Sunday 2 September 2018

Weekends That Were - September 2018

Chapter 24 (30.9.18 Sunday)

Sunday afternoon.
You’d think it’d be an easy time to work? 
You’d be wrong!
It started out well, a ride before I had even left the garage, a short one for a young chick from Holland Park to Carindale, then a couple of 40-something women to South Brisbane. 
From there a student type to Kangaroo Pt, where I visited the toilet, then sat for a few minutes without incident. 
I then headed out towards Balmoral along Wynnum Rd and picked up the ride from hell Cannon Hill.
When I arrived on site, there were about 8 young people (early twenties type) outside the address. 
Five wanted to get in the car, but I told them I could only take 4 and, No, one was NOT going in the boot.
So, they kicked the girl out and 4 males got in. 
On reflection I should have just told them I wasn’t taking them but it seemed OK to start with. 
The guy who got in the front was very drunk and before long had wound the window down and was shouting at a car load of young women in the inside lane. I told him to behave and shut him down and he accepted that relatively gracefully. 
However, he got his hands on some water and, for some reason, coughed or spat, and sprayed water all over himself, his seat and the dashboard. There was no initial apology and the Boyos in the back thought it was very funny. I didn’t think it was an accident. As well as that he was yelling the words of some song and generally acting like the obnoxious brat he obviously was. I told him to settle down, act his age and show some respect. Meanwhile one of the other guys in the back was trying to find his tickets for the event on his phone and cursing and swearing at the top of his voice cause he couldn't work out how to get them.
It was the slowest drive back into the valley and up to the Showgrounds where, I gathered, they were going to a music festival, I have ever had.
I finally got them out of the car and Mr Smartass in the front slammed the door so hard my ears nearly popped. I told the account holder he needed to pick his friends more carefully and if there was any damage to the car he’d be hearing from me. He apologised and asked if there was anything he could do - I told him not at this stage and gave him a rating of 3. Mainly because he didn’t try to control his friend - he himself had done nothing wrong.
I drove away, stopped up the road and checked everything, cleaning up the sprayed water - thank goodness it was just water - then carried on with a few more rides.
It left me feeling a bit flat, but I KNEW it had to happen sooner or later, just didn’t expect it on a Sunday afternoon.
It was pretty quiet and I headed home, fuelling up on the way. Just before home I picked up a guy in Tarragindi and dropped him into Eagle st. We had a good conversation about cars in general and it left me feeling a lot better.
After I dropped him off nothing was happening anywhere so I went Offline and went home for good.

8 Rides                                                                                                                                 Total 222

143 x 5* & 2 x 4* My Rating = 4.99


Sandy Camp & Lindum

Mr P picked me up at 6.15, on site at 6.30.
It was a bright, sunny morning, but quite windy and verging on, the Queensland version of, cold. Mostly the usual stuff with really the only single highlight being a White-necked Heron, which was my 4threcord at this site. Plenty of, presumably recently arrived, Australian Reed Warblers, but generally the windy conditions kept most smaller passerines lying low.
We walked the usual tracks around the ponds then drove back down the road to Lindum.
Approx 190 White-headed Stilts, 10 Red-necked Avocets and the only small waders were Red-kneed Dotterels– about 20 scattered across both the main wetland area and the one down the side road. The main event was a Brown Falcon perched up in a dead tree spotted by Mr P – this was a new site record for both of us and not a bad bird to see in this area. I also noted my first Australian Reed Warbler here, but that was only to be expected.

We headed out of the wind – and the ‘cold’ – and breakfasted indoors (!) at Belesis.

Chapter 23 (29.9.18 Saturday)

It being Riverfire weekend – and, possibly, the biggest Saturday of the year for Uber driving - I headed out at 2. 
It was busy as and I picked up lift after lift without much let up until hunger got the best of me at 19.00 and I went Offline for a Big Mac and coffee on Lutwyche Rd. 
There was no apparent surge when I finished so I headed out towards Newmarket, went Offline again and dropped in on Mr B in Everton Park for a coffee and chat. There was some rain and an almost continual electrical storm over and around the city, adding to the drama.
At 21.30 I headed home and picked up three more lifts before finalising in the city and getting home by 23.00.
On two occasions tonight I picked up my next rider right where I dropped off my current – I mean exactly the same spot, one got out and one got in, something that has not happened before!
Highlights included:
A couple, who were having some sort of disagreement, from the Valley to Norman Park and back across the river to Windsor. The male passenger was someone whom, for the first time, I was a bit wary of, but caused me no problem in the end.
Another couple from the valley to the city who were great and we shared the experience of driving down Ivory st and along Eagle st just as the fireworks were going off on the Story Bridge above us and surrounding buildings! Spectacular, noisy, busy and the streets were so filled with smoke it was reminiscent of scenes from a war zone.
The young Californian girl from Cannon Hill to Chermside who wanted to stop off at an IGA and asked me if I would like anything while she was in there? – which was lovely.
It was surprising, to me anyway, the number of people I picked up who weren’t aware of Riverfire – mostly out of town visitors - and that the majority had no interest in the fireworks display – I guess if you’ve seen one firework, you’ve seen them all!

