Sunday 19 November 2023

Weekends That Were - November 2023




Mr P picked me up at 6, on site at 6.15. Nice morning, clear, calm, warm  - and quite warm by our exit at 8.30.

A good morning. Our main target was a reported Black-tailed Native Hen on the main pond. It had been on site for approx a week but had proved somewhat elusive apparently in the previous few days.

Along the track mostly the usual birds, although not in any great numbers. We had had a bit of rain over the previous two weeks, but, although green, was still tending to be a bit dry.

Halfway along the track we had two males and at least 1 female White-winged Trillers which all showed well in the trees just above us. Not a common bird, but was, in fact, my 17th observation at this site – mind you that’s in over 230 visits over 20+ years.

At the ponds there was no sign of the Native Hen but we hung around for about 30 minutes. Finally we decided to move on, but one last look by Mr P and we had the bird. Showed very well.


Black-tailed Native Hen

Just as we finished watching it a Spotless Crake flew across the pond in front of us for a brief view and a single Glossy Ibis also flew past.

All in all a good morning and we retired to Arte and Gusty in Sherwood for a leisurely breakfast quite content.

The Middle East - my view

I can’t stay silent anymore.

I have watched the attacks by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad and the resulting destruction and killing in Gaza with horror.

I am NOT anti-Semitic nor, I can assure you – and anyone who knows me well would know - am I pro-Arab or, MOST DEFINTELY, not pro-terrorist whether it be the IRA, ISIS, Hamas or Hezbollah.

I AM pro-humitarian.

I know writing this will make no difference to anyone involved in the Middle East issue, but…….I have to offer my opinion, my observations, my conclusions in the hopes that you will see the situation as I do.


Historically the Jewish communities were offered a place to establish themselves after the horrors of WW2 and with assistance from western leaders moved into Palestine, as it was then known, and basically occupied the land claiming their historical right. I felt this was a relatively positive option and, maybe naively, supported the creation of Israel.

During the past 70 odd years the Israelis have improved the land, created a functional, prosperous strong country and millions of Jews around the world have found a safe, secure place to call home.

The Palestinians who had occupied the land were, basically, shuffled into enclaves within modern day Israel – the West Bank and Gaza being the most obvious – or moved into neighboring countries like Lebanon where they lived in what were termed ‘refugee camps’. 

They have lived in these restricted, over crowded locations for the past 70 years.

Approximately 20 years ago Hamas was elected to be the political power in Gaza. It is important to note ‘elected’ by the people of Gaza. This was more or less as a result of the weakness shown by the Palestinian Authority, not, I believe, because the people of Gaza wanted an aggressive political face, but because the pressure by Israel left them little option.

In my opinion Israel had every chance to include the majority of Palestinians in the pursuit of an efficient, productive, safe environment, but, for whatever reason, have continued to restrict their movements, harass their very existence and control their lives. They have continually destroyed Palestinian homes and businesses and built settlements – against international law, mind you – within the Palestinian enclaves. They have also completely blockaded Gaza since Hamas were elected. Nothing went in or out of Gaza without the Israeli say so. Complete control, complete restrictions by land sea and air. Even the fishing boats could only go a limited distance from shore. 

And we are supposed to be surprised by October 7th?

Then along came Netanyahu. 

Last year he lost power after a number of years of dominating a very unstable Knesset (Israel’s parliament). 

In his drive for HIS political power he managed to re-establish his control, approximately a year ago, by forming a coalition with the most radical, right wing, aggressive members of the Knesset and proceeded to further persecute the Palestinian people. More settlements with the most aggressive armed occupants, scorn and derision for the Palestinian beliefs – note the behavior around Al-Asqa mosque in Jerusalem -  more control and isolation for both the West Bank and Gaza …………………..until October 7th.

I do not believe Netanyahu and the Mossad (Israel’s answer to the CIA) didn’t know an attack was coming. 

In the ‘most watched place in the world’ quote/unquote, it is impossible to believe they did not know that Hamas were building thousands of rockets and even paragliders, for God’s sake! 

