was impossible.

In the evening I drove back to Mum’s house with Aisling.



Again a bit of a nothing day bird-wise. Family lunch that lasted most of the afternoon, but little else. Did have a Coal Tit at the feeder in Mum’s garden, plus the usual Blue Tit, Robin, Blackbird & Dunnock.

Drove down with Lorraine and Aisling to their place in Wicklow for the night.


West Pier, Dun Laoghaire again

Up earlish and away by 7.00. The roads mercifully empty. On site by 7.30 and no parking fee required until 9. (Usually its 2 euros per hour).
Cloudy, dull light, the pier quiet, bar a few walkers and a handful of fishermen at the end. It was quiet bird-wise as well. The northerly was blasting across the bay, but it was quite sheltered behind the neck-high wall. Common Linnets were taking advantage of the shelter, a large flock of approx 40 birds.
Along the wall, also taking advantage of the wind, Common Gulls drifted at eye level along the wall looking for pickings at the wave line.

Common Gull - 1st winter
Out to sea via the scope a few Common Guillemots sat, but little else. On the return walk 4 Rock Pipits moved ahead of me along with the Linnets.
I was back at the car well before 9 and drove along the front to Sandycove in search of Med Gulls – but there was nothing there – only the usual idiotic souls sacrificing themselves in speedos in the cold, murky waters.

After breakfast did a few things with Mum.



A nothing day really. Spent most of a dull, showery morning at home, mostly watching the latest attack in London. Then, after lunch, took Mum for a drive to Dun Laoghaire, Dalkey, Vico Rd and ended with afternoon tea in the very salubrious Killiney Castle Hotel - me in my joggers, birding pants and shirt among the upmarket wedding parties and rich overseas, capitalist bastard visitors. Excellent!


Broad Lough and more Co Wicklow

We had a late breakfast with Lorraine, then headed off to Broad Lough, yet another wetland, just north of Wicklow town. There wasn’t a lot in general – a few Godwits, Dunlin, Wigeon, Redshanks and a number of Gulls.
Halfway up the lough and Mr H pointed out a gull on a sandbar suggesting it was a “Good candidate for Yellow-legged Gull”. A few minutes later and serious consideration via the scopes and we agreed it was, indeed a Yellow-legged Gull – a lifer for me and an Irish tick for Himself. It was rather distant and flushed at closer approach, so the photo I ended up with required heavy photoshopping to get anything, however, hopefully next week we’ll be ‘tripping over them’ in the eastern Mediterranean……

Yellow-legged Gull
We didn’t have anything further in mind so we agreed to go looking for Red Kites. After some discussion we decided that driving up and down the motorway would be the best way to find one. We headed north for about 20 kms, mainly around 100 k/hr, then turned off and back on, to head south again! 25+ kms further, just before the Arklow turnoff a Red Kite hung above the motorway. Although illegal to stop on the motorway – unless you have a breakdown – I pulled over, punched on the hazard lights and got really crippling views out the window as the bird tail-twisted and drifted overhead presumably looking for roadkill. Excellent!!
We turned off the main road, put some fuel in the car (123.9 euro ($Aus1.83) per litre – diesel), grabbed a coffee and followed the minor roads until we were back in the general area we had seen the bird. We actually managed to find it again, but the views were brief between the trees and after 30 minutes or so, we gave it away and headed north.
Down to Kilcoole and a walk down the beach track to the narrows. Pretty quiet and nothing much beyond what we had already seen, add a couple of Sandwich Terns, a few European Golden Plover and a pair of Stock Doves. I also found a Fox Moth Macrothylacia rubi caterpillar on the track, reminding me of some of my first experiments in breeding moths many, many years ago.

Fox Moth Macrothylacia rubi 
Kilcoole wetlands

We checked out Bray Harbour on the way home, but there was nothing of interest there. Dinner with Mum, then I dropped Mr H down to Booterstown for the train home to Belfast.


Tacumshin, Carnsore Pt etc Co Wexford

Up at 6.30 and leaving within the hour – an early start for Ireland. A two hour drive south to Co Wexford, during which we saw a couple of Red Kites over the road, but, again, at 120 k/hr it’s hard to get a good look at anything.

