Friday 13 August 2021

Weekends That Were - August 2021


Lake Samsonvale

Mr D picked me up at 6.15 and we were on site, at the Cemetery, at 7.15. A birdy morning but, once again, nothing exceptional. I did add a species to my site list – Bell Miner – which appeared to be potentially colonising from the well-established colony on Postman’s Track. Interesting conversation with a mist netter involved in a survey of the resident birds.


At 9 we headed in to Samsonvale for breakfast at The Flying Nun.



A cool, bright sunny morning – typical winter - and the birds were as expected.

On the return walk, just before the gate, a guy passed me walking two small dogs. As they reached the gate I noticed one of the dogs jump sideways. The man peered into the bush and then waved me urgently forward. 

A 1.5-2 meter Eastern Brown Snake Pseudonaja textilis was in the short grass at the edge of the track. It was alert and active and quickly moved across the track and disappeared into the field beyond the fence. I didn’t manage to get any photos worth keeping as it moved so quickly, but can’t believe it was anything but a Brown snake – even though it’s a name commonly applied to anything snake like and brown. Surprisingly, despite all my treks and outings in all the years, it was my first Brown Snake.


It was a bright spot in an otherwise low week.



Mr P arrived at my place at 6.30 and together we picked up Mr D. On site at 7.15.

Overall an average morning, nothing exciting, nothing to get excited about. I picked up a rad killed Brush-tailed Possum and, later, skinned it and prepared the skull with my grandson, Linc, as an observer.

Mr D and I had breakfast at Stones Corner as Mr P had family duties.

Even with birding friends my enthusiasm and motivation were at a low ebb. Not very good company, sorry, guys.


JC Trotter

Mr D picked me up at 6.45 - a misty, still morning – and we were on site 15 minutes later.

It was quite birdy, especially for this location, but nothing majorly exciting. A well seen White-throated Treecreeper was probably bird of the morning – only my 5th record for the site – but other than that….. no butterflies and only 1 Swamp Wallaby. 41 species on my list.

9 Bar & Kitchen was packed, people queued outside, so we went to the old Café 63 in Stones Corner for breakfast.



Lockdown over as of yesterday and I picked up Mr P at 7, on site at 7.15.

A wet dreary, misty, morning, with, as we call it in Ireland – soft rain - interspersed with less rain periods. Despite that it was quite birdy. Highlights included 4 Fan-tailed Cuckoos and 2 Varied Trillers with a list of 58 species in total. 2 Evening Browns the only butterflies seen.



We’re in lockdown again due to another outbreak and a small rise in cases in SEQ. Maximum ‘exercise’ distance allowable = 10 kms, so I went to Oxley (8.5 kms) to burn off a couple of hours. The track was very quiet, human—wise, everyone wearing masks except for a couple of joggers and cyclists. Why you would want to ride the track I fail to understand. It doesn’t go anywhere, just out and back and is unsealed and relatively rough. 

Anyway…..a dull, grey, flat morning, Uninspiring and depressing really. Nothing worthy of report.

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