Friday 2 November 2018

Weekends That Were - November 2018

Chapter 55 (30.11.18 Friday)

I decided at 15.30 that there was no further point in sitting at home so went out on the road.
It took a few minutes for my first ride – a guy 150 meters away on Birdwood Rd. 
I stopped outside the address – a townhouse complex – then he texted me to ask me to come down to his unit. I drove in to the complex but there were no numbers visible on the doors. After sitting for a few minutes at a junction I chose left and, eventually, he appeared. He seemed under the influence of something and I had to remind him to put on his seatbelt. Then took him into South Brisbane. He didn’t say anything on the trip – just played with his phone.
Shortly after I dropped him off another ride popped and I picked up four female 20-somethings from Darwin who were in Brisbane for a soccer tournament. We chatted about Ubering in Darwin and how they had gone in the football before I dropped them off in the Valley.
Heading out of the area, another ride popped and I picked up a tough looking guy and his attractive partner whom I took to Milton to the Mundine/Horn boxing match. I think he owned a gym, judging by his conversation.
Another ride popped as I arrived there and I parked up temporarily near the closed road. A motorcycle cop stopped and asked me what I was doing? I told him I had an Uber pickup and they were on their way. He said Ok and I promised to leave asap.
The ride was a father and son out to Indooroopilly to some big f-off house in a back street somewhere.
My next ride popped as I stopped for a smoke and after winding around and up and down numerous unknown streets, I picked up a woman at the UQ and took her, via the toll tunnel, to the domestic terminal. She had been here for a conference and was on her way home to Melbourne.
Before I even dropped her off another ride popped – at the airport – and I drove around the circuit to get back to the pickup area. The e-tag and barrier worked this time, no problem, although I had everything ready if the tag failed!
I took the rider, a guy, out to East Brisbane via both tunnels at his agreement. We had a really good conversation about management and leadership.
Before I dropped HIM off another ride popped nearby and I picked up a 34 year old single farmer who was heading into town for a night out, I think. I dropped him off at the new development along the river under the Storey Bridge after a really interesting conversation centred around relationships and women in general – all respectful and appropriate.
My next ride took a bit of getting to, thanks to the appalling traffic and traffic management that locks Brisbane city up at the slightest excuse. 
I picked her up on Creek st and took her out to Indooroopilly. We were stuck in the traffic beside King George Sq when they counted down and lit the Christmas tree – I told her Uber always does deliver……She was good company.
When I dropped her off a ride popped – 8 minutes away, out in Kenmore. What the hell, I thought - and headed there. I picked up a single female from some address in the back arse of nowhere and took her to Pullenvale shopping centre – still in the back arse of nowhere.
Well, I figured I’ll just head back in towards the city, I’ll pick up a ride in Toowong or maybe Indooroopilly on the way.
I got as far as Chapel Hill and a ride popped. 12 minutes away – and back out, all the way to Bellbowrie! Jesus wept and I thought Pullenvale was a long way out? I was hoping they didn’t just want to go to the local Mackers.......
In any event it was another 20-something blonde in a little black dress she was barely wearing, who was going to a party in Indooroopilly with a bag of bottles and a bag of ice. Good ride back in the right direction! I enjoyed the road and let the car have its head on the way – what the hell, I know the road and it’s a nice one to drive when the traffic is light.
My last ride was two young guys who talked about women, as if I wasn’t there, in a very disparaging way, as I took them in to the city. I wondered, did I ever talk about girls that way? Even when I was young? I don’t think so. 
I certainly hope not. 
Two guys you definitely do not want around your daughters.
I’d had enough and headed home. I needed to drink, so I did.

11 Rides      522 Total

339 x 5* ; now 9 x 4* ??? & still the 2 x 3* My Rating back again to 4.96. 

I also received my first ‘rider feedback’. ‘The level of conversation in the car could have been better’WTF? Wasn’t there enough? Did I say something out of order? No explanation, of course, of who it was. I suspect the woman I took to the airport as she didn’t seem to want to talk and I didn’t push it. But, I’ll never know – which is really frustrating.
Mind you, I now have 25 ‘Great conversations’ and 23 ‘Excellent services’ so……….you can’t please all the people all of the time.



I thought I should make an effort to see the previously reported Freckled Duck at Oxley. It had been at least a week ago but I hadn’t been particularly driven to find it. This continuing lack of motivation has to STOP!! I have to de-motivate the lack of motivation…..or something.
Anyway I turned up on site at 6.15, a little later than I should have but I had been torn between doing this or going elsewhere to do something else. In the end I made my mind up and …….. here I was.
It was quite a pleasant morning, given recent high temperatures, topping out at around 25 degrees – but I still ended up sweaty and glad to get back in the car’s air-con. I took the scope with me – figuring if there was a Freckled Duck I would need it to find it, given they usually sit ‘perched up’ and quiet.
In the end I didn’t see any FDs but it wasn’t a complete waste of a morning.
The track was very quiet – both bird-wise and people-wise. I only saw one woman with two dogs and when I got back to the car it sat alone in the car park – possibly a first time for everything?
Anyway – the only things of interest really were 2 Black-shouldered Kites perched up in the second big dead tree and 2 Black Kites tumbling around each other high over the ponds. Another duo – Glossy Ibis, ignoring each other, one in each pond. The ‘scope did drag a Latham’s Snipe out in the open –something I possibly might have missed otherwise, but other than that the birds were fairly standard.
A belligerent (think Donald Trump) Golden-headed Cisticola perched up on a stump pissed off about something in the grass, prompted me to pull out the camera, blow the dust off it, and get my, possibly, best shot of the species. The only thing I could see nearby was a Double-barred Finch stripping seeds, but there may have been a snake somewhere out of sight.
I also scored a new mammal species for the site – European Rabbit - near the boat ramp. Probably a dumpee.