It was my biggest financial night to date and could have earned a lot more, because before I went Offline in the city I refused several calls, but I felt it was getting to that point of the night where people were potentially a bit pissy and I didn’t need the hassle – or the money.

16 Rides                                                                                                                               214 Total

140 x 5* &  2 x 4* My rating = 4.99

Chapter 22 (28.9.18 Friday)

I started later than I had planned, having had to wait for potential Jeep-purchasers to turn up, so it was almost 7pm before I hit the road.
There had been a surge on in my immediate area but before I could get out, it had gone. It took a slow drive to Wooloongabba before I picked up a guy and took him to West End. I then drove to Kangaroo Pt cliffs, hung there for a few minutes then picked up two ‘working’ girls and dropped them near the Mall in the city. 
A couple of guys were next from the city to South Brisbane and again I headed up to the cliffs for a smoke and a wait – which produced nothing so I went down to Kangaroo Pt, under the bridge and back out the far side, ending up in Bulimba without a ride. I sat in the car park on top of the cinema for a few minutes then picked up a father and son and took them just up to Riding Rd.
With nothing happening again, I headed back into the valley, hoping for someone going home to an outer suburb. 
A ride popped just after I left the bridge and I went to the designated waiting/loading zone area near the off-ramp and waited…..
J never showed and cancelled after 5 minutes even though I tried to call her. At least I got paid a cancellation and waiting fee.
I headed down towards the Powerhouse via James st, but nothing happened until I started to head out again, then a guy near New farm park needed to go home to Windsor and I took him there.
Heading back in towards the valley, my next pick-up was a chick to the domestic terminal to meet a friend from Cairns - they were going to go to the Cher concert together tomorrow night. We went via the Airport Link tunnel.
Then the drama started.
Recently, only very recently, Uber have instigated what they’re calling, a Rematch ride, at the airports. Normally you have to queue and take rides in order, something I have never done, but now the system will pop a ride if you’ve just delivered someone.
That happened, but could I find the access road to the pick-up point?
It took me three goes - each one taking me a kilometre back down Airport drive, round the roundabout, back up Airport Drive for the same kilometre, off at Dyandra st and back into the queue to turn right into the general pick-up area where the left turn off is just after the lights – right where everyone queues for the Qantas drop-off/pick-up. The traffic was horrendous at those lights and, when I, eventually, found the access road, I took the wrong lane and had to go round the whole thing again….
Jesus Mary & Joseph………..f…k me!
The rider agreed to cancel after my first attempt and I promised him I would refund his cancellation fee.
Then, when he called for another car – he got me again and had to wait for me to go round twice more….
Finally got him, apologised profusely and headed for his destination in The Grange area.
When he disembarked, I sat and refunded his cancellation fee before heading on.
I was a bit disheartened by the whole airport fiasco and sort of decided to head home, it being, by now, after 22.00.
Just before I hit the William Jolly/North Quay junction, however, I got another call and decided I’d take it. I picked up a couple in South Brisbane to go to Graceville – and immediately turned into a Bus lane.
Christ on a bicycle…..
I managed to get out of it without too much drama and crossed the Goodwill Bridge to get them home.
Then I quit – enough disasters for one night!

8 Rides                                                                                                                               198 Total

130 x 5* 2x4* My rating = 4.98

26 & 27.9.18

The valley and the island

Two days birding with Mr D and (Ecotours birdguide) Andy W. 
Headed out for the usual exhausting day in the Lockyer Valley, arriving at Atkinson Dam around 6. We headed up Boyce’s Rd and before long had completed our mission by getting Mr W one of his bogey birds – Ground Cuckoo-shrike. Well, truth be known he got it himself, but whatever…..we were there!
He also spotted a Peregrine Falcon perched up in a dead tree – remarkable? Only because it was a new ‘site tick’ for me, at least, although at the time I skitted that I had seen it already in the area.
We checked out the dam for the usual stuff, then drove over Boyce’s Rd and looked for the Banded Lapwings. We did have a couple very far away across the usual field, and had one fly past along Boyce’s Rd, but other than that the drive was quiet. Oh! We did have a large flock of White-browed Wood-swallows with a few Masked thrown in high overhead at one point.
Lake Clarendon and we ventured down the slope to the remaining water in the bottom of the dam. Our target here – the Australian Pratincole that had been hanging around for several weeks. On the way down two Quail flushed from the thick grass under Mr D’s snake-dancing feet and we confirmed they were Stubble Quail – a bogey bird finally put to rest for Mr D.
We found the Prat easy enough – a really nice looking bird in fact. Photos would probably be the order of the day – but I had, lazily, left the camera in the car.
Trudge back up the hill and off to Gatton where we picked up an early lunch in the bakery and ate at Apex lakes. The usual stuff, including hundreds of Plumed Whistling Ducks and Magpie Geese on the islands. In the far pond, 400+ Pink-eared Ducks were a nice sight.
All feeling the pinch we agreed to head home via the Uni, but turned off to check out Adare’s Rd. Not much there either, a few more Wood swallows moving through the stratosphere and a handful of Little Lorikeets perched up in ‘scope were good.
Lake Galletly in the Uni was full on – hundreds of Plumed Whistle Ducks and Magpie Geese – probably in excess of 1200 birds total.
Home by 14.00, arrangements made for tomorrow, I relaxed for the afternoon.