We reached the east end of Tacumshin wetland at about 9.45 and found Killian Mullarney hunched over his ‘scope drawing in his notebook – the subject a nearby, very nearby in fact, Grey Phalarope (an Irish first for me) We were joined shortly by another two scope-, camera- and bins-bearing, wader-wearing birders – one being another well known Irish birder - Eric Dempsey. 

Grey Phalarope
Moving on Mr M, Mr H and I waded (the blue 24 euro wellies coming into their own) around the edge of the reed beds and across the flooded marshlands towards The Patches. Unfortunately the recent rain had lifted the water levels and most of the hoped for, rarer waders had disappeared and the very strong south-westerly wind kept the remaining birds huddled low or blown away if they raised their heads. 

Mr M & Mr H mid channel
In fact there were not many waders on site at all, however, Mr M did manage to find a Little Ringed Plover (another Irish first for moi) a little distance from the water’s edge and we enjoyed crippling views for some time.

Little Ringed Plover
Other good birds were a couple of Western Marsh Harriers – one seen very well - about 20 White Wagtails – subspecies of the local Pied, an influx from further north – a Hen Harrier and a Common Buzzard.

White Wagtail (heavily photoshopped)
I found a Cross Spider Araneus diadematus in a blackberry bush in the carpark and we saw a couple of dragonflys that Mr M called as Migrant Hawkers Aeshna mixta, but I couldn’t get on ‘film’.

Cross Spider  Araneus diadematus 
We made it back to the car relatively dry, despite a short sharp shower, and said goodbye to Mr M before
Mr H and I drove round to Lady’s Island Lake and got some lunch which we took with us to Carnsore Pt. While sitting in the car eating our bread rolls and watching the sea, we noticed a small wader apparently landing on the water. Immediately realising it was another Phalarope we abandoned food and fell out of the car into the howling gale, setting up scopes and trying to find the tiny bird among the thrashing waves. We managed several separate views – if you found it, it was almost impossible to get the other guy onto it – and agreed it was another Grey.

Carnsore Pt from sea watch point
Finished lunch we settled in a protected hollow for a seawatch, but it was a little slow. We saw 6-8 Manx Shearwaters, another brief Grey Phalarope, Razorbills, Common Guillemots, Northern Gannets, a couple of Black-legged Kittiwakes and a handful of Common Terns.

Mr H and the Carnsore Pt wind farm

After an hour or so, we moved on to look for a Curlew Sandpiper at Carne Beach We found it among the Dunlin and Ringed Plover after a very heavy sleety type shower that saw us huddled in the car for 20 minutes or so.

We moved on to Rosslare Back Strand – an inlet behind the main peninsula and checked on the waders there. A few Grey and one Golden Plover were really the only ‘new’ birds among the hundreds of other repeats.

Then it was basically head for Blainroe and Lorraine’s place with pizza and beer.


The Wicklow mountains

Took Mum for a drive into the Wicklow Mountains through The Scalp, Enniskerry, Roundwood, Laragh and terminating at the Upper Lake at Glendalough. A relatively, slow, drive with Herself enjoying the scenery bringing old memories to mind. A lovely morning with sunny spells, no rain and, even better, hardly any other visitors. I took some pictures intended for my bathroom wall – a shot I had had in mind for a while and I think I got what I wanted.
Upper Lake, Glendalough
Surprisingly few birds around – just a handful of Mallard hopeful for food, a White-throated Dipper on one of the streams out of the lake and a flock of very confiding Chaffinches around the coffee tables.
(Female) Mallard

(Male) Common Chaffinch
We headed up to the moors via Sally Gap and not far up the road from Laragh had the excitement of a Red Squirrel bounding across the road in front of the car.
We stopped further on, overlooking Lough Tay where a flock of 12 Common Ravens tumbled across the sky. The lough always reminds me of a glass of Guinness and I had been unable to locate it last year, but we fluked it this time as we descended the road back to Roundwood so Herself could indulge her need for a bowl of soup.
Lough Tay
Having satisfied that requirement we headed back to Stillorgan.
16.30 and at Booterstown Railway station to pick Mr H up from his journey down from Belfast. There’s a small wetland beside the car park that I used to bird as an early teen chasing down Mallard and Moorhen nests. Scoping it in the drizzling rain from the carpark there were 13 Little Egrets, 6 Grey Herons, ~6 Black-tailed Godwits, ~20 Common Greenshanks and ~300+ Common Redshanks! Amazing number of Redshanks – there may have been something more among them, but I couldn’t see anything else.