Golden-headed Cisticola

(Yet more) Confessions

The Linkt account argument

Following the third – or is it fourth? – failure of my E-tag at the domestic terminal last Saturday I decided to call Linkt and request a replacement.
So – got through to an operator quickly – which was a surprise – identified myself and explained my predicament.
Initially – after referring it to someone else – he advised me to send my current tag back and they would replace it.
Not good enough, I said. 
What do I do in the meantime?
I can’t work? 
They lose money and I’m not happy, so – why not send me a new tag and I’ll return the faulty one when I get it?
He referred it to someone else again…..

OK, he agreed, after several minutes on hold. We’ll send out a new one and when you get it, please send back the old one with your account number, blah, blah, blah.
OK, says I, no sweat. Will there be a return envelope included, I ask?
No, he says, just put it in any envelope – but don’t forget your details.
OK, says I again – as if they don’t know who I am from the tag no, but anyway….whatever…..

I decided to check my account anyway, just to see what it looked like.

To my horror I found that on 8 occasions I had been charged a 49 cent ‘vehicle identification fee’ on top of the toll. 
That’s occurred on more than 10% of my trips.

So, back on the phone.

Again, I got an operator quickly and again identified myself exhaustively.
I explained this new issue and requested a refund of the 8 x 49 cent fees.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. $3.92?? WTF???
Hang on though – it’s the PRINCIPLE of the thing. 
It’s not the money – although the tolls are ridiculously high already anyway, it’s no wonder no one uses them - it’s the PRINCIPLE of the matter.
And I’m nothing if not focused on honesty and principle – generally speaking anyway.

The advice this time was that, when I returned the faulty tag – remember they have agreed it was faulty – to outline the details of each trip where I’d been charged the 49 cents and they would refund it.
Not good enough, says I. 
YOU’VE got all the details of my trips – just like I have.
YOU’VE agreed the tag was faulty.
Just refund the money now! Why should I have to explain all that detail when its your equipment that’s failed?
Come ON, Eileen!
But there was no budging her, so………
I asked for a team leader/supervisor – and after another few minutes waiting another person came on and identified themselves as such.
We went through it again and, finally, after another On Hold experience, this time without music, she agreed to refund the $3.92 to my account now.

Jesus wept.

What I do for principle sometimes.

(Note: if YOU have a freaking Linkt account - check it! You might've also been ripped off. Their phone number is 133331 - and tell them I sent ya!)

Chapter 54 (29.11.18 Thursday)

On the road at 5.30……….but it was 6 before I got my first ride.
I’d parked up opposite the dog park just off Cavendish Rd in Camp Hill and my pickup was a young female childcare worker from just around the corner down to Norman Park. She wasn’t a ‘morning person’ so we agreed conversation wasn’t a priority!
My next pickup was just across the road – into Eagle st with a similarly quiet guy.
I drifted down towards the valley, thinking about catching up with Ms B – but another ride popped from Water st across to Paddington for another young female childcare worker - which took me right out of the equation.
Not sure where to go from there I was kinda drifting around when I picked up a ride, with another guy who spent the time on the phone, back in to the city.
This time I drove out to Red Hill and parked up on Enoggera Tce. The app kept telling me I was in a busy area and would get a ride soon – but it took a smoke and several minutes reading before a ride popped – 8 minutes away, in Ashgrove.
I picked up a rather large guy and took him into North Quay. He, too, spent the time on the phone, which is, of course, OK by me – it just makes for a quiet ride in the heavish traffic.
Interestingly enough he was the first customer whose Star rating I have actually seen! Mr P had ‘suggested’ I don’t pick up anyone with a rating less than 4.5, but I had never, in 500+ rides seen the customer’s rating before! I put this down to simply taking 99% of the rides I have been offered without looking too closely – and having accepted a lot of rides while driving and not having the time to look. This guy’s rating was 4.44 and I wondered what he would be like. In fact he was fine – he even asked if I minded him making phone calls? WTF? It’s his ride – he can do what he wants! But, yeah, all good – I gave him 5 stars anyway. Maybe he’s had a bad night somewhere. It doesn’t take much to drop your rating……….Not that I'm ignoring your excellent advice, Mr P!
To get out of the city I took the North Quay bridge across to South Brisbane – and picked up another big (!) single guy down Fleet Lane where they had just had a false fire alarm and I had to get out of the way in the narrow street for two fire engines heading back to base.
It was another short ride, I dropped him off in Adelaide st and again headed east towards the valley, picking up yet another quickie, for another single guy on the phone, back in to Queen st. 
Pretty typical kind of rides on a week day morning.
However, the next ride was better. A very attractive 30-something blonde from Melboune, from a hotel on the corner of Wickham and Turbot. The hotel was very difficult to find on the app – it took me a bit of manoeuvring and two phone calls to finally pick her up. It was, in fact, the hotel I had failed to find for the young foreign couple last Saturday – at least I know where it is now!
This ride was out to Northgate, but she wanted a coffee on the way, so I went via Mackers on Lutwyche rd and we both got coffees via the drive-thru – a new experience for me. As I was giving her her change she said she was treating me, but I had already sorted the money and so paid for my own – it was a very nice gesture all the same.
We had a good chat via the airport link tunnel and I dropped her off in an industrial area 30 minutes later.
Heading generally back in towards the city I didn’t hold out a lot of hope, but once again the app didn’t let me down and I picked up another large guy in the Nundah area and took him to Milton – which worked well for me as it was in the right direction for home.
I had just dropped him off and, before I could go anywhere, picked up a group of four twenty-somethings going to a work meeting in Queen st. We had a few laughs on the way – they were in high spirits and it was a fun ride to end the morning.

11 Rides      511 Total

330 x 5* ; 7 x 4* & 2 x 3* My Rating = 4.97



For my weekly outing I decided I’d just go to Minnippi. 
A dull, humid morning, q slight dampness from overnight rain, it was pretty quiet really – especially the woodland tracks, both of which I walked.
The only birds of note were the, now, 6 Whiskered Terns, hawking over the lily pads, a couple in breeding plumage – it’d be great if they bred. The increase, also of one, to 6 Wandering Whistle Ducks trying to be inconspicuous in the water weeds and 2 Latham’s Snipe feeding in the open.