Next morning, up at 5.15 and off at 5.45. On Pt Lookout, as usual, by 8.
Dead as. 
Flat calm, a whisper of a breeze from the south-east, although the forecast had had it as a north-westerly. Our target was Wedge-tailed Shearwater, believe it or not, for Mr W. He’s seen heaps of albatrosses and other shearwaters but just hasn’t connected with a Wedgie – at least the shearwater kind, har har….
And he remained disappointed.
Two hours of watching performing Hump-back Whales and Bottle-nosed Dolphins (including 1 Hump-back Dolphin) and the occasional passing Australian Gannet and we left the headland Wedgie-less.
This is our second failed attempt to get him a Wedgie.
Jesus Christ…………
Ah well, maybe next time…… we walked around the headland and repaired to the usual café for breakfast, getting the midday bus homewards.

Confessions of a Uber driver (continued)

Chapter 21 (25.9.18 Tuesday)

A big morning! Broke the $200 barrier for the first time.
Started out with a short ride from Coorparoo to……Coorparoo. 
Immediately picked up a ride to the airport from Norman Park. Drove back in from the airport and went ‘Offline’ to pick up Ms B from the railway and take her to work – it was spitting rain after all.
Then picked up a short ride in Albion to Racecourse Rd. Headed slowly north out through Nundah – and picked up another domestic terminal ride with 2 passengers.
Back into Nundah again, as there were 60+ cars waiting at the airport, and another Nundah resident, an ‘immigrant’ from Dublin into Queen st. Then a young guy across the river to South Brisbane.
The coffee now telling I headed down to the base of the Kangaroo Pt cliffs to use the public facilities I remembered were there.
Online again and a new mother, father & grandmother from Hillside Apartments just down to the Mater Mothers. Her daughter/granddaughter, born yesterday, had had some complications and they had been flown down from Gladstone to get the best treatment. Not a profitable ride for me, but it makes the job worthwhile when people in those circumstances need assistance.
A business couple then from South Brisbane out to Metroplex in Murarrie. I tried to outsmart the app and ended up in side streets which was a bit embarrassing, but I think they were OK with it ultimately.
Thinking – it’s now 9.00, I might sort of head home, but still Online.
Almost home and I got a pick-up in Greenslopes. 
The lady had locked her keys in her car because she had to attend a faulty fire alarm which she now had in her handbag……all seemed a bit disorganised, but we had a great chat regarding Netflix and it’s varying options. Dropper her in 8 Mile Plains and started to head home again.
Not really expecting another ride any time soon, I was surprised to have one pop in the same area. The chick wanted to go to Toombul, across the toll bridge, so, with her guidance to the highway, off out to the north side again!
Heading back in towards the city and vaguely thinking, again, of heading home, a stewardess in Clayfield wanted to go to the domestic terminal so, off out there again, for the third time this morning! Wee had a good chat about self-defence.
Then it was a chef running late for work from Clayfield, again, into Queen st, again…….
Thinking about quitting, but also being within reach of the $200 goal, I decided to keep going and picked up a business man in Queen st and took him out to Ashgrove.
Decided to drive across Springhill and picked up another trip to the domestic airport with a French guy – 4thtime today.
Really hoping for a ride towards home, as its now 11.30, headed back in Sandgate Rd planning on using the ICB and going Offline (60+ cars waiting at the airport, didn’t seem worth waiting for potentially an hour for a ride) when, luckily, picked up a chick near Albion who needed to go to Kangaroo Pt. Perfect!

Dropped her off and went Offline to go home. Goal achieved!

15 Rides                                                                                                                           190 Total

125 x 5* - now 2 x 4*. Someone this morning gave me my second 4. Don't know who and no comment attached- frustrating!

Chapter 20 (23.9.18 Sunday)