It is beyond belief that they didn’t know.

I don’t think they knew when the attack was coming – even Hezbollah have said they didn’t know, so, obviously, that was kept a real secret. 

I also don’t think they realised how big the attack was going to be.

But they were happy to let it happen because – it brought the country together. People forgot the political policies Netanyahu and his cronies have been pursuing during the last few months – i.e. making changes to the judicial system so he would not find himself in court for the corruption charges he has been fighting for the past several years. Basically destroying democracy and dividing the country into radicals and moderates. Remember the on-going demonstrations of the last few months?

I believe he has used the attack by Hamas to consolidate HIS political power.

And Hamas have played right into his political hands.

I do NOT support Hamas or the Islamic Jihad. I deplore the killing of Israeli citizens and the taking of hostages.

BUT it does NOT give Israel the right to bomb the f..k out of 2 million people in an area where they have nowhere to go.

Basically Netanyahu and Israel have brought this on themselves. 

It was no surprise to me when Hamas broke out and attacked on October 7th – just as I believe it was no surprise to Netanyahu. The fact that there happened to be an outdoor dance party on close to Gaza’s border with Israel was just unfortunately disastrous. The number of Hamas guerillas that crossed the border must have been a shock even to Netanyahu, but, again, it only achieved a better outcome for him.

The outcome now is obvious. The country has rallied behind the army who have been given the green light to destroy anything and everything in Gaza, regardless of the pain and suffering and death. And, more importantly, completely ignoring any international rules of war, the UN and the long term impact on Israel.

They’ve forgotten Netanyahu’s behavior and policies over, at least, the last 12 months which have led to this disaster.

Netanyahu doesn’t give a shit for the Palestinian people, the hostages or the rest of the world. All he wants is control. Control of the Knesset, control of Israel and control of the Israeli people. I repeat, I believe, Netanyahu does not care whether the hostages are recovered or not. In fact, I believe, their deaths would suit his political agenda even more and certainly support from the international community would be swayed his way even more should that happen. I would note there have been several reports claiming to be from Hamas stating that Netanyahu has refused to accept the release of some hostages.

(I would take all reports from both Hamas and Israel with a huge dose of salt, however, one has to work with what one has and there is no doubt Israeli citizens were murdered by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad and that thousands have died and been injured in Gaza – those are non debatable facts, the numbers, however, may be questioned – on both sides.)

I believe this is ALL about Netanyahu and his determination to be in charge.

And he has played a very successful hand. 

He has played Biden and Blinken (both of whom I respect) like fools, sucking the USA into a situation that has now further damaged its reputation in the Middle East and the Arab world as a whole. Its position in that area was always fragile – now it is in tatters – again.

The western leaders who flocked to Israel to shake his hand and offer support should be ashamed of themselves. 

All they have done is give him a green light to do what the Israeli army have done – kill thousands of innocent people and destroy the little the people of Gaza had. 

Now, I note, they are changing their tunes and mildly pushing for ceasefires and ‘humitarian pauses’ and very limited aid to be allowed into Gaza. 

Don’t cod yourselves. This will make no difference to Netanyahu and his backers. They will do what they want and ignore any international pressure. 

I believe at this stage it’s too late. No one is going to stop Netanyahu and the Israeli army now.

How Biden, Blinken, Macron, Sunak and all the other western leaders could not see what was going to happen I don’t know. It was obvious, even to me, from October 8th that this was Netanyahu’s plan. I am just glad that Albanese (the Australian PM) didn’t go and support Israel on site, avoiding embarrassing Australia, even though Australia has little or no international influence.

Where to from here?

I don’t know. The only way the USA can really influence Israel is by withdrawing support and cease providing arms and money to Israel. But I fear the Jewish lobby in the states would either blindly or decisively influence this possibility of policy change. They are just too powerful.

And then there is the Holocaust card to play. 

I know it was horrific. And something never to be forgotten, ignored or overlooked but….. it’s time the western world recognized that Israel is now a strong, individual, powerful, rich country in its own right. Any repatriations and sympathies have been offered and 70 years of support have provided a ‘homeland’ for the Jewish people.