On the return journey along the concrete path a woman accosted me and enquired if I was a birder? I acknowledged, warily, that I did pretend to be one of that fraternity, following which she told me she had seen a Brahminy Kite perched up in one of the dead trees back along the track 'this morning'.
As I haven't SEEN Brahminy Kite at Minnippi I contemplated hitting her with my bins and stuffing her body in the mangroves - but then decided that she was OK and obviously knew what she was talking about and it wasn't her fault I missed something so obvious - so I let her carry on her walk.

(I'm only joking here, of course, sick though it may be, don't call the feds!)

Other than that it was same, same.

Confessions (continued)

Chapter 53 (24.11.18 Saturday)

I had nothing to do for the afternoon so headed out on the road at 14.00.
Got my first ride as I headed lazily towards Camp Hill – Holland Park to Norman Park.
My second lift was from Morningside to South Brisbane. My third ride was another short one – South Brisbane into Adelaide st.
My fourth ride was better – a chick who was running late, from Spring Hill to the domestic terminal at the airport. We used the tunnel and I got her there with about 5 minutes to spare.
I got a rematch at the airport and my best run of the day – 4 Asian kids to Upper Mt Gravatt. Once again my responder wasn’t recognised by the barrier and I had to manually request access. The guy on the other end of the ‘phone’ suggested I needed a replacement. Rubbish system.
We drove toll-free and when I dropped the kids off I headed home and used my own toilet for a change before going back Online and picking up a ride in a few minutes for two guys around my age, just from the Holland Park hotel to a few streets away in Holland Park.
Another short ride followed from Stones Corner to Woolloongabba for a young single chick, then yet another short ride from East Brisbane to Hawthorne. 
A little better next time - Morningside to Tingalpa for a single guy – followed by a long drive out to the Port of Brisbane to pick up a couple at the Moreton Island ferry terminal and take them across the toll bridge to the E-street markets.
My final ride of the day also involved a couple from Moreton Island – this time at the Tangalooma flyer terminal in Pinkenba - into a hotel in Spring Hill.
At that stage it was 18.15 and I had had enough, so went Offline and headed out to Mr B’s for a beer and dinner.
Although they were mostly short rides my hourly rate was the best ever and I’d been kept relatively busy all afternoon.

11 Rides     Total 500!!!

324 x 5* ; 7 x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.97

Chapter 52 (23.11.18 Friday)

The usual Friday night – except this time I thought I’d concentrate in one area. I had noticed that the Wynnum area had regular surges in the evenings and, when I had worked out there one night, after getting a ride that took me there, the work had been contained mainly within a couple of suburbs. It also avoided the probability of picking up drunks in the valley – which is pretty hard to avoid on Friday nights.
So, I left home at 6 and drove, Offline, towards Wynnum only turning on the app as I turned off Wynnum Rd, even though there was a surge happening in the Norman Park/Camp Hill area.
Within a couple of minutes I picked up a ride from Wynnum Tavern. A young Irish couple from Co Meath who needed to be ………. back in Morningside! So much for staying within the area!
It was a good ride though, we stopped for cigarettes from a local service station on the way and had a chat about life in Australia as opposed to Ireland – of course.
Another ride popped before I dropped them off – this actually happened most of the rest of the evening with little time between rides, which was great.
It was another young Irish couple, this time from Bangor in Northern Ireland, plus one set of parents over on holiday. I took them to Caxton st, near Paddington! 
So much for Wynnum for the evening! 
Again we had a great conversation about life in Ireland, especially regarding my Aunt and Uncle – long dead – who had owned a guest house in Bangor many years ago. The elderly female parent in the car had too – and wanted to know their name! 
Another short ride for two nice young guys into Queen st was followed by my third long ride of the evening – a single woman out to The Gap! Goodbye Wynnum!
She was originally from London and was fun to talk to. She’d spent 4 years, at one stage, in the Isle of Man and it brought back memories of my first ever girlfriend – a holiday romance with Susan Callister – but she didn’t know her. My ride also played bagpipes and was generally in the group who led the St Patrick’s Day parade in Brisbane. Its amazing who – or maybe what – you meet and hear doing this job!
I dropped her somewhere off Payne Rd and figured I’d have time for a smoke before heading back in to the city, but, no, another ride popped immediately and I picked up two young Asian chicks and took THEM back into the city – which was really good dollar-per-kilometre value, considering how far out of town I was. They wanted somewhere called Down Under, I had no idea what or where that was – but they happily jumped out at the traffic lights at Queen and Edward.
Three short rides followed – 
A really nice chick going home from work in the city to the centre of the valley, where I went Offline to avoid any awkward pick-ups. 
When I went back Online again, I picked up a single guy on Petrie Tce and took him into South Brisbane – he was going to see the opening of some Asian thing at the Modern Arts building. He couldn’t remember what it was about – but, as we agreed, at least there’d be a drink at the end of it.
Then two guys together from the Ship Inn who had been ‘conducting research’ on various types of Gin. We had a great laugh on our way out to Norman Park, reminiscing about nights when we had all drunk too much. That was a really fun ride.
I drifted down from Norman Park towards Balmoral – it was pretty quiet and for the first time tonight no rides popped - until I was half way through rolling a smoke, of course - then I picked up a young couple from the seafood restaurant opposite the Hawthorne cinema.
Their destination? Wynnum!! Back where I had started - and where I had intended to spend the evening.
I dropped them off and it was very quiet on the roads and on the app. I started to head down towards the seafront – somewhat from a lack of initiative, but also to get my bearings. 
Another ride popped and I picked up a middle aged couple on Bay Terrace and took them to the Celtic Bar in Manly, where it all looked very lovely and a group of musicians were playing Irish music at the open window.
I was tempted to stop and have a drink and enjoy, but didn’t. I should have. Because as nothing else was happening, after a few minutes, I headed home. 
I drove as far as Belmont Rd without incident and went Offline for the rest of the way. 