Being at a loose end, so to speak, I headed out, after a leisurely breakfast, at 8.30. Heading up to Dutton Park to top off with fuel I picked up my first ride from Greenslopes to the airport with a guy who worked for NBN heading to Sydney. Interesting breakdown on what it takes to install NBN……
Shortly afterwards just off Sandgate Rd it was a woman to a church service in Bowen Hills. Then it was a Uruguayan woman moving house from the Valley to Bulimba, followed by a Colombian grandmother going to visit her new grandchild in the Mater. She had virtually no English, but prattled on in the back seat while I tried to utter the appropriate responses.
An immediate ride materialised into a larger woman, just released from hospital, out to Hemmant. Then it was a guy in Murarrie across the toll bridge and right out to Deagon. He bought and sold cars as a hobby  - a bit different?
Then a beauty stylist from Boondall to Chermside shopping centre, followed by a couple from Kedron to the Powerhouse in New Farm. He was also a new Uber driver and gave me the breakdown on waiting at the airport, which he had done on Friday morning. (There had been 60 cars waiting when he arrived and he waited just under an hour for a ride).
After the drop off I thought maybe I should have ended the ride early, as he was a fellow driver, however.......... I didn’t have long to think about it as almost immediately a ride popped for an older dude for another airport run. We choose not to use the tunnel, but then fell into solid traffic along Kingsford Smith Drive due to the brilliance of the Department of Transport's lane closures. On his advice we took a side street up and over and found our way through to his destination in plenty of time.
Back in towards the general Nundah area, filled up with fuel at the Puma on Sandgate Rd, then picked up a guy in Kedron who had input Windsor as his destination in the app. He offered me $20 cash if I would take him to Southbank instead! I told him to just change the destination in the app, he did and we hurtled down Gympie Rd to make a boat departure by 13.30. We made it and I headed home. 
I could have been $20 better off, but, realistically, he would have found out sooner or later and would have been pissed off!

Regardless, this has been my most financially rewarding session so far.

10 Rides                                                                                                                              174 Total

116 x 5* (& still that %^$#*^& 1x4*)

Chapter 19 (21.9.18 Friday)

I didn’t head out till 18.00. The whole area east of Holland Park was surging, but it was still Coorparoo before I picked up my first ride. A young chick going to a party needed to stop off at Woolworths to get some cash. I circled the car park while she did the deed. We discussed music genre, I introduced her to the Sex Pistols and reminisced about the explosion of punk in the late 70s as we drove to some location deep in Belmont. Before I dropped her off I already had another ride lined up - 10 minutes away in Wynnum. 
The next 90 minutes were spent driving people around the Wynnum/Manly area. None of them wanted to go anywhere outside of the immediate area but as it was one ride after another and surging it was well worthwhile.
It finally quietened down around 20.00 and I stopped for a toilet and cigarette break along the esplanade. I decided to head back in towards Camp Hill where it still looked like there were more rides than vehicles, but as I headed back through Wynnum I accepted a ride for two grandparents and their grandson and took them over the bridge to the airport. They had a bit of a domestic because she was panicking and he was trying to calm her, even though they had left something behind and it was too late to turn back. I got them to the terminal in plenty of time to catch their Tiger Air flight anyway.
Then it was a quiet, slow, long drive back via Sandgate Rd, Newstead, and ultimately the Valley area before I picked up a couple and took them to the convention centre at Southbank. They had an amusing conversation as he teased her about some incident involving 'blue vomit' - a cocktail night I suspect. She wasn't impressed.
As nothing seemed to be happening, it was 20.45, and I had earned enough I decided to call it quits and headed home. 500 meters before home, however, I accepted another offered ride and picked up a young guy to take him to the National hotel in the ‘Gabba, picking up his friend there, I took them both to Springhill.

Heading back home again, through the city, a pickup in Elizabeth st resulted in me doing the block to try to locate three young girls who wanted me to stop at the Edward st junction. I couldn’t and didn’t, but did manage to get them to meet me in a loading zone 50 meters further down the road. They needed a lift to Mt Gravatt so that worked out perfectly and took me home comfortably by 22.30.

13 Rides                                                                                                                    164 Total

 108 x 5* still one bastard 4*!

Chapter 18 (20.9.18 Thursday)

This is becoming almost a daily occurrence!
Out at 5.45, got a ride within a few minutes from Coorparoo into Ann st with a young chick. Drove slowly out towards Toowong as I’ve noticed it gets pretty busy out that way in the mornings.
Picked up my next job in Toowong which took me and the rider out to Sherwood. Filled up with fuel at the junction, then started heading back in towards the city. 
My next customer was just off the main road to the Aquatic centre in UQ, then, as I headed back out of the uni, a good ride to the domestic terminal at the airport through the airport link tunnel.
Back in towards Nundah and up Rode rd. Parked for a few minutes without any activity, then started driving towards Sandgate Rd, intending to head towards a surging area in the Newmarket district. 
Picked up three young McDonald’s managers just short of Gympie Rd on a company sponsored training course at McDonald’s office in Aspley. 
Bought a coffee in Mackers and sat for a few minutes before continuing towards the still-existing surge to pick up a young Aboriginal woman in Enoggera and took her to South Brisbane via the Go Between bridge – good conversation regarding travel overseas and extended families.
Final ride was a student from S Brisbane to Springhill – another interesting conversation around languages and their demise.

9.00, enough earned, all quiet on the Uber-front, I headed home.