Mr H arrived on time and we headed back to Stillorgan for a night of catch-up, planning for Tacumshin and more detailed discussions around Greece.


A 'nothing' day

The weather was a bit iffy so did very little today. Went into the city again to get a new camera bag and try to catch up with a very old friend whom, I had discovered, still owned a bookshop in Wicklow st. (Dermot Carroll of The Secret Book and Record shop)

Unfortunately the camera shop was out of stock of my preferred bag and the old friend was on holidays this week so………another semi-wasted trip. Had a burger and Guinness for the traditional Captain America’s lunch then came home again.


More Co Wicklow

Started out with a seawatch from a grassy knoll a short walk from Lorraine’s place. The south-southwesterly was blowing a gale and the Manx Shearwaters (my tattoo bird) were enjoying flying ahead of it, soaring across the almost flat ocean, miles out to sea. The light was low and the clouds heavy, reducing the glare and the scope’s 80mm objective lens came into its own.
A dark phase Artic Skua chased a gull and, surprisingly, a Red-throated Diver flew north, followed a short while later by two birds flying south. I thought them to be a bit early off the coast, but I am very confident of their ID.
A flock of 8 duck flew north – I am almost 100% confident they were Common Scoter – but again seem early? Maybe it’s just me – it is autumn after all.
(P.S. Irish Birding have accepted the records and updated them on their daily ‘rarity/vagrant/interesting records’ report)
A Grey Seal stuck its head up 100 meters off shore and sundry Gulls, Cormorants, Shags & Auk sp kept it interesting.
By 8.30 the ‘passage’ – if that’s what it was - came to an almost complete stop and I headed back for coffee and breakfast.
Later in the day Lorraine, my Mum and I drove to Avoca to the ‘Meeting of the Waters’ – a local touristy kinda of spot that, many years ago, my Mum and Dad had had a caravan in a field nearby. We walked around the river meetings area – being 91 Mum is a bit slow so there was plenty of time for me to see and photograph a pair of Grey Wagtails feeding around the bridge.
Grey Wagtail 
Meeting of the Waters 
Lorraine & Mum
After a while we drove up a very narrow (typically Irish) country road and ‘found’ the field where my parents’ caravan had once resided. Things have changed but the view remained.

We had a long lunch in The Woodenbridge Hotel then headed home.


Co Wicklow

Basically a quiet day – had breakfast, dropped tools back to my uncle, packed up a few things and drove with Mum down to my sister’s place in Blainroe, Co Wicklow. Lorraine and I went for a walk down to the (almost private) beach and sat for a while on the sand in the sun late in the afternoon. There were families down swimming and playing in the small waves, but we weren’t enticed.


Stephen's Green & the West Pier

I got the Luas into Dublin city and wandered around my usual haunts – Stephen’s Green, Grafton st, Trinity College, O’Connell st, Temple Bar and back to Stephen’s Green, coffee in hand. I had no real mission – except to look for take home presents, so it was a bit of a general wander with little real purpose, however, a Lesser Black-backed Gull beside the pond in the Green and a Grey Squirrel just up the road from Mum’s were a bonus.
In the afternoon I decided to go to the West Pier in Dun Laoghaire. I always walk the pier a couple of times when I’m here and it often turns up a pleasant surprise.

As I arrived a very rain shower encouraged me to sit in the car for 15 minutes or so, then the sun came out again and I headed off. There was very little on the sea – just a couple of Common Guillemots and random gulls. Along the pier itself a flock of about 15 Common Linnets, Pied Wagtails and the bonus – a single Northern Wheatear! At the end of the pier a trio of Ruddy Turnstones pecked around the weed accompanied by a single Rock Pipit.
The West Pier, Dun Laoghaire 
Common Linnet 
Pied Wagtail
Rock Pipit
Northern Wheatear

Kilcoole, Co Wicklow

Time to bird!
Out by 7.45, a quick drive down to Kilcoole – the M50 speed limit has been updated, now 120 K/hr in sections. Pretty sure I saw a Common Buzzard perched up, but birding at 120 k/hr even on an excellent motorway is not the easiest activity.
Loaded up with all the gear and walked along the sand-dune track to the ‘Narrows’ where the water drains out under the railway line. There wasn’t a huge amount of activity but caught up with some old friends – Ducks - Eurasian Wigeon & Teal and Northern Mallard. Waders – Dunlin (3), Common Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel, Eurasian Curlew, Northern Lapwing, Little Egret – dig those crazy yellow feet - and Grey Herons. Off the coast – Great Cormorant, Northern Gannet, Black & Common Guillemots and a big old Grey Seal. A huge flock of about 200 European Goldfinch flew around in circles before disappearing into the distance. There were lots of tiny White-lipped Snails Cepaea hortensis on the marram grass.