I must make the effort to go out to Manley and visit the Celtic Bar some night to have a Guinness and listen to the music– it’d be lovely to do it with company. 

10 Trips       489 Total

316 x 5* ; 7 x 4* & 2 x 3*. My Rating = 4.97

Over the weeks I’ve had a few compliments added by riders

I have received
24 ‘Great Conversation’
22 ‘Excellent Service’
              2 ‘Above and Beyond’
              2 ‘Expert Navigation’ (they must have been drunk….)
              1 ‘Cool car’
              1 ‘Entertaining Driver’ (What? Only ONE???)
              1 ‘Neat and tidy’ (Probably an elderly customer…..)

I don’t know, of course, who these came from, but it is nice that some people take the time to add stuff like that. It does help make it more worthwhile.

Chapter 51 (22.11.18 Thursday)

I started out, as usual, at 5.30 and picked up a ride 6 minutes away almost immediately – a Coles employee from Coorparoo to Mountain View shopping centre in Mt Gravatt. Thinking I probably wouldn’t get much from that area I was planning on heading back in towards Holland Park but another ride popped – another guy from Upper Mt Gravatt to Beenleigh Rd in Sunnybank.
Heading back in Main st, then planning on using Orange Grove Rd towards Tarragindi another ride appeared – a young trainee nurse from Taiwan, from Coopers Plains to the PA Hospital. For some reason I got the Mater in my head and what with talking and everything, ended up missing the Annerley Rd turnoff on the M3 and instead turned off at South Brisbane. I ended the trip early to avoid over-charging her and dropped her off successfully at the PA. 
Another ride popped before I had left there – 8 minutes to an address on Fairfield Rd. Before I could get properly started the rider cancelled. However, within a minute or two it pooped again – the same rider. Obviously I was the closest Uber and when I picked her up I asked her why she had cancelled – she said she thought she’d get a closer car and was worried she would be late for work. I got her to her destination in George st in plenty of time.
The next ride came up as I headed out Roma st and I picked up two young backpackers from Upper Roma st and took them to South Brisbane – interesting feedback about the conditions at the backpackers they had stayed at last night.
My next ride took me back into the city from West End for a 40-something business woman-type and then a pick-up in Newstead for a couple who said nothing to me, was a good ride, with a surge value, but just to Eagle st. 
Another very short but profitable ride from Edward st to George st for a girl who claimed she was having difficulty walking, followed by another good ride from George st to the Domestic terminal at the airport for an, originally, English guy via the toll tunnel. Good chat about cars and living on the other side of the world.
A rematch ride popped at the airport and I picked up a middle-aged son and elderly mother couple. Again my toll link registered tag didn’t work at the barrier – Jesus, what a system – and I had to get help from the security guard – shits me off.
The customers were from Rockhampton and had had to fly down for specialist attention to her shoulder. We went via the tunnel and I dropped them off at the RBH.
By now the toilet was required so I went Offline and drove to my favourite Mackers on Lutwyche Rd, then on to Krave on Newmarket rd who do a very good coffee.
As I approached the shopping centre, indicating correctly left in the appropriate lane, a battered old bongo van decided it wanted the shopping centre as well and changed lanes without warning - all anchors out, emergency braking, horn blaring, beeping and screaming going on in the car - the car was beeping, I was screaming - as I managed to somehow avoid being completely sideswiped. Luckily he disappeared somewhere into the shopping centre carpark as I was really shook up and PISSED OFF!
The Krave coffee settled me down.........
Thinking of heading home now I started back via Lutwyche rd, Storey Bridge, Main st and then picked up a ride from ‘Gabba to Kelvin Grove Language School for an Asian chick all dressed up in very bright colours.
Once again headed for home, this time via Kelvin Grove Rd and was on North Quay when my next ride called – a short one from Upper Roma st, again to South Brisbane.
Once again (!) heading for home and another ride popped immediately –a Chinese chick to Garden City, Upper Mt Gravatt! Good ride via the M3 - it's always nice when you know exactly where you’re going and how to get there!
I decided that was really that, and I needed fuel, so I hopped on the M3 again and turned off at Juliette st heading towards Dutton Park – and got another short ride for a guy to Annerley. In the right direction so was I complaining? No! Also when you get a minimum $5 for a 3 minute drive of 1.4kms…..its more than worthwhile!
This time I did go Offline, fuelled up and headed home. 5 hours on the road, a very good hourly rate and a better than average dollar per kilometre – it was a good morning.
Rain had been predicted but had held off until 10 minutes after I got home – probably made the morning even more worthwhile as the traffic now would be in chaos!

15 Rides    479 Total

309 x 5* ; 7 x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.97 (It’s gone up .01…….but then - I deserve it!!)



Feeling a little more enthusiastic after Sunday’s relative success I headed for Oxley on the last of the predicted ‘cooler’ days of the week. The temperatures are expected to go up over the next few days and I didn’t want to be going out in the searing heat.
It turned out to be a good morning, in fact.
The track was pretty quiet bird-wise and, thankfully, people-wise too. The usual stuff along the way with the best birds at that stage being a couple of White-throated Needletails heading south high in the sky. There may have been more, but through the overhanging trees it was hard to scan.
At the lakes, while there wasn’t a huge amount of activity, the quality wasn’t bad. 
A pair of Pink-eared Ducks was a nice surprise – my first site record since June 2013 and only my third record overall. The resident Black Kite put in an appearance and, best of all, a new site tick for me – a Swamp Harrier glided through low over the water. Two Glossy Ibis showed up and a Latham’s Snipe fed out in the open on the opposite shore.
That was about it, but its rare now for me to get a new site tick – brings my Oxley total to 166 species. 

When I got home I checked the Encyclopaedia of Birding Fantasies (aka E-Bird) to see if the Ducks or Harrier were worth reporting – probably not as they had both been recorded by someone else recently. More annoyingly was a two day old record of a Freckled Duck. I hadn’t picked it up, so whether it was still there or gone, I have no idea. It would have been an excellent addition to my site list, however, I must admit, I did feel a bit more motivated after the outing.