7 Rides                                                                                                                    152 total

98 x 5*, 1x4*

Chapter 17 (19.9.18 Wednesday)

I started in Newstead at 8.15.
I’d had breakfast with Mr C & Mr W – Mr H had pulled a sickie – and just went Online as I left the garage in Newstead. Got a job immediately and picked up a chick just down the road to travel to Adelaide St. While she applied her makeup using the sun visor mirror, I negotiated the traffic through the valley. 
I turned left off Brunswick st, onto what I thought was Ivory STREET, but was actually Ivory TERRACE and had to do a block to get back to where I had been. When we stopped at lights a few minutes later, I completed the trip early so she wouldn’t have to pay for my mistake. 
I decided to turn off Adelaide st and head back towards New Farm – and got my next call, back on Adelaide st of course. F..k!
Stuck in traffic with no options, heading away from the pick-up, M rang me a few minutes later. I apologised, told him I’d be several minutes getting back to him and it was probably preferable he cancel and get another car. He agreed, cancelled, and I carried on. (Later I refunded the $8 - $6.50 to me - cancellation fee that had been charged.)
It was that sort of morning.
Picked up a pair of businessmen shortly afterwards and dropped them on Wickham st, then a silent chick back to the valley. By then, 9am, it had gone quiet and so I headed home via Aldi and my weekly shopping. 
The rides almost paid for my breakfast!

3 Rides                                                                                                                           145 Total

93 x 5*       1 X 4*

Chapter 16 (18.9.18 Tuesday)

I had a job before I had left the driveway – a young chick from Tarragindi into the city. 
After I dropped her off I drove slowly out towards Toowong and picked up a student from a bus stop for a short ride out to the Uni. Then heading back into towards the city, a lady from Toowong to near the Wesley Hospital – all fairly short rides. 
Shortly afterwards another chick to South Brisbane. I managed to end her trip before I started it, somehow, but managed to get it back online and working without losing it. Dropped her off in Grey st, then headed up to the Kangaroo Pt cliffs and parked up and read while I waited for my next lift. Ten minutes and a guy on the terrace to the domestic terminal through the airport link tunnel.
Back to Nundah and parked up again – this time in the car park at the back of Woolworths. Read and waited for ten minutes or so, when nothing happened I decided to head for the Gympie Rd area as I thought it might be busier. Was looking for a place to hole up along Rode Rd when my next lift came in and I took a guy …….back into the city again.
There was an apparent surge in the Kelvin Grove/Alderley area so I headed for that and picked up a guy in Redhill – back into the city again. Got a good ‘surge bonus’ from that ride.
Heading generally in the direction of Newstead my last ride was 3 suits in Queen st who needed to be in Charlotte st.

After that I headed home. Someone somewhere gave me 4 stars – my first non-5 star ride. I don’t know who it was and they didn’t offer any explanation – a little frustrating, but I can live with it.

      8 Rides                                                                                                                        142 Total

Chapter 15 (16.9.18 Sunday)

Didn’t have a lot to do Sunday afternoon so, after birding in the morning with Mr D & Mr P and watching a couple of episodes of The Walking Dead and Ozark, decided I might as well see what was happening.
Headed out at 3, fuelled up in Dutton Park and drove leisurely down to South Brisbane and, eventually, Kangaroo Pt where I parked up and read my book for …. about 5 minutes before getting a ride into the valley. I parked up again, down near the Powerhouse, then almost immediately, picked up a visiting couple from there back into James st. Drifted around for a while debating what to do before ending up at the Tangalooma flyer wharf and carrying a Taiwanese and a Chinese chick back into Chinatown.
Another short run within the city/valley limits then a ride out to Newmarket. Another pick up with two stops, one in Wilston, in that immediate area took me back in to the valley again.
All short runs and I was wondering if I was going to make any decent money at all. 
Then I picked up a chick in New Farm and took her to Oxford st, Balmoral, followed by a slightly tipsy teacher to Cannon Hill. 
The next ride took me to a closed (it was Sunday after all) storage facility in Colmslie where I waited for several minutes until I called the customer who was somewhere else entirely. We agreed to cancel the ride and I moved on, getting paid for my time anyway. I don’t know what happened to that one.
The next ride I took a couple from Balmoral again, out to Murarrie, during which on a side road, a group of people threw some sort of firework into the road ahead of me. The rider congratulated me on my speedy reactions.......
I decided then I’d head home as it was getting on and things seemed to be quiet, however, coming up to Carindale another ride appeared and I picked up a couple of young things from a tower block behind the shopping centre and took them to Rochedale South - a good ride, but it put me a long way out with little hope of another pick-up.
Anyway, I thought, I’ll just head home via Rochedale Rd and so enjoyed blowing the cobwebs out of the car along the dark, empty road. 
Surprisingly another ride popped and I picked up a guy from Perth down near the ‘happy clappy’ church at the far end of Wecker Rd. He wanted South Brisbane and I drove past home on the way, through a friendly chat comparing the weather in Brisbane and Perth.
Finally, a young guy from Grey st to Water st in the upper Valley area, then, I decided, enough was enough and I got home at 9.

Not a bad afternoon – earnings made it well worthwhile - but I think, for the record, Sunday evenings appear to be more active than the afternoon, although I didn't have a lot of time to sit around, most rides were short and not very profitable.