The fact that they have basically f….ked it up and done nothing to establish a peaceful nation is not our problem anymore. We don’t owe them anything anymore. I am fed up with their playing the holocaust card. Any criticism of Israel results in calls of anti-Semitism and references to what happened in the 1940s. Enough already.

Just look at their history. 

They have made no effort to establish a respectful, coordinated, cooperative existence for or with the Palestinian people. They have continued to blockade them in Gaza, infiltrate and attack them in the Western Bank and continued to treat the Palestinians with scorn, arrogance and a total lack of respect and dignity.

Why are they surprised when they get the reactions and revolt that they get?

They would argue that they ‘allow’ (note ‘allow’) Palestinians to work in Israel proper. What? 7-10,000 out of a population of several million? People who do the shit work for shit pay – the work Israelis don’t want to do? Then herd them back into their ‘enclaves’.

One could draw parallels with these enclaves.

The Israelis hate comparisons to the Nazis, but I’m sorry, how else would you see it?

Gaza 2023 = Warsaw 1940. 

In 1940 the Nazis herded the Jews in Warsaw into a walled off part of the city and basically starved them to death. They stopped food and water and any other life needs. Notice anything familiar? 

Ultimately the Jews in the Ghetto revolted and fought pitched battles with the Nazis. Ultimately they were either wiped out by Nazi death squads or deported to concentration camps.

I don’t see any difference – except in Gaza it’s on a much bigger scale.

West Bank 2023 = Kristallnacht or Night of Broken Glass 1938                 

Kristallnacht or Night of Broken Glass 1938 occurred in Germany – In November (coincidence?) of that year when the Nazis initiated a campaign of hatred against the Jewish population in all Nazi territories. 

What is happening now in the West Bank? The settlers, supported by the Israeli army, are conducting murders basically at will. The settlers are realistically a paramilitary force not dissimilar to the UDF in Northern Ireland during the Troubles there. The Israeli army are even tearing up the streets in the West Bank with bulldozers as a punishment. WTF??

There will be no investigations, no retributions, no homes destroyed, no imprisonments, no court dates, no interference in or for the settlers’ actions and behaviors. Israel will claim they will investigate - but I have yet to see a settler answering for any of their actions.

I believe the West Bank may well explode if Israel continues to pursue their aggressive policies there. 

I think Israel is very lucky Hezbollah have not taken action on their northern border. This is largely due to the lack of cooperation between different factions within the Palestinian community. Mind you, they are tying up a large part of the Israeli armed forces……. 

An escalation in that area would, I believe, have serious international outcomes. If Hezbollah attacked in strength I would not be surprised if Israel used a tactical nuclear weapon. 

It would also draw the USA into the situation that may result in direct confrontation between the USA and Iran. 

If the West Bank does explode and Hezbollah invade from the north it will definitely be a different Middle East – as Netanyahu predicted, but not as he would wish. Israel will struggle to exist.

Watch this space.

And all, in my opinion, to support Netanyahu’s political agenda.

The USA have over committed themselves and struggle to deal with the fallout.

Europe is dithering, as only Europe can, with no clear direction.

The Arab world is holding its breath, but watching the purse strings - as they do.

Meanwhile Palestinians are dying in droves, innocent women and children massacred by a far superior military force of tanks, artillery, ships, aircraft, missiles and bombs.

The ONLY solution, I believe, is for all countries to withdraw their ambassadors to Israel and break diplomatic ties. Its would not be super effective or guarantee positive outcomes but it would at least let Israel know that what they are doing is unacceptable and worthy of punishment. Netanyahu would probably just ignore the effort and continue on his murderous path - which, I might add, has no foreseeable benefit to the hostages, Israel or the Middle East in general. It only supports his political aims.

I believe that ALL the deaths in Israel and Palestine since October 7th (at least) can be laid at Netanyahu’s feet.  He created this situation, allowed it to happen and has manipulated the process ever since.

God help the Middle East if this is allowed to continue.