Confessions Continued

Chapter 50 (20.11.18 Tuesday)

I picked up a ride within a few minutes when I started at 5.30. It was a goodie and very timely – from Coorparoo to the Tangalooma Flyer terminal in Pinkenba – a chick going to an overnight work meeting at the resort! Nice work if you can get it!
It was 6 when I dropped her off and I thought about picking up Ms B from the train. I decided to let Fate take a hand and drove back in towards Newstead along Kingsford Smith Drive with the app active. If I got a ride – I’d take it. 
In any event, nothing happened so at 6.15 I was on site to pick her up and chat for a few minutes before leaving her off at work – a brief, but lovely start to the day.
I Ubered for a while afterwards but it wasn’t particularly busy and the rides were pretty average.
Highlights – a guy from Newmarket to Eagle st who got in the car and said he’d seen from the app that I was a great conversationalist. I told him it depended on the topic and as I was Irish I was always happy to talk. We had a great discussion around the latest Rugby Union activity – Ireland beating New Zealand, last weekend for example, Yahhhoooo! The quality – or lack thereof – of the current Australian team and other aspects of the upcoming World Cup next year. When he got out he said I had held up my ‘reputation’.
A petite girl outside an apartment block near the RBH who went on and on about her Pomeranian pup that barked all night and what was she going to do with it? A dog in an apartment block?? Really?? I told her her best option was to get rid of the dog…….
Anyway, there wasn’t much else memorable about the morning and I gave it away around 9.

4 Rides     464 Total

303 x 5* ; 7 x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.96


Kedron Brook wetlands

Mr P suggested Kedron Brook wetlands for waders and, being happy to go anywhere with anyone, I met him at his place at 6 and we headed over the toll bridge.
On site we met Michael D who had already seen our target species - Pectoral Sandpiper. We scanned through the 200, or so, Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, 50+ Red-necked Avocets, 300+ White-headed Stilts, and a handful each of Red-kneed Dotterels and Marsh Sandpipers, for an hour and a half without success. The small waders were quite flighty – possibly because we had the wind behind us and they would have been continually made aware of our presence even though we were cautious and stayed relatively distant.
We decided to head back and, as we did so, came across two Stilt nests with 4 eggs each – which was a nice surprise.

Further back, along one of the mown tracks we heard a King Quail calling, but it refused to respond to attempted playback. Shortly after that we flushed two Brown Quail.
We got back to the entrance and Michael suggested walking along the stony track north to check the back of the wetland area. 
About 100 meters further along we stopped and scanned through yet another ‘herd’ of Sharpies to find at least one and possibly two Pectoral Sandpipers. As we were now downwind they were more content to sit and provided excellent scope views – well, at least one did, not sure if we had two as they were continually moving and some of the Sharpies were in dubious plumage. 

Michael set off for a photographic stalk and we waited till he had finished before heading back to the car and Belesis for breakfast.

Confessions of an Uber driver (cont)

Chapter 49 (16.11.18 Friday)

I dropped my daughter and friends in to the RNA showgrounds where an R & B festival was taking place tonight.
Then I started Ubering……..
The traffic was HORRENDOUS. 
Worst I have ever seen.
I picked up a ride when I was coming down Edward st – the pick up was Eagle st. 
It took me 15 minutes to get there. (normally a 3 minute drive)
The passengers were 4 very young women – late teens, early twenties? – who had all had a few drinks and were in very 'loud' condition. 
I let the front seat passenger connect her iPhone to Car Play and play her music – at almost maximum decibels. 
They were going, of course, to the Showgrounds. The app couldn’t give me a route – I think it was overloaded – so I found my own way there. It seemed to take for ever, but was, in fact, only 13 minutes, but it was a long 13 minutes.... When they got out I went Offline and seriously considered going home.
However, I drove out Lutwyche Rd heading for Stafford, which was the closest place with a surge - the whole city was going off in fact.
Before I got that far I picked up a ride in Lutwyche and prayed it wasn’t more drunken kids. 
I wasn’t – it was two male teachers in my age bracket who were going to a school graduation in the Greek Club in South Brisbane One of them owned a Pajero Sport too.
The drive took 25 minutes. 
It was a pleasant enough drive with interesting conversation and the two passengers were nice guys, but the traffic….?
When I dropped them off I decided to quit. They had reminded me that it was Schoolie’s weekend – i.e. when all the grade 12 kids finish school and, between that, the R & B thing and the traffic I decided I didn’t want to be spending my night looking at the back of another car, trying to change lanes, going nowhere, picking up kids who had had too much to drink and had no respect for anything – it just wasn’t worth it. 
I wasn’t in a very positive frame of mind and my heart wasn’t in it either.
So I went home.
Maybe I'm getting too old for this shit........

2 Rides     460 Total

300 x 5* Yahha!! 7 x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.96

Chapter 48 (15.11.18 Thursday)

I took Mr D and Di to the airport for 4.45 as they headed off on a 6 week trip to Nepal. As I was out and about I thought I might as well see what was about – even though it was early.
I drove back in to Rode Rd and parked up for a few minutes before picking up a very quiet guy and taking him back across the river to Coorparoo via the toll tunnels. 
I thought about going home as my heart really wasn’t in it, but picked up another ride before I could decide and took a young chick in to work in Adelaide st. At the same drop off point I picked up two young Asian students, dropped one off in upper Queen st, then the second in South Brisbane.
I was heading for the Kangaroo Pt cliffs to park up when my next ride popped in Stanley st – a lady State Government employee - to William street, in the city again.
My next ride was in Kangaroo Pt – can’t remember how I ended up there, but it was a good ride for a young French (?) chick out to Fig Tree Pocket. It was 6.50 and she needed to be there by 7 – impossible really, but we used the tunnels and I dropped her off at 7.05, amazingly enough. I think she was an au pair, wonder does she know Peter Dutton…….?
I then took a wrong turn and ended up going west on the Western Freeway, which was frustrating. So I went Offline, found a shopping centre in Sinnamon Park and a toilet.
Back on the Western Freeway, crawling, in as far as Moggill Rd, where I shortly picked up a law student heading into QUT for an exam.
It was surging on the southside so I jumped on the M3 and headed south, only to be diverted to Vulture st to pick up a young girl from Galway who was going to a Microsoft training course in Queen st. Nice chat about Christmas and 'home' but it was difficult to understand her - her accent was so thick!
My next two rides were both young women in between the city and the valley, then a couple of Hutchinson Construction employees all done up in safety gear who needed to be on Bowen Tce ‘near the new elevator’.
The app took me to Bowen Tce, but too far along for where they needed to be. I ended up taking them down Ivory st and dropping them off at the entrance to the worksite for the new wharf.
Then it was back into New Farm to pick up a guy and take him a short distance to a restaurant. My final ride was another young woman from Newstead to Edward st in the city where I decided I’d had enough and headed home.
Not a bad hourly rate and a couple of the customers had been chatty and friendly.