14 Rides                                                                                                                             134 Total



Mr D picked me up at 6.10, then Mr P at 6.30.
It was a good morning in that it was pretty birdy and we got some nice birds for the site, including, a new site tick for Mr D (?) and I.
Starting at the lake we had a Baillon’s Crake and I had a short glimpse of what was, potentially, a Lewin’s Rail in the reed bed, but it was only brief, distant and didn’t re-appear so…….later we had a second Baillion’s from the boardwalk which performed very well at a distance of about 20 meters.
The first Channel-billed Cuckoo of the season (for me anyway) flew across the water as we watched from the pylons and a Pacific Koel called distantly. 4 Magpie Geese descended from the sky while a single Whiskered Tern patrolled. 
Along the M1, or Woodland, track it was fairly quiet, but a female White-winged Triller put in a brief appearance at the top of a eucalypt before disappearing and a Long-billed Corella perched up over a probable nest hole brought my site total species list to 165. It’s not often I get a new bird for a long-term, many-times-visited patch like Minnippi and I was surprised to discover I had not recorded it previously.
Long-billed Corella
A couple of Sacred Kingfishers were also recent ‘migrant’ returns but other than those the woods were quiet.
Back on the lake – the usual stuff and up to the Airfield all as normal. Mr D spotted a Common Brush-tailed Possum curled up in a hollow in the big free tree behind the Raptor Lookout where we sat before heading back to the car. We didn’t bother with the Airfield Track this morning.
Back along the concrete a Shining Bronze Cuckoo perched up in the open for a few minutes before being flushed by other walkers and a Macquarie Turtle had dragged itself out onto the mud on the riverbank.

We dropped Mr P home before having breakfast at Café 63 in Stones Corner.

Confessions of an Uber Driver

Chapter 14 (15.9.18)

My first Saturday afternoon. Started out at 2.00 and worked till my last ride at 18.30 before going to Mr B’s to watch South Africa play Australia in the Union Test.
A number of short rides around the southern suburbs taking people to friends’ houses for barbeques or catching up. Had my first dog in the car – a German Schnauzer that sat quietly on its owner’s lap in the back – while I chatted to the guy from Co Wexford in the front.
Ended up in the Wesley Hospital area just before dusk, then picked up a ride back in to Eagle st, before an American mother and daughter on a world trip, just arrived in Brisbane, from Roma st to Spring Hill.
A nurse type from St Andrew’s to Clayfield, who was very entertaining in her attitude to roadworks and road workers in general, then a decent ride from there to McDowall for a young couple. An older couple from there into the city for dinner, discussing the upcoming union and past games. 
I stopped on Lutwyche Rd for a Mackers and coffee, then picked up an older guy, with wife and son from the Nundah area, who was a bit disgruntled at having to wait 20 minutes (he reckoned) for an Uber. Took them to Ashgrove and was about to quit and head for Mr B’s when I decided to take just one more.
I was happy I did – picked up a trio of elderly people who had just been at their granddaughter’s house to celebrate his 80thbirthday. Took them, carefully, across suburbs to Chermside and helped them, carefully again, out of the car. Didn’t want any broken hips on my record….
It was getting busy but I quit anyway and headed to Everton Park and watched the football. This had been my most successful, financially, Uber session so far and I’m sure I could have gone on to earn a lot more if I’d had the inclination as most of Brisbane seemed to be in the ‘red’ and surging.

I probably would have been better off continuing to work, given the outcome of the game…….

14 Rides                                                                                                                             120 Total

Chapter 13 (14.9.18)

It took a while before I picked up my first ride having driven via Camp Hill, Cannon Hill, Morningside and finally, Balmoral, before I took a guy into the Pig ‘n’ Whistle in Creek st. Shortly afterwards a nearby pick up took me to the domestic terminal at the airport.
On the way back in I picked up a worker heading home, from under the gateway bridge and dropped him off in Hendra. Not too long afterwards a chick in Nundah into the city and then it was a young female lawyer out to Auchenflower.
Started driving out Kelvin Grove Rd towards a surge in the Alderley area and picked up a young guy, back in to the Normanby. Out along Kelvin Grove rd again, then a U-turn back towards the city eventually across the Captain Cook Bridge. At that point a 2.2X surge was showing on Fisherman’s Island.
Now, I’ve noticed a surge in this area on a regular basis. A surge means there are not enough drivers to satisfy customer demand and hence the price – and the driver’s payment – escalate. I’ve been curious as to why, on Fisherman’s Island/Port of Brisbane? I thought it might be seamen coming off a ship and wanting the delights of the valley so, still curious and anticipating a decent fare, (I’ve become so commercial minded lately!) I started heading in that general direction. 

On the way a couple needed a ride from Coorparoo central just up the road to Camp Hill, then it was a straight, 20 minute drive, to Fisherman’s Island where the surge appeared to be still happening, although it had dropped to 1.2X.
I got out there on almost empty roads and drove around the island, but no job popped even though the surge was still happening? I don’t understand that – and it was a complete waste of time and fuel.
Headed back in to Wynnum and picked up a short ride before a better one that ended in Camp Hill.
9.40 by this time and I headed for home, still ‘Online’ but nothing further happened.
I won’t be chasing any more distant ‘surges’ – lesson learnt!