What DOES amaze me is..... the Jewish people as a group were the most persecuted people in human history. In every country in the world wherever they lived they were distrusted, abused and in many cases killed. One would think that a people with a history like that would be empathetic and understanding. They haven't been. They aren't. That confuses me and I don't know why.


These thoughts are my opinion and my opinion only. You may not agree – fair enough, you are welcome to your opinion too. Just look at the facts, look at the history – and make sure your conclusions and beliefs are righteous.

In the meantime innocent women and children are being slaughtered.



I have been watching some shows based in Ireland with mainly Irish actors lately.

I started with ‘Hidden Assets’ – a two season detective/gang tale based between Limerick and Amsterdam involving criminals hiding their ill gotten gains among other activities. Good show with enough twists and turns to keep me interested.

Available on SBS on Demand.

Moved on to ‘Kin’ a one season only available in Australia, but is, in fact, a two season potentially three season, series about gangs, drug imports and some violence, based in Dublin. Another great tale with some great acting. Also on SBS on Demand.

The third show I watched was a 5 season gang/drugs show made between 2010 and 2014 in Dublin called ‘Love/Hate’. Very violent, but extremely well portrayed dealing with the tougher sections of Dublin city and the crimes involved. Also available on SBS on Demand.

The last one I have just finished watching was completely different. A love story between two young people starting in Sligo and moving to Dublin – Trinity College in particular. Called ‘Normal People’, partly available on SBS but completely available on Stan. Absolutely brilliant. I am not one for love stories, but this blew me away. I can’t express enough how it stirred my emotions and, in part, how I related to their challenges and predicaments. But it was unbelievably brilliant.

The depth of Irish cinema and the quality of acting has just left me stunned. Whether it be the violence portrayed in Love/Hate or the raw emotional upheavals in Normal People…… just exceptional. Although the accents and language were very familiar to me, possibly less so to non-natives, and the scenes, in Dublin in particular, so recognizable, the sheer quality of the cinematography and stage presence of the main characters – especially in Normal People – has just amazed me – and made me so proud.

Do yourself a favour……




I blew the cobwebs off my bins and was on site at 5.45. It was going to be a hot day so my visit was not over long. 

The water level was very low with exposed edges all around the main lake and only a channel left in the area of water between the main island and the string of islands. The lake was busy with Hardheads, Grey Teal and 4 Wandering Whistle Ducks among the Pacific Black Ducks, Eurasian Coots and Dusky Moorhens. The lilypad fringes provided for Comb-crested Jacanas, White-headed Stilts, a Buff-banded Rail a Little Egret and 4 Latham’s Snipe. The M1 track was dead and in general the passerines were few and far between.

By the time I headed home at 7.15 it had become hot and sweaty.





I picked up Mr P at 6 and we were on site a few minutes later. A cool, comfortable bright morning with a small, welcome breeze.

A good morning with almost 20 more species than I had had alone three days before. The lake was again busy and the bush again very, very quiet. 

Another birder we met early on claimed he had seen a Baillon’s and 2 Spotless Crakes – we failed to find any, but a single White-necked Heron was nice. Noted several fig trees in full fruit – mostly just Australian Figbirds taking advantage but a flock of 14 Topknot Pigeons landed near us while we were at the raptor lookout and appeared to be feeding in the nearby fig trees at the top of the hill. An unusual observation – we had never seen a flock of Topknots actually land at this site.

Topknot Pigeon

On the return walk along the cement track we caught a small snake that turned out to be a juvenile 
Black-bellied Swamp Snake Hemiaspis signata (per Museum)


(Photo by Mr P)

Black-bellied Swamp Snake Hemiaspis signata

 The Black-bellied Swamp Snake is, in fact, 'mildly venomous', but I figured its jaws and fangs, whatever species it was, would be too weak to penetrate skin - and so it proved. Kinda luckily I guess as it 'bit' me several times. Ah whatever, at least I'd go knowing I was doing something I enjoyed and one can only live so long anyway.

Only had a coffee at Mackers afterwards as Mr P had family stuff going on.

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