12 Rides     458 Total

296 x 5* ; 7 x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.96

Chapter 47 (12.11.18 Monday)

Started out at 6.00 and, after waiting in Swain st for a couple of minutes, picked up a young woman and took her to Sunnybank to house sit three dogs. We had some difficulty finding the house as the app tried to take us through a newer townhouse complex on a road that didn’t go anywhere, but we did eventually find the right place.
Heading back in towards Holland Park via Orange Grove Rd a short ride for another young woman to a nearby location at the back of the QE2 hospital.
Heading back in again, nothing happened and I parked up in Tarragindi and opened my iPad to read – and a ride popped. This one actually said ‘long trip’ on the offer and it turned out to be a single woman around my age heading back to Hong Kong – not THAT long! – via the International airport terminal. We had a great chat about travel and flying as we went through both toll tunnels.
I headed back to the Nundah area and up Sandgate Rd to Rode Rd, picking up a ride for yet another young woman to Stafford City. 
I sat in the carpark there for about 30 seconds before another ride popped, this one 8 minutes away and I took my 5thyoung woman of the morning from Everton Park to Albany Creek – another great chat this time about concerts at Boondall, parking and the poor public transport – all favourite topics of mine!
As I dropped her off another ride offered – 8 minutes away. I headed in that direction and had just turned off the main road into the estate where the customer ‘waited’ 4 minutes away – and they cancelled. 
I wasn’t very happy, considering I had already driven half the distance, and I waited to see if they’d try again…….they didn’t, but I did get $6 for the cancellation which was nice compensation!
I headed in the general direction of the city again surrounded by a surge which I had lucked into. 
It seems sometimes I am everywhere but in the right place! Surges all around me, but I’m in a ‘nothing’ zone. I’m sure there is some logical explanation for that, but it makes me shake my head sometimes, wondering why it happens?
Even in the middle of this ‘high demand’ I didn’t pick up a ride………
My next customer was a woman from Newmarket to the Wesley Hospital – a busy traffic-wise ride that saw us take ages to get an arrow from Hale st onto Coronation Drive, but, again, we had a great chat about travel and flying. She had spent a lot of time in New York and was planning on returning there after Christmas.
I had just left the hospital when another ride took me back – to pick up a mother and grown-up daughter and take them a relatively short distance home.
My final ride of the day pooped soon after and I waited a few minutes outside his house for a guy to appear. He needed to be at work in Eagle st and so my only city drop off for the morning followed before I gave it away and headed home.

8 Rides      446 Total

293 x 5* ; 7 x 4* & 2 x 3* My Rating = 4.96

I also picked up two compliments this morning - 'Quick and easy Trip' and 'Efficient, friendly and professional, thank you!' Nice!!

Chapter 46 (10.11.18 Saturday)

Once again, with little to do, I headed out at 14.30, fuelled up in Dutton Park and started casually heading down towards South Brisbane.
I picked up a ride very quickly taking a couple a short distance down to the Woolloongabba area to a Coles supermarket. I cruised along Vulture st and down the back of South Brisbane, deciding then to head back up to the cliffs at Kangaroo Pt. As I did, a ride popped for three young out-of-town guys to the Meriton apartments in Herschel st.
Another ride popped before I cleared Roma st and I picked up a well-dressed young woman at North Quay and took her through the city to Eagle st.
My next ride arrived as I headed towards Newstead and I picked up an Asian guy who needed to go back into the city to Adelaide st. As we came down Edward, the traffic was very slow and the road chock-a-block. There had been a demonstration of some sort at King George Square and now the people were marching down the far end of Edward st towards the Botanic Gardens. I had no idea what the protest was about but it was locking up the sparse Saturday afternoon traffic something awful and it took three changes of lights before we got clear and I managed to drop the rider off.
I headed out of town on George st and then got my next ride just off Petrie terrace in a very narrow, steep, dead end street – a single chick going to an address in West End.
Once again a ride popped almost immediately and I took three young female twenty-somethings, all dolled up in make-up and pretty dresses, to a birthday party in Eagle st. On the way they practiced a song of some sort – it wasn’t Happy Birthday which would have been a lot easier….
My next ride was 50 meters away – a family of 4, the two younger members with very strong Scottish accents which I immediately felt at home with. We discussed The Girl in the Spider’s Web and other movies as I took them out to Kangaroo Pt.

My final ride of the afternoon was in completely the wrong direction, but was, in fact, the best cash-wise – a couple from Kangaroo Pt out to Tingalpa. We drove along with them whispering to each other in the back seat so I disconnected the phone and put on some music to make them feel more secure. They didn’t say anything to me on the 20 minute run and after I dropped them off, I went Offline and headed for Mr B’s and dinner.