11 Rides                                                                                                                         106 Total

Chapter 12 (13.9.18)

A better morning today with a pick-up within 5 minutes of leaving home from Camp Hill to the airport via the toll bridge.
A bit of a lull then, while I drove back through the valley, and, finally, got my second ride in Balmoral back into Mary st. This chick had just spent time on the phone with Jetstar having to cancel a trip to Bali in October - I know someone who would sympathise with her.........
Out towards the northern suburbs, just following my nose, and a very short delivery in the Ashgrove area followed by another domestic airport ride via the tunnel off Stafford Rd.
A 10 minute ride from Eagle Junction to Gympie Rd with a chick who worked in a meat packaging plant and finally a young girl from Chermside into the Roma st area of the city who had the same approach to tolls as myself, which made for an rewarding conversation! Time to head home

6 Rides                                                                                                                                 95 Total

Chapter 11 (12.9.18)

Another slow morning. 
I worked from 6 to 10.30. Only took 7 rides, did a lot of driving around waiting for something to happen. I’m not sure if this is what I should be doing or whether I should just sit tight somewhere and wait? 
However, most rides were either pairs of people talking to each other in the back seat or quiet single guys. 
I asked one girl, from Coorparoo to South Brisbane, what she did for a job and she replied ‘Do you really want to know?”and I said ‘Yes” expecting some deviate occupation.  ‘I’m a debt collector’she said. I’d been bracing myself for some alarming admission, but could easily relate to her job, given the years I had chased debts in The Big E. 

Other than that it was a fairly uninteresting morning! I guess they can’t all be exciting or everyone would be doing it.

8 Rides                                                                                                                                 89 Total

Chapter 10 (11.9.18)

A not so profitable morning. Out at 5.30, first ride was a shortie from Camp Hill to Coorparoo, then it was a longer drive out to the edge of the world in Hemmant. 
Driving back I picked up a guy off Wynnum Rd and took the toll bridge to the domestic terminal. Then back into Sandgate rd and, after a bit of time, another dude to the domestic terminal. We started talking about accidents and I described mine – this guy however, had had it worse. A bone tumour on his left ankle required two surgeries and, eventually, amputation, resulting in a prosthetic ankle. And I thought I had suffered?
Another drive around heading to a surge in the Kelvin Grove Rd area and a Chinese chick into the city. 

Now approaching 9am and conscious of my Pilates class at 10, my final ride were two older parents and a teenage daughter who needed to be at the law courts, but had been dropped off at the wrong address by another Uber driver off Coronation Drive – not his fault, they had been given the wrong details. I got them to their destination and headed home.

6 Rides  (Reached 50 x 5 stars)                                                                                  81 Total

Chapter 9 (9.9.18)

Sunday morning 9am and on my way home from B’s. I decided to go Online and see what happened. 
Within 5 minutes I picked up a couple heading the right way (for me) who needed to collect their cars after a big night out. Then it was a dude going to the International airport followed by a young girl to Roma Street station. All good rides and all in the right direction.
A girl to QUT and another girl from there back to Windsor. Then a couple of shorter rides in and around the city/valley area, including a South African guy from Perth who wasn’t happy with the outcome of the Union game last night (the Wallabies had beaten the Springboks in a poor quality match), finalising in three young guys to Redhill.

Midday and I had had enough – went Offline and home.

9 Rides                                                                                                                        75 Total



For want of anywhere else to go we agreed on Oxley and Mr D and I arrived on site at 6.45.
It was very birdy. Overnight rain – and a shower while we were there – seemed to have stimulated activity. Along the track most of the normal birds but the highlight happened at the lagoons – Mr D spotted a Brown Songlark hopping through the grass on the far side of the right hand lake (never know which is Pelican Lagoon) and we watched it until it disappeared behind the right hand point. A site tick for both of us and an uncommon visitor to the Brisbane area - there was no sign of the previously reported Rufous Songlark.
Other nice-to-see-here were a pair of Australian Reed Warblers, a White-necked Heron, an Australian Hobby hammering past and a Black Kite surrounded by the resident crows. In all we clocked 71 species – a good morning’s outing - despite the lack of some species such as any Cormorants.

We retired, as usual, to the delights of breakfast at Café Europa in Sherwood.

Confessions of an Uber Driver

Chapter 8 (7.9.18)

Another Friday afternoon and out on the road again.
Drove all the way in to Kangaroo Pt before picking up a short ride back to East Brisbane.
Then it was another little while before picking up a recruitment specialist and taking him to Camp Hill, stopping at a shopping centre for him to get some cigarettes and beer. While he was in purchasing the items I answered his phone, which he had left in the car, plugged in to my Car Play. He returned in time to take the caller who was holding and continued his conversation while pointing me the way to go.
Then a female visitor from Melbourne needed to be in Leichardt st, followed by a couple of short trips in the general area before picking up a ‘mobile phone game designer’ who had been out on the town with his boss and needed to go all the way to Capalaba. When we got there he lent me a virtual reality head-set to try for a few minutes – really cool!
Driving back in towards the city I picked up a couple near Carindale for a short ride to a local bottle shop. The girl in the front seat entertained herself searching for music she liked on the in-car screen/iPod.
I stopped for a Mackers coffee, toilet break and smoke in Coorparoo before carrying on.
Back in the valley I picked up a couple and took them to the Mercure in King George Square, then, finally, a single female for a short trip back to the valley again.
Still tired after last night’s Krav Maga training and, as it seemed to have slowed down, I headed for home. Another successful night’s entertainment!