White-lipped Snails Cepaea hortensis
It was a cloudy, cool morning with a brisk southwesterly wind and very low quality light initially. The new ‘scope lived up to my hopes, exceeding my expectations in the dull conditions – just brilliant!
I drove further south to Newcastle and walked the boardwalk, visiting the two closest hides. There was bugger-all there – I didn’t even make a list – no open water and the strong breeze laying everything low. I did find a new butterfly  (for me) on a sheltered section of the boardwalk – Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria.

Speckled Wood Pararge aegeria.
I tried a couple of other laneways down to the coast but saw little of interest so I decided to give it away and head to my sister’s place, south of Wicklow.

I got there in time for lunch and we spent the afternoon catching up on our lives.



My run of luck continued……
I fed the Robin and Dunnocks and took some photos, then Mum and I headed out for breakfast. 
European Robin
A misjudgement on a corner in the estate resulted in me ripping the shit out of the left rear tyre – a hole big enough to put two fingers in - necessitating a visit to a local tyre shop and an ultimate cost of 105 euros ($157) to replace the tyre…..brilliant service, all done in 15 minutes while Mum sat in the car, but so frustrating and unnecessary.
Anyway, breakfast over and some food shopping and home again.

Didn’t do much for the rest of the day.


Arriving in Dublin

The first bird I saw in Ireland this trip was a Common Starling – three of them in my mother’s garden when I dragged my sorry ass out of bed this morning.
The 24 hour flight via Singapore and Dubai had landed safely at 20.00 last night. I had got the rental car, a black, sexy looking, diesel Volkswagon Jetta, and driven to Stillorgan semi-successfully, only missing the correct turn off once but re-finding my way quickly to my destination by 22.15. My mother, sister and niece eventually opened the front door, having expected me much later and thus not heard the twice-rung bell, leading me to start thinking I had arrived at the wrong address ………’s strange what travel exhaustion can do to one.
So, today was a bit of a confusing day too.
I had a problem using my Travel Money card because I hadn’t used it for so long I tried the wrong PIN…..that necessitated a phone call to Australia which hopefully has sorted the issue out.
It also became apparent that it would be near to impossible to get an International Driver’s Permit from the RACQ in time for Greece so that is a pain. I could kick myself - if I didn’t fall over in the effort - for not getting one last week, however………..
No birding today, but I did make acquaintance with the very confiding adult European Robin that has been a feature of my Mum’s life for the last couple of months and identified the ‘juvenile spotted birds’ she talked about, as two Dunnocks, which was lovely to see as they aren’t anywhere near as common as they used to be and to see this pair coming in to scattered seed was a warming experience. Other than that it was just a few Common Wood Pigeons around the rooftops and a single Common Blackbird.

The weather started out cloudy and wet looking, changed to blue skies and warm sunshine and then to a cool, wet evening – typical Dublin weather, nothing unexpected, changeable as the female mind…… I know I’ll get in trouble for THAT.



 A last "Hurrah" before I head for the northern hemisphere and we all went to Minnippi. Mr P dragged his sorry ass out, despite being choked up with a serious cold and sounding like a bad Darth Vader.
It was a lovely morning, weather-wise and not too bad bird-wise. We decided against the Airfield Track, but otherwise covered all the usual spots. Nothing out of the ordinary - most noticeable the lack of winter visitors, all having long departed following the warmest winter Brisbane has seen for a long time – ahhh global warming is at it again. Mr P got a new ‘Patch Year’ tick in the form of White-headed Stilt.
Apart from birds nothing else of note – a single Common Spotted Ladybird Harmonia conformis caught Mr D’s eye (we’ve seen it here before in May this year) but otherwise – nada.
Mr P headed home, and presumably back to bed, while Mr D and I repaired to Belesis for breakfast.

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