8 Rides    438 Total

287 x 5* ; 7 x 4* & 2 x 3* My Rating = 4.96

Chapter 45 (6.11.18 Tuesday)

With it being Melbourne Cup Day and the Taylor Swift concert on at the ‘Gabba it seemed like it might be worthwhile. I had a Pilates class till 18.00 so it was 18.30 before I headed out. I was a little wary of the possibility of unwanted passengers from the Cup fallout and I noted the city and Doomben areas were going off big time. So, I waited in the driveway, and within a few minutes had my first pick-up at the Holland Park Hotel. Two guys my age were going home, in good condition, one to Upper Mt Gravatt, the second to Tingalpa. 
I was a bit out in the sticks, Uber-wise, so started to head in towards the city along Wynnum Rd – and got my one and only Taylor Swift concert run – 4 girls from Cannon Hill into the ‘Gabba area.
I headed back out from there past Stones Corner to Camp Hill. There was nothing going on and it seemed pointless to hang around the ‘Gabba as the concert was starting.
I parked up and after several minutes got a very short ride to Carina Heights.
I thought about going home but, enjoying the aircon and having nothing better to do I drifted around aimlessly ending up in Balmoral on top of the cinema in Oxford st. 
From there I got another short ride within the Bulimba suburb for a single woman, then another for two women just to Morningside – Balmoral itself was pretty quiet, well, it is a Tuesday night after all – so I started heading home via Wynnum Rd.
My last ride of the evening was another single chick from East Brisbane to Camp Hill. She wanted to get a bottle of wine via the drive through at the Shafston Hotel so that added a bit extra to the ride, but once I’d dropped her off I went Offline and headed straight home.
It wasn’t really worth it in the end. Pretty poor hourly rate and not a lot of profit. I reckon even if there’s an event on in the ‘Gabba you can only get a couple of rides to or from, because then you have to drive away or back to the place. I guess I could wait and go back out at 22.00 to pick people up from the concert? But I don’t think its worth the effort really.

6 Rides    430 Total

280 x 5*; 7 x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.96 ( 2 new 4*s - and STILL no feedback - very frustrating!)


In the past I have posted my review/opinion when I have been to see a movie - I haven't done that for a long time. There really hasn't been much on lately that I felt was worth going to - just stupid comedies or romantic shit which are not my forte. However, a couple of weeks ago I went to see 'Bad times in the El Royal' - basically 'cause I had nothing else to do and felt like a movie.
It was surprisingly good! The first hour had me wondering if it was worth the fuel to drive to Balmoral, despite Jeff Bridges it seemed really poor in quality and production. BUT.....after that it got really good! And has left me thinking about it ever since! Jeff B was excellent and I would recommend it, but be prepared to sit out the first hour or so with patience...
Today I went to see 'Hunter Killer'. I had medium high hopes of a good movie, but, Jesus, it was very disappointing. There were so many holes in the plot it was like a sieve and unbelievable behaviour and issues - like equipment appearing in the hands of the goodies that just wasn't possibly available. All the baddies got killed very easily - the Russians were typically inept and stupid - and, admittedly some of the goodies too. If you like Gerard Butler there's plenty of him in it, but his role is almost embarrassingly impossible - wouldn't recommend it unless you're trying to avoid the heat like I was (33 freaking degrees today).
A couple of good movies coming up - 'The girl in the spiders web', although its not the same Lisbeth as previous so I'm not sure.....'Bohemian Rhapsody', of course, which is a must see I think, 'Widows' which looks good from the promos and 'Peppermint' the same. At least there's some entertainment in the coming weeks....

Confessions of an Uber driver (cont)

Chapter 44 (5.11.18)

With nothing much to do – too much time on my hands again……I headed out at 6.00.
Got a ride straight away – into Albert st for a businessman-type-guy.
A second ride popped as I headed out along George st and I pulled in outside the Meriton Serviced apartments for a chick – who was on the opposite side of the road and seemed a bit pissed off. She had had an address in George st pinned, but I couldn’t stop there so….
Anyway it was a good run – out to Carindale. She said nothing through the ride, but was polite enough when she got out.
I sat up near Camp Hill for a while without anything happening, then got a ride from back in Mt Gravatt out to the airport with a guy going to Perth, via the toll bridge of course. We had a good chat about cars and travelling along the way.
Determined to park up as much as possible I headed back in and indicated to turn off Sandgate Rd onto Rode Rd. As I waited for the light, a ride popped – on the other side of Sandgate rd. I managed to get out of the traffic and across to pick up a chick from a motel and out to the domestic terminal again.
Once again no rematch so I headed back in to Sandgate rd, turned right and headed for Hamilton rd this time.
My next ride was a young South African dude from Northgate station to St Patrick’s college. He travels from REDLANDS every day to go to school! Jesus – what a trek! Nice guy – he wants to go and work on a reserve in South Africa when he leaves school.
I was really out in the cold now and drove along following my nose for ages before another short ride for a guy to a train station along Beams Rd somewhere.
Then it was further driving with no outcome for a long time – I parked up in a couple of places and read and waited and then drove on. Ended up in the the Newstead area about 10.20 and actually parked up near Newstead House as an alternative. 
Then I picked up an 80 year old old guy who had travelled extensively and was very with it. I took him up to a Private hospital on Wickham Tce.
Immediately a ride popped and I picked up three older people – to go to Brighton! A good run. They were from Rockhampton and he had just been diagnosed with a detached retina. His operation is scheduled for Wednesday and, of course, that elicited a detailed conversation regarding eye problems…..
Brighton? Now I was really screwed! I drove down to the seafront at Sandgate where, in the past, I have helped walk a dog, and sat for a while in the shade reading. That got a bit boring and warm after a while so I headed back towards Sandgate road and ended up on the motorway towards Gympie Rd.
My last ride of the day was a grandmother, mother and ~6 year-old daughter to a medical centre in Strathpine. It was a bit of a struggle finding the right place but I gave the kid a lollipop and all was right with their world.
That had taken me ‘backwards’ so I decided to use the destination option and headed home – without any success.
Not too bad cash-wise, pretty poor hourly rate though, despite the good start. It’s really not worth working after 9.00am Mon-Fri I don’t think.
Somewhere along the way – at the airport second visit I think - I lost one of the Uber car stickers. So headed in to West End and sat for an hour until I could get new ones. I also had some questions regarding the ratings. Apparently the rider does not HAVE to give a reason for a <5* rating. OK, so that’s why I haven’t any explanations – probably a good thing?
The Uber ‘expert’ did say my rating was one of the best she’d ever seen, so I guess that’s OK.