13 Rides                                                                                                                                 66 Total

Chapter 7 (6.9.18)

Got out a bit earlier today in anticipation of more airport trips, however, my first customer, after 20 minutes or so, was a young chick from Holland Park to Indooroopilly. 
It took a while and a bit of driving around following my nose until I picked up the second ride in Ashgrove – a businessman to South Brisbane.
It was a bit like that this morning – driving for a few minutes before a ride showed up, highlights were:
A lady who worked for the Dept of Home Services from the city to the airport – we had a fun conversation and made it in time for her flight. I picked her up at 7.20 and her flight was boarding at 8…..
An older school boy from Clayfield to Brisbane State High. The subject of Rugby Union came up and his knowledge and understanding of the international teams left mine for dead.
It seemed a slow morning but by the time I quit at 9, I had earned as much money as yesterday and a little more than on Tuesday so I was happy – again!

7 Rides                                                                                                                                     53 Total

Chapter 6 (5.9.18)

The morning started quickly with a pickup in Holland Park for a guy who worked in renewable energy power stations going to Emerald for the day via the domestic airport terminal. Interesting discussion re renewable energy.
Drove to Nundah village and the next rider needed the International terminal as he was returning to PNG – another familiar destination for me and another interesting conversation. 
Back into Nundah village again and, as I had left my prepared coffee at home, a fresh one from Café 63 in Nundah itself.
Wandered around the north-side for a while with two short rides – a pair of (older) school boys and a single woman to the railway station, then H all the way across town via the Airport Link Tunnel and the ICB to the lottery in Woolloongabba. She was an auditor who assured me that the lottery was run fairly!
Two shortish rides to pairs of women going to some conference in the convention centre in South Brisbane, another short ride from just outside back into South Brisbane and finally a young business woman into the city.
Once again my need for a toilet drove me home and relief…..more 5 stars and compliments.

Still lovin’ it!

9 Rides                                                                                                                               46 Total

Chapter 5 (4.9.18)

A slow start. I wandered around Camp Hill, Norman Park and eventually, after 30 minutes or so, picked up a young woman in Kangaroo Pt who was in a hurry to get into the city. She said she was a ‘working girl’ – not exactly sure what that was supposed to mean but draw your own conclusions….
Then it was a guy in the valley who needed to be in Brendale – a good ride out of the city traffic via the tunnel – and, yes, Mr P, thank you, you do lose the signal in the tunnel! Luckily the rider knew where he was going and we got to his destination in due course.
My third ride of the day was a former Uber driver from Perth. Nice guy, short ride, he gave me some tax advice and 5 stars.
It was a longish slow drive back towards the city in heavy traffic, until I picked up W on Samsonvale Rd, who worked in the Telstra contact centre, and dropped him, along with the first free bottle of water I offered (thanks to K, A, L & P, my Father's Day present!) finally, in traffic, in Post Office Square. 
My next customer was in Springhill, he was a Red Cross charity worker, and wanted to go to Sunnybank Plaza – another good ride. I offered him a choice of music, seeing as how it was a decent time ride. There was a classical music track playing on my iPod at the time and he said, doubtfully, ‘I don’t think you’d have anything I’d like’ I challenged him for a choice and when he said ‘Metallica’ I smiled and said ‘You might be surprised!’……for the rest of the trip we were accompanied by loud, head banging rock as he picked and chose his favourite tracks from the in-car screen.
My final, sixth, ride for the day was a concreter heading to a job in Wishart, high-vis jacket, bucket, trowel and all.

It was 9.15, I’d earned enough, needed a toilet and a fresh coffee and there would, probably, be a long wait before my next ride, so I decided to give it away for the day and headed home.

6 Rides                                                                                                                                 37 Total



Mr D picked up Mr P and I at 6 and we headed west to Moggil. 
It was very dry, not a drop of water in the creek. Some heavy handed enthusiast had cleared along the edge of the track in several areas, completely destroying the rough grass and plants within several meters of the track. It appeared to be a completely unnecessary effort and does not bode well for the butterfly population this summer.
Bird-wise it was pretty quiet. I always have trouble here because most of the birding is audio-based with birds hidden in the dense brush or high overhead in the canopy. Even if I can hear them properly I still struggle to identify birds by call. Down and back along the track with several Eastern Yellow Robins calling and a quartet of White-throated Treecreepers putting in a good performance, but other than that not much to write home about.
We headed back to Chapel Hill and breakfasted in the newly re-opened, newly-owned Piacere on the main road.

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