11 Rides    424 Total

278 x 5* ; 5 x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.97

Chapter 43 (3.11.18 Saturday)

I started a little later than anticipated ‘cause I fell asleep and then washed the v-hic-el.
So at 14.30 I headed off in my gleaming chariot and picked up a ride almost straight away. A guy from Holland Park to a micro-brewery in Salisbury – looked like a lovely place to spend a sunny afternoon under an umbrella with a couple of beers.
I drove back in to Tarragindi and parked up for a while until my second ride happened – a family unit to Greenslopes Bowls Club.
I parked up again, determined not to waste fuel driving around, and read my book for about 10 minutes until my next ride – a pick up at Greenslopes Private Hospital to the tennis centre at Tennyson.
My next customer was almost immediate – a guy from a nearby golf club into South Brisbane. He was considering going to Ireland to see the British Open next year and knew absolutely nothing about the country – I spent 10 minutes educating him.
I parked up in South Brisbane for a while, then moved slowly to Kangaroo Pt cliffs and parked up again for about 10 minutes before picking up an American dude and taking him down near the Storey Bridge Hotel where I picked up three guys and took them into James St in the Valley – both short rides, but the latter three were good fun for the 10 minutes I had them in the car.
My next ride took a while to appear. I sat in James st then moved randomly down towards Doomben, where there had been a surge, that disappeared as I approached. However, a family of three were looking for a ride behind the Breakfast Creek Hotel and I took them on a long trip via the toll tunnel to Riverhills.
At a bit of a loss out there I started heading back via the Centenary Highway and turned off at Oxley/Sinnamon Park just for the hell of it. 
I picked up a middle aged couple who had been to a morning wedding and were pretty hammered, but in control. A short ride to some unknown street while they verbally stabbed at each other and I headed back to the highway to cross the river and arrive back in the Toowong area where I picked up my last ride of the day – two women to James st again.

The whole place was starting to go off, surge-wise, but I had an appointment with pizza & beer at Mr B’s so I quit and headed out there for the evening. 

9 Rides  413 Total

270 x 5* ; 5 (a new one, from whom?) x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.97



I picked up Mr D and we met Mr P in the car park at 6. It was an easy morning’s stroll, given the condition of Mr D’s neck and our general lack of motivation.
Usual stuff for the most part with, possibly, the best bird of the morning, a single White-throated Needletail heading south relatively low overhead – my first for the season.
There were 5 Whiskered Terns insect catching over the water, 3 Wandering Whistle Ducks trying to hide among the lily pads and what appeared to be a Comb-crested Jacana sitting on a nest on the far side of the lake.
As we returned to the car park, a pair of Pacific Bazas circled high overhead.
Mr D and I repaired to Belesis for breakfast, unfortunately Mr P had commitments elsewhere.

Confessions of an Uber driver (cont)

Chapter 42 (2.11.18 Friday)

I tried to log on to the driver’s app in the morning – but it didn’t recognise me at all.
I then found several emails that advised me my password had been changed and if it wasn’t me to click ‘Here’ – which I did, but then it wouldn’t recognise my email address….
I rang Uber support and after about 30 minutes on the phone ‘Gilbert’ decided that they would have to delete one of my Rider apps as the data between that and my Driver account had become confused.
The system wasn’t the only thing confused………
Where on earth did a second Rider account come from? 
He couldn’t explain it. It also appeared my email address on the Driver app had had a mysterious ‘d’ added to it?
All very strange, but Gilbert sent a request to the Rider Support group to delete my account and assured me it would happen ‘within 24-48 hours’?
It actually got sorted within 2 hours and then I had to ring them back and get them to re-establish the correct email and phone no on my Driver app.
Yeah, I know, all very boring, but a bit traumatic as I thought I wouldn’t be able to work for the weekend – however, I was up and running for my usual Friday night effort at 18.00.

It was the night of young women! 
Nearly all the rides I had were for attractive young women heading out for an evening in the city. Hardly any action round the valley. 
The most amazing coincidence took place though…..
I picked up J in the Milton area at 19.17 and dropped her in to Eagle st – she was very sweet, friendly and attractive.
After several other rides I ended up out along Lutwyche Rd and picked up three other young, attractive girls who needed to be in Eagle st also.
I dropped them off at 20.35 and immediately a ride popped right where I was – among the Ubers and cabs half in, half out of the Loading Zone……
I looked along the pavement and saw a chick looking at her phone, looking up, pointing and heading my way and thought I recognised her………it was J again!
How amazing was that?!! This time she had three guys in tow and we joked about her ‘success’ picking up three guys – and the Uber driver - in an hour! 
I dropped them off back in Milton and headed to the toilet at Mackers. I was thinking of giving it away for the night – it hadn’t been very profitable and it was now 21.00. As I was contemplating my options another ride popped. This one was a couple from Paddington out to Keperra. Totally the wrong direction, but what the hell, they were a nice couple, she was very chatty and it brought my evenings earnings up to a more reasonable level.
I headed back in towards the city, using Home as my destination - and looking for rides going in that direction - but nothing happened and I arrived there not long after 22.00.

10 Rides   404 Total

262 x 5* ; 4 x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.97

Chapter 41 (1.11.18 Thursday)

I started a bit later than normal and took a while to get a ride.
It was a slow morning with very heavy traffic – seemed to be slower than normal what with road works, buses and a general lack of urgency about the efforts made.
I took one guy, a student project manager, to Garden’s Pt for an exam, that was the best ride money-wise, the rest were short pissy little rides in and around the city with minimal profit and a lousy hourly rate!

By 9.30 I had had enough of staring at the back of trucks and buses and gave it away.

7 Rides   394 Total

255 x 5* ; 4 x 4* & 2 x 3* My rating = 4.97

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